Dolmens, Menhirs, Cromlechs - "Magic Stones" - Alternative View

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Dolmens, Menhirs, Cromlechs - "Magic Stones" - Alternative View
Dolmens, Menhirs, Cromlechs - "Magic Stones" - Alternative View

Video: Dolmens, Menhirs, Cromlechs - "Magic Stones" - Alternative View

Video: Dolmens, Menhirs, Cromlechs -
Video: Unique Megalithic Dolmen with traces of ancient drilling 2024, September

Dolmens, menhirs, cromlechs are ancient wisdom of ancestors, mysterious buildings made of stones scattered all over the world, which have kept secrets of their origin and purpose for several millennia.

These megaliths are found in Russia (Gelendzhik, Sochi, Tuapse, Sayany, Baikal region, Khakassia), Ukraine (Transcarpathia), Abkhazia (Sukhumi), England (Stonehenge), France (Brittany - Karnak), Italy (Bishele, Lecce), Ireland, Spain, India, Iraq, Syria, Korea, Japan, North America, North Africa (Algeria).


Official science determines the age of megaliths from 3 to 5 thousand years (Copper, Bronze Age), but a number of researchers believe that some stone structures are more than 10 thousand years old and they belong to the Neolithic culture.

Who built the "villages" of dolmens, "alleys" of menhirs, "astronomical observatories" of the cromlechs? Atlanta? Priests? Are people giants? Cyclops?

Geologists have identified a strange pattern: when combining maps of the distribution of megaliths with geological maps, most of the structures were on the lines of geological faults.

Dolmens represent a large stone slab horizontally laid on stone supports, or a closed stone box with a round (most often), triangular or square opening. In some dolmens, stone mushroom-shaped plugs-bushings have been preserved, covering the holes (individual weights up to 200 kg).

One of the versions of the construction of dolmens is the method of concrete modeling from a sandy-clay cement mass, which was squeezed out from the bowels to the surface in places of geological ruptures (thrust faults).

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Menhirs are huge, vertically dug into the ground stone pillars from 3 to 20 meters high (the largest weighs 300 tons). Menhirs were installed both singly and in groups: oval, rectangular lines of many kilometers and alleys (from several tens to a thousand stones). Some menhirs have ornaments and bas-reliefs.

Cromlechs are several oblong stones (menhirs) placed vertically in the ground, forming one or several concentric circles. Sometimes in the center of such structures there is another object: a rock, a menhir, a dolmen.

Legends say that the sage and magician of Celtic myths Merlin, through levitation, delivered stones weighing up to 50 tons from Ireland for the construction of Stonehenge.


The grandiose monuments testify that the ancient builders had knowledge of architecture, astronomy, mathematics and geology.

A clear geometric plan can be traced in the arrangement of the stone "alleys" of the menhirs, some stone rows, stretching for kilometers from west to east, gradually approach each other according to a complex mathematical law described by a parabolic function.

Many megaliths have traces of machining: grooves and grooves, indicating an ultra-precise fit of the slabs, perfectly round holes. The individual dolmen slabs are connected by grooves with millimeter precision.

How and why were dolmens, menhirs, cromlechs built? What tools were used to cut stones thousands of years ago? Who erected these grandiose structures? How did the builders manage to deliver multi-ton stones for tens and hundreds of kilometers and install them? The answers to these questions still remain a mystery.

There are many versions - from myths to scientific hypotheses.

The most interesting of them:

* Cromlechs - megalithic observatories of ancient civilizations. Perhaps the position of the megaliths determined solar and lunar eclipses, the days of the winter and summer solstices? Researchers have found that Stonehenge and other megaliths generate high-frequency vibrations and electromagnetic waves. Their activity increases at sunrise and sunset, and also intensifies on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes.

* Cromlechs - cult buildings of Druids - Celtic priests, places of worship for the spirits of nature.


* Dolmens are “houses” for making gifts to gods and ancestral spirits.

* Dolmens are the burial places of tribal elders.

* Dolmens are sanctuaries, places of worship of the Sun.

* Dolmens are the repositories of the spirits of great ancestors.

* Dolmens - a place of "imprisonment" of priests - oracles.

* Dolmens - acoustic devices - means of information transmission. Measurements have shown that for a dolmen - monolith, the resonating frequency is 2.8 Hz.

* Menhirs - temples near which sacrifices were performed.

* Menhirs - astronomical clock of the Stone Age. The stones of Karnak (Brittany) are located so that they show the position of the Sun at a certain time of the year.


* Menhirs of Indians with images of people in masks of animals, birds - symbols of religious cults.

* Menhirs of Indians with two heads (human and animal) are symbols of the ancient Toltec teachings about nagual and tonal. Perhaps our ancestors used dolmens for the practice of stalking art - “recapitulation of personal history” - one of the paths leading to the main goal of the Toltecs - freedom?

* Dolmens - resonator-meditation chambers in places of power. Perhaps dolmens served as cameras for the ancient peoples to achieve the state of samadhi?


Megalithic structures are a kind of "stone books" of the ancients, in which data about the Earth, the solar system and the Universe are encrypted. Perhaps, in ancient times, people knew how to use intuitive knowledge about the special generating structures of megaliths, which in our time the science of eniology is engaged - the forgotten science of antiquity, the science of the processes of energy-information exchange in the Universe.

I believe that the "attachment" of humanity to the material world "erased" the genetic memory of people about communication with nature, about the ability to "hear" the voice of a stone. The Earth is trying to return us to our origins, reminding us of endless natural disasters. Will we hear the voice of stones and the voice of the Earth?

Author: Valentina Zhitanskaya
