Types Of UFOs And Their Appearance - Alternative View

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Types Of UFOs And Their Appearance - Alternative View
Types Of UFOs And Their Appearance - Alternative View

Video: Types Of UFOs And Their Appearance - Alternative View

Video: Types Of UFOs And Their Appearance - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, October

A comprehensive study of the properties of "behavior" and the size of UFOs, regardless of their shape, allows them to be conditionally divided into four main types

First: Very small objects, which are balls or disks with a diameter of 20-100 cm, which fly at low altitudes, sometimes fly out of larger objects and return to them. There is a known case that took place in October 1948 in the area of the Fargo airbase (North Dakota), when the pilot Gormon unsuccessfully pursued a round luminous object with a diameter of 30 cm, which very skillfully maneuvered, evading the pursuit, and sometimes he himself swiftly moved to the plane. forcing Hormone to dodge a collision.

Second: Small UFOs, which are egg-shaped and disc-shaped and 2-3 m in diameter. They usually fly at low altitudes and most often land. Small UFOs have also been seen repeatedly separating from and returning to major objects.

Third: The main UFOs, most often discs with a diameter of 9-40 m, the height of which in the central part is 1 / 5-1 / 10 of their diameter. The main UFOs make independent flights in any layer of the atmosphere and sometimes land. Smaller objects can be detached from them.

Fourth: Large UFOs, usually in the form of cigars or cylinders 100-800 meters or more in length. They appear mainly in the upper atmosphere, do not make difficult maneuvers, and sometimes hover at high altitudes. There were no cases of their landing on the ground, but it was repeatedly observed how small objects were separated from them. There is speculation that large UFOs can fly in space. There are also known individual cases of observation of giant disks with a diameter of 100-200 m.

Such an object was observed during a test flight of the French Concorde aircraft at an altitude of 17,000 m over the Republic of Chad during the solar eclipse on June 30, 1973. The crew and a group of scientists on the plane filmed a movie and made a series of color images of the luminous object in the form of a mushroom head with a diameter of 200 m and a height of 80 m, which followed an intersecting course. In this case, the contours of the object were indistinct, since it was apparently surrounded by an ionized plasma cloud. On February 2, 1974, the film was shown on French television. The results of the study of this object have not been published.

Common forms of UFOs come in several varieties. For example, discs with one or two convex sides, spheres with or without rings encircling them, as well as oblate and elongated spheres were observed. Objects of rectangular and triangular shapes are much less common. According to the French Aerospace Research Group, approximately 80% of all observed UFOs were circular discs, balls or spheres, and only 20% were elongated cigars or cylinders. UFOs in the form of discs, spheres and cigars have been observed in most countries on all continents. Examples of rare UFOs are listed below. For example, UFOs with rings encircling them, similar to the planet Saturn, were recorded in 1954 over Essex (England) and over the city of Cincinnati (Ohio), in 1955 in Venezuela and in 1976 - over the Canary Islands …

A parallelepiped-shaped UFO was observed in July 1977 in the Tatar Strait by members of the crew of the Nikolai Ostrovsky motor ship. This object flew for 30 minutes next to the ship at an altitude of 300-400 m, and then disappeared.

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Since the end of 1989, triangular UFOs have been systematically appearing over Belgium. According to the description of many eyewitnesses, their dimensions were approximately 30 by 40 m, and on their lower part there were three or four luminous circles. Objects were moving completely silently, hovering and taking off at tremendous speeds. On March 31, 1990, southeast of Brussels, three trustworthy eyewitnesses observed such a triangular-shaped object six times the size of the visible disk of the moon fly silently over their heads at an altitude of 300-400 m. Four luminous circles were clearly visible on the underside of the object.

On the same day, engineer Alferlan for two minutes filmed such an object flying over Brussels with a video camera. Before Alferlan's eyes, the object made a turn and three glowing circles and a red light between them became visible on its lower part. On top of the object, Alferlan noticed a luminous lattice dome. This video was shown on April 15, 1990 on central television.

Along with the main forms of UFOs, there are many more various varieties. The table, shown at the meeting of the US Congress Committee on Science and Astronautics in 1968, depicted 52 different UFO shapes.

According to the international ufological organization "Contact international", the following forms of UFOs are observed:

1) round: disc-shaped (with and without domes); an inverted plate, bowl, saucer or rugby ball (with or without dome); in the form of two plates folded together (with and without two bulges); hat-shaped (with and without domes); like a bell; in the form of a sphere or ball (with and without a dome); similar to the planet Saturn; ovoid or pear-shaped; barrel-like; like an onion or spinning top;

2) oblong: rocket-like (with and without stabilizers); torpedo-shaped; cigar-shaped (without domes, with one or two domes); cylindrical; rod-shaped; fusiform;

3) pointed: pyramidal; in the form of a regular or truncated cone; funnel-like; arrow-shaped; in the form of a flat triangle (with and without a dome); diamond-shaped;

4) rectangular: bar-like; in the form of a cube or parallelepiped; in the form of a flat square and rectangle;

5) unusual: mushroom-shaped, toroidal with a hole in the center, wheel-like (with and without spokes), cruciform, deltoid, in the shape of the letter V.

Generalized NICAP data on UFO observations of various shapes in the USA for 1942-1963. are shown in the following table:

Shape of objects, Number of cases / Percentage to the total case

1. Disc-shaped 149/26

2. Spheres, ovals, ellipses 173/30

3. Rocket or cigar type 46/8

4. Triangular

11/2 5. Luminous points 140/25

6. Others

33/6 7. Radar (non-visual) observations 19/3

Total 571/100


1. Objects, by their nature referred to in this list as spheres, ovals and ellipses, may in fact be discs inclined at an angle to the horizon.

2. The luminous points in this list are small brightly luminous objects, the shape of which could not be determined due to the large distance.

It should be borne in mind that in many cases the observers' readings may not reflect the true shape of objects, since a disc-shaped object may look like a ball from below, from below to the side - like an ellipse, and from the side - like a spindle or a mushroom head; an object in the shape of a cigar or an elongated sphere may look like a ball from the front and back; a cylindrical object can look like a parallelepiped from below and from the side, and like a ball from the front and back. In turn, a parallelepiped object from the front and back can look like a cube.

The data on the linear dimensions of UFOs, reported by eyewitnesses, are in some cases very relative, since by visual observation it is possible to determine with sufficient accuracy only the angular dimensions of the object.

The linear dimensions can be determined only if the distance from the observer to the object is known. But determining the distance in itself presents great difficulties, because human eyes, due to stereoscopic vision, can correctly determine the distance only within the range of up to 100 m. Therefore, the linear dimensions of a UFO can be determined only very approximately.

Typically, UFOs are in the form of metal bodies of silver-aluminum or light pearl color. Sometimes they are shrouded in a cloud, as a result of which their contours seem to be blurred.

The surface of UFOs is usually shiny, as if polished, and no seams or rivets are visible on it. The top side of the object is usually light and the bottom dark. Some UFOs have domes that are sometimes transparent.

UFOs with domes were observed, in particular, in 1957 over New York, in 1963 in Victoria (Australia), and in our country in 1975 near Borisoglebsk and in 1978 in Beskudnikovo.

In the middle of the objects, in a number of cases, one or two rows of rectangular "windows" or round "windows" were visible. An elongated object with such "windows" was observed in 1965 by the crew members of the Norwegian ship "Yvesta" over the Atlantic.

In our country, UFOs with "windows" were observed in 1976 in the village of Sosenki near Moscow, in 1981 near Michurinsk, in 1985 near Geok-Tepe in the Ashgabat region. On some UFOs, rods resembling antennas or periscopes were clearly visible.

In February 1963, in the state of Victoria (Australia), at an altitude of 300 m above a tree, a disk 8 m in diameter with a rod similar to an antenna hovered.

In July 1978, the crew members of the motor ship Yargora, sailing through the Mediterranean Sea, observed a spherical object flying over North Africa, in the lower part of which three structures similar to antennas were visible.

Cases have also been recorded when these rods moved or rotated. Two such examples are given below. In August 1976, Muscovite A. M. Troitsky and six other witnesses saw a silvery metal object 8 times larger than the lunar disk over the Pirogov reservoir, slowly moving at a height of several tens of meters. Two rotating stripes were visible on its side surface. When the object was above the witnesses, a black hatch opened at its bottom, from which a thin cylinder protruded. The lower part of this cylinder began to describe circles, while the upper part remained attached to the object. In July 1978, passengers of the Sevastopol-Leningrad train near Kharkov observed for several minuteshow from the top of a motionlessly hanging elliptical UFO a rod with three brightly luminous points protruded. This rod deflected three times to the right and returned to its previous position. Then a rod with one luminous point emerged from the bottom of the UFO.

Inside the lower part of the UFO, there are sometimes three or four landing legs, which are extended during landing and retracted inward during takeoff. Here are three examples of such observations.

In November 1957, Senior Lieutenant N., returning from Stead Air Base (Las Vegas), saw in the field four disc-shaped UFOs with a diameter of 15 m, each of which stood on three landing supports. As they took off, these supports were pulled inward before his eyes.

In July 1970, a young Frenchman, Erien J., near the village of Jabrelle-le-Borde, clearly saw how four metal supports, ending in rectangles, were gradually retracted into the take-off round UFO with a diameter of 6 m.

In the USSR in June 1979 in the city of Zolochev, Kharkov region, witness Starchenko observed how a UFO in the form of an overturned saucer landed 50 meters away from him with a row of windows and a dome. When the object descended to a height of 5-6 m, three landing supports about 1 m long, ending in the likeness of blades, were telescopically extended from its bottom. After standing on the ground for about 20 minutes, the object took off, and it was visible how the supports were pulled into its body. At night, UFOs usually glow, sometimes their color and glow intensity change with a change in speed. When flying rapidly, they have a color similar to that arising in the process of arc welding; slower - bluish color. When dropped or braked, they turn red or orange. But it happens that objects that are still hanging still glow with a bright light, although it is possible that not the objects themselves are shining,and the air around them is under the influence of some kind of radiation emanating from these objects. Sometimes some kind of lights are visible on UFOs: on elongated objects - on the bow and stern, and on discs - on the periphery and on the bottom. There are also reports of rotating objects with red, white or green lights.

In October 1989, in Cheboksary, six UFOs in the form of two plates stacked together hovered over the territory of the Industrial Tractor Plant. Then a seventh object joined them. Each of them showed yellow, green and red lights. Objects rotated and moved up and down. Half an hour later, six objects soared upward with great speed and disappeared, and one remained for some time. Sometimes these lights come on and off in sequence.

In September 1965, two police officers in Exeter, New York, observed a flight of a UFO with a diameter of about 27 m, in which there were five red lights that went on and off in sequence: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st. The duration of each cycle was 2 seconds.

A similar incident occurred in July 1967 in Newton, New Hampshire, where two former radar operators observed a luminous object through a telescope, with a row of lights flashing and extinguishing in the same sequence as at Exeter.

The most important characteristic feature of UFOs is the manifestation of unusual properties in them, which are not found either in natural phenomena known to us, or in technical means created by man. Moreover, it seems that the individual properties of these objects clearly contradict the laws of physics known to us.
