9 Hypotheses About The Moon From The Book By George Leonard. "There Is Someone Else On Our Moon" - Alternative View

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9 Hypotheses About The Moon From The Book By George Leonard. "There Is Someone Else On Our Moon" - Alternative View
9 Hypotheses About The Moon From The Book By George Leonard. "There Is Someone Else On Our Moon" - Alternative View

Video: 9 Hypotheses About The Moon From The Book By George Leonard. "There Is Someone Else On Our Moon" - Alternative View

Video: 9 Hypotheses About The Moon From The Book By George Leonard.
Video: Someone Else Is On Our Moon 2024, September

1 hypothesis

The moon is home to not one, but more space races. Traces of culture and technology seen in different parts of the moon vary greatly. And on Earth, human beings have different cultures, but they do not differ significantly. In general, the buildings and cars of Russians and Americans are similar. And planes look the same all over the world.

2 hypothesis

One of the main missions of the inhabitants of the moon is to extract metals and other rare elements from the lunar crust. The evidence is in the work that THEY are doing.

The Apollo missions, as well as spectrographic analysis, revealed the presence of iron, nickel, aluminum, titanium, uranium and thorium on the moon in quantities sufficient for profitable mining. There are dozens of other metals and elements worth mining depending on the efficiency of the extraction process.

3 hypothesis

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The moon suffered a fantastic catastrophe indescribably long ago and was "driven" here by the inhabitants for lengthy restoration and repair work.

Although very transparent, this hypothesis is thought-provoking as it has some support. This is an alternative to hypothesis 2.

The moon is a strange body. Everyone who has studied it agrees with this, and this is the only thing everyone agrees with. She doesn't seem to belong to this world. Three main hypotheses about its origin (torn away from the Earth; formed by a gas-saturated dust-like material surrounding the Earth; captured by the Earth) are considered and approved by scientists each separately, depending on who expounds it.

The moon seems to be a built structure - a frame, a lattice, a grid. (Let me remind you that an object fell on its surface, and the Moon vibrated for an hour. The waves of disturbance were recorded by a seismograph at some distance from this place.) If you hit the main rock with a hydraulic hammer in Beijing, it is unlikely to be felt in Pittsburgh. but a blow of the same force on the far side of the moon will certainly be recorded on its nearest side.

To give the theory the likelihood that the Moon was "brought here" many years ago and treat it as not a fiction, consider the theories of Darol Fromen, the former director of the Technical Association in Loc Alamos, New Mexico. He announced in 1961 that the sun might burn out, but before that happens, the inhabitants of the Earth can launch it into another solar system using a jet mode of propulsion. We could reach stellar systems 1,300 light years away. And Lyman Spitzer, head of a laboratory at Princeton University, in 1951 spoke of giant spacecraft (ships powered by uranium) capable of transporting thousands of people to other solar systems that are more "hospitable" in the event of a crisis. Other scientists have written about the possibility of rebuilding the entire solar system by redistributing its matter,to get maximum energy and living space.

4 hypothesis

The lunar dwellers are involved in a lengthy reproduction experiment, including the creation of "homo sapiens" through genetic testing and / or cross-breeding of great primates with alien humanoids with periodic "infusions" to overcome mental regression. This hypothesis - an alternative to hypothesis 2 - is not new. Many writers have developed it. Lorensen wrote about the inhabitants of flying saucers. According to the author, despite Lorensen's assurances that his hero is very truthful, all his descriptions are hardly scientific. If advanced extraterrestrials had once conducted an experiment on crossing between representatives of two different genetic banks, then perhaps all this would have happened much easier than described.

The need to conduct an experiment, observe its results could explain the reason for constant visits through the centuries. Not based on this hypothesis can be explained the words of the Old Testament: "Be fertile and multiply!" so that each genetic population develops further and each culture has its own legends about gods arriving in spaceships! They are replete with stories of mating experiments. It can be concluded that the contacts of aliens around the world with the aim of expressing an intention to continue (raise? Improve?) The human species.

Was the Neanderthal a failed experiment? He died out without support. The same is with the Cro-Magnon. Anthropologists have never been able to explain this. After being shown how to grow rye and graze livestock, the curve of his development (about 6000 BC) went up sharply. Although his remains date from a much earlier period, the Cro-Magnon began to spread in Europe (probably somewhere between 20-30 thousand BC) when the Neanderthal was dying. But they could coexist for a while. The Cro-Magnon is taller, straighter and more "handsome". Velikovsky asked how the body, mind and soul of a person, an amazingly complex biological apparatus that has been developing for millions of years, could be so improved in just a few thousand years.

5 hypothesis

Despite the fact that the inhabitants of the moon are independent in many respects, they parasitize to some extent on Earth.

The moon is completely barren, and although you can grow something hydroponically and engage in underground livestock breeding, important components such as fertilizers and water are taken from us. Cases of theft of livestock were recorded. Water withdrawals from lakes in Canada and other sparsely populated areas are too well documented to argue. Miners and fishermen saw small humanoids leaving their discs and lowering their hoses into the wedge. According to Frank Edward's theory, the aliens release and freeze water, possibly at an altitude of several miles, and so transport it further. This could explain the numerous cases of ice falling on Earth.

6 hypothesis

Rather than contradicting other "scriptures" about aliens and events within the solar system, the author in this book tries to find a unifying principle for many of them. There is a connection between the most serious researchers (Vallee, Hynek, Lorensen, Aine Michel) about UFOs.

To consider this hypothesis, I will cite the opinions of other authors who have developed unique models or interpretations. Despite the fact that they do not necessarily carry out their intentions completely or in an original way (for example, Von Deniken implemented the main thesis of V. Holiday "Creatures from the inner sphere"), their point of view is identified with public opinion.

Von Deniken: Ancient astronauts were on Earth and left their marks.

Velikovsky: The moon was repeatedly involved in the catastrophes of the solar system (for the first time in two millennia BC), this destroyed it and displaced it from orbit.

Valle: elves, fairies, brownies and others have a basis in reality; they can be remnants of old races on Earth or aliens, Berlitz, Sanderson and others: there is a zone in the Bermuda area where hundreds of ships, planes, etc. have disappeared. and saw a UFO.

Fuller: The aliens took the man and woman from the car aboard the UFO, studied them closely, and then returned them to the car.

Eziekil, Moses et al: Numerous people in the past have encountered and talked with beings that looked like humans, but arrived in flying machines and did things far beyond the technical level of the time.

Fort: Ice, blood, plants, fish, etc. fell to the ground from time immemorial.

There is no need to multiply theories and come up with all kinds of fears, avoiding a simple explanation.

The earth is inhabited - this is as true as the fact that the earth revolves around the sun. Now is the time when we have ceased to be primitive and it is time for our scientists to lead us, not confuse us.

7 hypothesis

Despite the paucity of data, from the array of reliable information it seems that not one, but several races on the Moon are studying us and our lives.

Friendliness (loyalty) is part of the game plan and we have felt it by now. Races capable of moving between solar systems and living on the Moon are able (if they wish) to grind us to dust. Apparently, this is what causes our military to panic.

But apart from individual cases that can be called emergency, incidents in Bermuda and the capture of people, there is no data array that allows us to think that THEY are plotting something bad against us.

8 hypothesis

The inhabitants of the moon have long advanced in the development of technology under the control of biological intelligence. Rebirth into a mechanical body with the preservation of the mind and the main nerve centers means an increase in life by several hundred percent. There is more efficiency, less disease, more strength, better opportunities for stimulation. If they operate with time, space and size, then they have thousands or millions of years of technological improvement behind them. And if there are civilizations in the center of the Galaxy, numbering millions of years, then, according to the law of averages, they have reached a period of "scientific perfection".

9 hypothesis

The main reason for the expensive programs of the United States to study the Moon (Mars) is to establish at the official level that the Moon is inhabited by intelligent inhabitants whose mission does not include a dialogue with us, and perhaps they are hostile to our development. So, due to the lack of knowledge about THEIR intentions, the seal of secrecy was imposed on the truth about the Moon; now that THEIR presence on the Moon has been confirmed, our first task is to find out where THEY came from from the solar system or another star system;

despite the fact that many places on Earth directly "shout" to be paid attention to, we are spending billions on moon exploration. Less than 20% of the satellite material was studied, less than 2% was published, but each launch was like a freshly baked potato to the American public.

However, the found traces of buildings, mining, mechanical structures make an amendment. THEY live there, work and God knows what they are doing "under our noses." A fusion of American and Russian research is needed.

Author: ZigZag
