Research Has Shown Again That The Russians Are Descendants Of The Chronicle Slavic Tribes - Alternative View

Research Has Shown Again That The Russians Are Descendants Of The Chronicle Slavic Tribes - Alternative View
Research Has Shown Again That The Russians Are Descendants Of The Chronicle Slavic Tribes - Alternative View

Video: Research Has Shown Again That The Russians Are Descendants Of The Chronicle Slavic Tribes - Alternative View

Video: Research Has Shown Again That The Russians Are Descendants Of The Chronicle Slavic Tribes - Alternative View
Video: Украина. Возвращение своей истории - 2 2024, July

I continue to publish scientific research conducted by the doctor of biological sciences, head. Laboratory of Genetics, Institute of Biological Problems of the North, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, B. A. Malyarchuk and his colleagues - M. V. Derenko, confirming the kinship of Russians with Poles and Belarusians. This time I will analyze the work "Molecular genetics on the origin and differentiation of the Slavs" // Bulletin of the North-Eastern Scientific Center of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2005. No. 2, pp. 17-24.

“Studies of mt DNA and Y-chromosome polymorphism in the populations of the Russian population of the European part of Russia have shown that Russian populations are significantly more differentiated according to paternal lines than maternal lines (FST values were 3.1 and 0.42%, respectively). It was shown that Russian populations differentiate into three zones according to the severity of the Central European genetic component, represented by both mtDNA lines and the Y chromosome. It is assumed that the genetic differences between modern Russian populations are caused by the different participation of Slavic men and women in the process of their settlement in Eastern Europe since the early Middle Ages”[Malyarchuk, Derenko, Molecular Genetics on the Origin and Differentiation of the Slavs, p. 17].

At the same time, scientists write: “The Mongoloid admixture in Russians is small (~ 1.5%) and is represented by various mtDNA groups - C, D, M *, G2a, N9a” [ibid, p. 18]. Interestingly, the Poles are Mongoloid - 1.8%, i.e. even higher than among "languishing under a 300-year yoke" (as we are taught) Russians! In fact, there is nothing surprising here - a certain Mongoloidity remained to the Slavs and Balts from the ancestors of modern Finno-Ugrians who lived several thousand years ago in the vast expanses of Eastern Europe.

Interestingly, according to the table, the percentage of European mtDNA among Russians is even slightly higher than among Poles (98, 2% versus 98%, respectively), i.e. Russians, in fact, are even a little more Europeans than Poles.

In addition, as I already wrote, haplogroup N3 is a "trace" not only of the Finno-Ugrians, but also of the Balts. Malyarchuk writes about the same: “We note that more subtle studies of Y-chromosome polymorphism, carried out by analyzing the STR-loci of the Y-chromosome evolving at a higher rate, into two groups -“Baltic”and“Finno-Ugric”, in the gene pools of the Balts and Finno-Ugric peoples, respectively”[ibid., p. 20].

It is worth noting that the N3 haplogroup isolated in the Pskov populations is mainly due to the presence of "Baltic" variants of the Y-chromosome (their share is 64%), although in the gene pools of c. and y. regions of Russia are presented, as a rule, "Finno-Ugric" variants of haplogroup N3 (up to 80%) [ibid, pp. 20-21].

Malyarchuk's conclusion is also interesting: “Our analysis showed that only some Russian populations (Pskov and Pomor) show a pronounced similarity with the Finno-Ugric and Baltic populations of Northern and Eastern Europe, but the vast majority of Russian populations are clustered with Slavic populations (Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians). This is due to the peculiarities of the genetic structures of the studied populations: the majority of Russian populations, like Ukrainians and Belarusians, are characterized by a high frequency of the R1a group and a moderate or low frequency of the N3 group. Some of them (for example, Pskov and Pomor) demonstrate, like the Finno-Ugric and Baltic populations, on the contrary, an increased frequency of the N3 group and a lower R1a”Malyarchuk, Derenko, Molecular Genetics on the Origin and Differentiation of the Slavs, p. 22].

In total, we have … Only two populations out of 14 studied showed a pronounced similarity with the Finno-Ugric and Baltic populations, although one of these two populations, as already noted above, namely the Pskov studied, is a carrier of the "Baltic" variants of the Y-chromosome … Those. “Russian Finno-Tatars” again turned out to be neither Finns nor Tatars for testing. We have fewer Asian genes for mtDNA than those who have never known either the colonization of Siberia or the Tatar yoke of Poles. And only one of the 14 populations of the Russian people is closely related to the Finns.

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Well, and, of course, an illustration on the topic: the Finns stand alone and sullenly … But the Russians hang out with the Ukrainians, Poles, and the peoples of the Baltic states. That's right.