Valentine's Day Recognized As A Fake Commercial Project - Alternative View

Valentine's Day Recognized As A Fake Commercial Project - Alternative View
Valentine's Day Recognized As A Fake Commercial Project - Alternative View

Video: Valentine's Day Recognized As A Fake Commercial Project - Alternative View

Video: Valentine's Day Recognized As A Fake Commercial Project - Alternative View
Video: PUMA Commercial England Valentine's Day By Footbal Hooligans 2024, June

Every year on February 14, a dubious holiday is celebrated that came to Russia from the West. Valentine's Day has a very dubious history, completely alien to the Orthodox people and Russian culture. That is why, even according to official statistics, Russians do not attach much importance to St. Valentine.

As Rate & Goods experts found out, who conducted a large-scale survey among residents of Russia, only every fourth couple celebrates this day. Moreover, 41% of them are in permanent relationships. According to sociologists, most often young people under 24 are interested in the holiday. The older generation does not attach any importance to this day at all.

Valentine's Day is a purely commercial project created to boost sales of flowers, toys, candy and other "romantic" items. Sly PR-managers try to attract people with an artificial form of a holiday that does not have a cultural basis. People are led to this screen. According to statistics, men give their lovers soft toys, candies and flowers. And only 18% of the respondents are ready to invest time and energy in creating a romantic atmosphere, dinner, paying attention to their soul mate. While 46% of women expect romance on this day, and not just purchased things.

According to Archpriest Eugene Goryanchik, St. Valentine is “fantastic nonsense”. The rampant propaganda of the commercial project convinced people that February 14 is a very important day, on which it is extremely necessary to buy something. In each country, the popularity of the holiday depends on the development of the people. If people need such stupidity, they will celebrate. After all, thoughtless citizens need a holiday just for the sake of a holiday. However, the sober will not be led on this screen, especially in Russia, where Valentine's Day is frankly stupid and alien event.

Valentine's Day was introduced in the 1990s. However, few people realize that behind the beautiful hearts and teddy bears, the holiday hides the propaganda of debauchery and homosexuality. And Valentin himself has long been considered an extremely dubious person. Indeed, during his lifetime he was engaged in a secret wedding of legionnaires. According to the official version - with the girls, according to the unofficial - among themselves. If in our time some monk secretly brought girls to the soldiers' barracks, he would have been sent to prison long ago.

In Russia, there is a more adequate example of true feelings, which has officially become a symbol of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. The Orthodox saints Peter and Fevronia are an example of deep love. It is they who are remembered on July 8, when the Russian holiday for lovers is celebrated.

Author: Mister Pan