13 Historical Monuments, The Riddles Of Which Have Not Yet Been Solved - Alternative View

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13 Historical Monuments, The Riddles Of Which Have Not Yet Been Solved - Alternative View
13 Historical Monuments, The Riddles Of Which Have Not Yet Been Solved - Alternative View

Video: 13 Historical Monuments, The Riddles Of Which Have Not Yet Been Solved - Alternative View

Video: 13 Historical Monuments, The Riddles Of Which Have Not Yet Been Solved - Alternative View
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People who lived thousands of years before us sometimes created simply amazing buildings. So large-scale that scientists have been puzzling for centuries over who and for what, and most importantly, how they were erected. And they express a variety of theories, up to the unearthly and mystical.

Stonehenge, England

According to the epic, the stone complex was erected by the wizard Merlin. In fact, Stonehenge appeared long before the hypothetical lifetime of King Arthur's companion. But how did people transport heavy boulders from a quarry that was found hundreds of kilometers away? The purpose of the building is also not entirely clear: whether it was an observatory (the location of the megaliths is an exact model of the solar system), or a sanctuary (it was in this capacity that the Celtic priests - the Druids) used it.


Baalbek, Lebanon

The pearl of the ruins of a once prosperous city is the ancient-style temple ensemble. Only the Romans did not have the technology to install stone blocks weighing up to 1,000 tons (these are the very ones that lie at the base). For comparison: the Athenian Parthenon is half the Lebanese giant, and the largest block of the Cheops pyramid weighs "only" 90 tons. The merit of creating the foundation is attributed either to the Egyptians, or even to the giants. And some believe that this could have been the foundation of the Tower of Babel.

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Newgrange, Ireland

Despite the fact that road builders accidentally stumbled upon the monument in the 17th century, its research began only after almost three centuries. As a result of the excavations, a mound was revealed to the eye: perfectly round, with an impressive diameter and older than the Egyptian pyramids. In the center, archaeologists have discovered a tomb. Being in it on the solstice days, you can see a real astronomical phenomenon - how a ray of light gradually floods the entire chamber. Irish superstitions say that this place is the entrance to the land of elves and fairies.


Dolmens of the Caucasus, Russia

Houses made of flat stones are scattered on the slopes of the mountains. The facades have a hole closed with a plug. This fact is surprising: the weight of the plates is calculated in tons, but they are fitted so precisely that a knife blade cannot squeeze between them. Moreover, the age of the artifacts reaches five thousand years. Some monuments, for example, Volkonskaya, became famous for their healing properties. It is interesting that the "dolmen tradition" can be traced in different parts of the world.


Tikal, Guatemala

One of the largest Mayan settlements is hidden in the green jungle. There are artificial ponds, a ball field, and palaces. But special attention is paid to the pyramids that form the city squares. They were built according to a temporal pattern corresponding to the periods of its development. There are many theories about their functions: religious buildings, scientific centers, cemeteries, or both. The etymology of the name "Tikal" is also unclear. But there is a more understandable "nickname" - the City of Voices. Because even a whisper echoes in it.


Great Zayatsky labyrinth, Russia

The islands of the Solovetsky archipelago are decorated with bizarre stone lace - spiral-shaped labyrinths. The locals call them "Babylon". The entrance and exit are the same, that is, if you walk strictly along the ruts formed by the boulders, after a while you can exit where you entered. But what was all this before? Some scientists write about practicality: fish traps. Others are about amusements: grounds for round dances and games. But most are sure: ritual structures on the border with the other world.


Petra, Jordan

The monumental "nest" at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level is hidden right in the rocks. The masters had to show remarkable patience, carving out of them the beauty of Petra. So, at the end of the cool Sid canyon, a fantastic view opens up of the facade with columns and porticoes - Al-Khazneh (translated from Arabic - "treasury"). Perhaps a temple, or perhaps a mausoleum. The challenge with many unknowns is to understand how the carvers worked. After all, one cannot do without scaffolding, but they had nowhere to come from.


Stone balls, Costa Rica

The prehistoric petrospheres from the Pacific coast were almost vandalized: workers who found them believed that gold was hidden inside. One way or another, the artifacts suffered anyway: to lure tourists, they were installed on city squares. Due to constant movement, accurate dating is not possible. The theory of their origin under the influence of water turned out to be untenable. And, in the end, what are they all about: symbols of planets, designations of boundaries? Assumptions without proof.


Terracotta Army, China

The Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum contains over 8,000 statues of Chinese warriors and horses. They were buried together with the ruler, contrary to tradition - instead of people and animals. The hand-made army of the 200s BC is made in full size, with the smallest details, there is not a single repeating face. During excavations (and they have been going on since the 1970s), you have to act very carefully. Including for security reasons because of the old legend: the emperor to the next world should have been accompanied by rivers of mercury.


Angkor Wat, Cambodia

The Europeans did not know about the complex until the 19th century. And when they found out, they doubted that it was built by the Khmers. The masonry is very dense: sometimes you won't find seams. The stones are extremely smooth. Structures are held under their own weight. The ensemble of 200 temples was planned so that a traveler approaching from any direction sees only three of them. Especially stunning views during the rainy season: a wide moat filled with water makes Ankgor Wat look like an island in the middle of the endless ocean.


Timbuktu, Mali

According to legend, the city arose thanks to the old woman Buktu and her well (“tim” in Tuareg), who warmly welcomed the caravans. He was the protagonist of medieval fables: streets of gold and inhabitants-wise men … The daredevils who tried to conquer the African Eldorado did not return until the Frenchman Rene Calle pretended to be a pilgrim. Imagine his surprise when he saw a poor town of adobe buildings. So now adventure lovers are attracted by the unique architecture of mosques.


Easter Island statues, Chile

A small piece of land in the Pacific Ocean is dotted with giant moai. There is evidence that they were moved from place to place and turned over. There are also ritual stands, many times heavier than the idols themselves. Unfortunately, the people whose descendants could now shed light have long since died because of the slave traders. There is only one way to unravel the secrets of the island - to turn directly to the silent statues. But the experiments only confirmed that all manipulations with them were possible as such.


Great Sphinx, Egypt

The colossal sculpture in the middle of the sand is perhaps the greatest mystery. It was believed that this was the work of the pharaohs. However, they only restored the Sphinx. Its body, resembling a lion's, is eaten by furrows. If we share the most daring assumptions, then these are traces of the Great Flood. It is also strange that the head clearly contradicts the proportions. In addition, it turned out that there are rooms inside and under the giant. Attempts to study them led either to incidents or to prohibitions by the authorities. Is it really not the guardian of the desert, but of some secret knowledge left over, for example, from the sunken Atlantis?
