Mysterious "Amazonian Stonehenge" - Alternative View

Mysterious "Amazonian Stonehenge" - Alternative View
Mysterious "Amazonian Stonehenge" - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious "Amazonian Stonehenge" - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious
Video: 10 Most Terrifying Discoveries Made In Brazil 2024, October

Brazil's pre-colonial history has left few monuments. One of them is the archaeological site of Solsticio, which was nicknamed the "Amazonian Stonehenge" (also known as "Cromlech of Calcoene"). It is located in the city of Calsueni, in the state of Amapa, in the far northeast of Brazil. Although the complex was opened in the middle of the twentieth century, its serious study began only in 2006.

Sulstisiu is represented by several circles of majestic stones, the so-called cromlech. Similar complexes are found all over the world, including in Europe. The Sulstisiu structure consists of 127 stone blocks / steles, some of which are 4 meters high. The blocks are located in a circle with a diameter of 30 meters. Circles of cromlech encircle the top of a grassy hill. Researchers find it difficult to accurately date the creation of the "Amazonian Stonehenge".

The objects of Indian cultures found nearby make it possible to determine the age of the structure only approximately. Radiocarbon analysis of the shards gives 500-2000 years. The appointment of the cromlechs is still a matter of controversy between scientists. According to the most common theory, these structures of giant stones served as something like a primitive observatory to the ancient people.

Observing the sky was as necessary in ancient times as it is now. The Portuguese word for the archaeological complex, sulsticio, means solstice. It was noticed that on the day of the winter solstice, that is, December 21 - 22, the shadow of one of the cromlech blocks disappears exactly at the moment when the solar disk is above it. It was this fact that prompted scientists to put forward a hypothesis about the astronomical purpose of the "Amazonian Stonehenge". The data available to scientists at the moment does not allow to confirm or disprove any of the existing hypotheses about the purpose of the object.


Today this place is quite attractive for tourists and lovers of ancient history. Ufologists and fans of the theory of paleocontacts (according to which aliens flew to ancient people) are sure that the knowledge of the Indians was presented by another highly developed civilization. According to many legends and legends of the Indians of South America (and not only), the "sons of heaven" (white-skinned gods from the North) came to them, leaving behind settlements, temples, pyramids, ancient megaliths, endowing the priests with certain knowledge related not only with astronomical phenomena, but also cultural and household organizational technologies for organizing the life of the community, etc., while setting the vector of goals in the issue of the evolution of mankind and all living things.
