A "black Rectangle" Was Found On Mercury - Alternative View

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A "black Rectangle" Was Found On Mercury - Alternative View
A "black Rectangle" Was Found On Mercury - Alternative View

Video: A "black Rectangle" Was Found On Mercury - Alternative View

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Video: Kodak Instamatic 100 - Classic Camera Refurb and Information - Vintage Camera in 4K 2024, June

Researchers argue about the nature of the object visible in the NASA image: whether it is a "monolith" rises or, conversely, a "door" is visible leading into the planet.

Ufologists again drew attention to a mysterious object located on Mercury - on the first planet from the Sun in our solar system. It was first spotted 4 years ago - almost immediately after NASA posted on its website a corresponding image that the MESSENGER probe transmitted to Earth. He - a probe - then for a year already circled around Mercury.

The picture was taken on February 10, 2012 with a Wide Angle Camera (WAC). installed on the probe. Resolution 250 meters per pixel.

Image at NASA, in which a "black rectangle" was detected (area circled in white)


In the annotation to the image, NASA says that the diameter of the crater, captured in the photo in the center, is 42 kilometers. This allows us to estimate the height of the object - the "black rectangle" at about 6 kilometers, and its width - 3 kilometers.

Enlarged: the object has the correct geometric shape, aspect ratio 2: 1


Promotional video:

The object is huge, but NASA doesn't seem to notice it - not a word. Ufologists notice. And they declare the "black rectangle" the door that leads into Mercury. And there - inside - of course, the alien base.

Now doubts have arisen. A certain "alien hunter" who calls himself Tyler Glockner analyzed the location of light and shadows in the picture and realized that the "black rectangle" is not a door, but a huge monolith towering above the surface. The colleagues have no disagreement about the origin of the object - the aliens put their hands on it.


Monoliths on Phobos and Mars

The legendary astronaut Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin - the man who was the second to set foot on the lunar surface back in 1969, said on the air of one of the US TV channels: "We must visit the satellites of Mars." And he explained why, the first target should be Phobos.

“There,” said Aldrin, “is a monolith - a very strange structure for this little potato-shaped space object that orbits Mars every 7 hours.

According to Buzz, everyone who has seen the photo of the monolith on Phobos has no doubt that it was installed there. They only ask who did it?

Buzz doesn't know. He answers very vaguely and philosophically: "Well, the Universe has set … If you want, God has set …"

Ufologists far from God, of course, believe that the gizmo remained from the aliens.

NASA does not comment on the presence of the monolith. But at one time the representative of the Canadian space agency - Dr. Alan Hildebrand (Dr Alan Hildebrand) spoke out: "If we get to this object, then we may not need to fly anywhere else." To understand, he also hinted at aliens.

Monolith location on Phobos (NASA image)


Monolith on Phobos in detail: a snapshot from the Mars Express probe


The monolith on Phobos was first photographed from the Mars Surveyor probe, discovered by a certain Efrain Palermo in 1998. The monolith looks like a flat-topped tower, located on the side of Phobos facing Mars. The height of the monolith is 76 meters.

The image of the Martian monolith was taken from a height of about 300 kilometers by a high-resolution camera (HiRISE camera) installed on the NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter probe. This photo came to Earth back in 2009.

Monolith on Mars


The monolith was noticed by enthusiasts - "extraterrestrial archaeologists", diligently looking for various absurdities in official photographs. They raised a fuss on the Internet, claiming that the object was a specially installed stele more than 10 meters high.

There was even a response from NASA. They say that the fact that the object is rectangular does not mean anything yet. Both Earth and Mars are full of natural rectangular formations. Most likely, the probe just photographed a detached stone. And it should not be called either a monolith or an artifact, which would imply an artificial origin of the object.

Mars Monolith from NASA website


However, the monoliths continue to excite the imagination. Indeed, many, of course, remember science fiction writer Arthur Clarke, who described such alien creations. And the classic film 2001: A Space Odyssey, based on his 1968 novel by Stanley Kubrick.

Clarke finds one monolith on Earth, and another - "black monolith" - on the Moon. It leads to the next monolith, set by aliens on Saturn's moon Iapetus. The Iapetan monolith - much larger than the lunar - turns out to be a stargate leading to other worlds.

If the monolith found on Mercury also turned out to be a stargate, then it would be possible to fly through them on spaceships of impressive size. That is, with all the amenities.

2. Monolith from "A Space Odyssey 2011" by Arthur Clarke and Stanley Kubrick. This particular one, according to the plot, was installed on Earth. Contributed to the transformation of a monkey into a human


