East Riddlesden Hall Or The Ghost In The Cradle - Alternative View

East Riddlesden Hall Or The Ghost In The Cradle - Alternative View
East Riddlesden Hall Or The Ghost In The Cradle - Alternative View

In Yorkshire there are many old estates, dilapidated houses and other places that are famous for the presence of ghosts, ghosts and other otherworldly forces. Among them is the infamous East Riddlesden Hall estate, which was built in the late 17th century. The main ghost of Riddlesden Hall is the Gray Lady, who often appears in the mansion and wanders sadly through the rooms. Locals say that a terrible tragedy happened in this house many years ago. The owner of the estate, unexpectedly returning home, found his wife in the arms of a young lover.

Furious, he decided to punish the traitor and her boyfriend. The husband locked his unfortunate wife in her own room, and ordered the young man to be immured alive in the next room. Doomed to terrible torment, they remained in these rooms until they died of hunger and thirst.

Since that time, the ghost of a woman in gray robes often wanders around the house, looking for her murderer husband, and in the window of the room in which the lover was walled up, the image of a young man is often seen. That this story is true is evidenced by the story of a man whose father was in the past the steward of the estate. According to him, during the reconstruction of the mansion, dismantling the masonry of the doorway of one of the rooms, the builders found a human skeleton in decayed men's clothing. But the Gray Lady and her lover are not the only ghosts of this place.

Quite often in the courtyard of Riddlesen Hall, you can see the ghost rider moving silently. They say that once a resident of the estate went on a horse ride, but only a frightened horse returned home. The rider's disappearance remained a mystery. It is believed that a frightened horse that threw a woman into a lake near the estate, where she drowned, could have been the culprit. The White Horsewoman is most often found by the lake, as well as in the courtyard of East Riddlesen Hall. Another unexplained phenomenon occurs at Riddlesden Hall. Every year, on the eve of the New Year's holiday, an old cradle begins to swing by itself. Made of wood and elaborately decorated with carvings, it has been used by more than one generation of estate owners.