About The Phenomenon Of Doubles - Alternative View

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About The Phenomenon Of Doubles - Alternative View
About The Phenomenon Of Doubles - Alternative View

Video: About The Phenomenon Of Doubles - Alternative View

Video: About The Phenomenon Of Doubles - Alternative View
Video: Double Slit Experiment explained! by Jim Al-Khalili 2024, September

History knows many cases when the same person was seen simultaneously in several places. This is a worldwide phenomenon, but scientists have not yet been able to establish how a double appears - involuntarily or by the will of its owner, and in general why this happens.


The records of Bishop Porfiry, compiled from the words of the famous poet P. A. Vyazemsky, have survived to this day. Once Pyotr Andreevich, returning at night from friends, saw that the light was on in his office. Entering the house, he asked the servant who was there. To which he replied that there was no one in the office and the room was locked. However, having unlocked the door and entered the office, Vyazemsky saw that a man was sitting at his table with his back to the door and writing something. He went up to the night guest, read what he had written over his shoulder, and then lost consciousness. When he came to, Vyazemsky saw no one, but the note remained. He was sure that he himself was the writer. He kept the contents of the note a secret forever.

In 1810 Lord Byron, while in Greece, fell ill with a fever. Meanwhile, friends saw the poet in London. Moreover, Secretary of State Peel even wrote to Lord Byron that he saw him - and not alone, but in the company of his brother. To which the poet ironically suggested to Peel himself to decide which of the doubles should be considered valid.

Once Paul I ordered the exile from St. Petersburg of an Italian named Pinet-ti, who allegedly created doubles and fooled people. In response to this decision, Pinetti said that he was not a charlatan and would leave the city the next day through eleven outposts at the same time. And so it happened. And each of the eleven Pinetti had a genuine ID!

In Norway, meetings with doubles take place so often that they even got their name Vardoger - "harbinger". A certain American E. Gorik planned to visit Norway for a long time, but somehow he did not succeed. And so in 1955, he decided on a trip, not yet knowing which hotel in Oslo he would stay at. Choosing a hotel, Gorik arrived there and was simply stunned that he was immediately called by his name and were clearly glad to meet again. The staff assured that the American had already stayed at the hotel and, leaving, promised to return. But most of all, Gorik was shocked by a meeting with a certain businessman who greeted him as an old acquaintance and offered to continue discussing the prospects for cooperation that had begun during his last visit. But, noticing the shocked look of the American, the businessman realized what was the matter and explained to the guest that it was just a Vardoger.

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Filial duty

In 1943, a young American officer named Jim Smith was posted to Panama. The guy's soul was restless, his mother was about to undergo a serious operation in a hospital in New York. The young man was not yet entitled to leave, so there was no way to be with his mother. But the thought of her did not leave him for a minute. During a break from his studies, Jim left the barracks, sat down on a bench, and dozed off.

He had a dream that he was standing on the threshold of the hospital where his mother was. Going inside, he asked the nurse on duty how to get to his mother. While the girl on the watch was writing down his details in the visitors' book, another nurse came up and said that she recognized Jim from the photograph that was on the nightstand by his mother's bedside, and that even the uniform on him was the same as now. Thanking the nurses, Jim entered the elevator and pressed a button.

And then he woke up. His sleep, judging by his wristwatch, lasted several seconds. A week later, a letter came from my mother, where she reported a strange story. The nurse on duty told the patient that her son, the one in the photo, came to see her. But, entering the elevator, the young man disappeared. Nobody saw him again, but the record of the visit was preserved in the registration book.


Astral double

Such stories have always evoked skeptical smiles and sometimes even the irritation of scientists. But at all times there have been experimental enthusiasts who make official science doubt their correctness.

The famous Soviet psychiatrist Vladimir Raikov, showing interest in the topic of doubles, conducted a number of experiments proving the possibility of bifurcation.

In one room, a person with psychic abilities created his astral double, visible only to him, and sent him to the next room. There was a second participant in the experiment, immersed by Dr. Raikov in a state of hypnotic sleep. A woman under hypnosis told what a psychic's double looks like, although she had never seen the original before.

The second experiment was complicated by the fact that the subject had to prick the double with a pin. Since the woman perceived the phantom as a living person, it was not so easy to hurt him. Nevertheless, any injection inflicted on a double felt the psychic in the next room on himself. The painful sensations even made him cry out.

Our other researcher of bioenergy, Professor A. V. Chernetsky, has empirically proved that a human's double has such properties as density and mass. In addition, it has its own biofield. A sensor was brought to the mentally created double to measure the strength of the electric field, and the arrow of the device began to move. But as soon as the phantom owner mentally destroyed it, the arrow froze at zero.

Most of all, researchers were interested not even in the possibility of obtaining a double, but in what under the influence of which it can separate from the physical body of a person. Professor Isakov, who studies paranormal phenomena, believes that most often the appearance and separation of a double is associated with a state of passion or severe stress. Professor Stanislav Gref, on the basis of the new results of the study of human consciousness, concludes that consciousness may well influence the processes of the material world, and therefore form matter in the image of a double. But all this still remains only guesses and assumptions. In the meantime, the American psychiatrist Glen Gabbard is actively conducting research in the study of the phenomenon of twins.

Conscious split

Rogers Louis, a medium born in England at the beginning of the last century, became famous for his unusual abilities. He knew how to consciously create his counterparts. When he turned 30, he went on business to Australia. Even then, he was seen in two different cities at the same time: in Melbourne he was conducting a session with a client, and in Sydney he had an important meeting with a noble lady.

The director of the Victorian Institute for Psychical Research, Martin Spencer, who did not believe in doubles or doubts, invited the medium to test his amazing abilities experimentally. To this end, in April 1937, Rogers Louis stayed in Melbourne. For the purity of the experiment, one of Spencer's assistants was constantly with him. The assistants were in other cities, where they had previously seen Louis, so that if he appeared there, they would immediately inform Spencer about it. Three days after the start of the experiment, the medium was seen in Sydney, at a hotel. Spencer's assistant was even able to talk to Rogers in Sydney when he … was having lunch with a professor in Melbourne! Despite the obvious facts, Spencer was convinced it was a hoax.

Apparently, Rogers was pretty tired of the experiment, and he said that in four days he would be able to prove his abilities and very much hoped that they would finally be left behind. On the appointed date, he himself, the medium and three witnesses gathered in Spencer's office in Melbourne. Rogers asked Spencer to name any code word, and he gave the first one that came across - "lilac." After some time, an assistant from Sydney called the professor and said that he had met Rogers on the street. An hour later, the office received a call from Sydney (confirmed by the telephone company), and Rogers' voice in the receiver called the password - "lilac." And this despite the fact that Rogers himself was sitting opposite.

Nevertheless, Spencer did not officially recognize the abilities of the medium, except that he mentioned it once in a private conversation. This suggests that Spencer failed to prove the opposite, which means that he had no right to completely deny the fact of a split.