Light In The Dark Or Follow The Trail - Alternative View

Light In The Dark Or Follow The Trail - Alternative View
Light In The Dark Or Follow The Trail - Alternative View

Video: Light In The Dark Or Follow The Trail - Alternative View

Video: Light In The Dark Or Follow The Trail - Alternative View
Video: Disturbed - The Light [Official Music Video] 2024, October

Now you can't even tell when I first thought about the meaning of my life? When, for the first time, the thought of unreasonable deeds of people visited my head? When for the first time, looking at the next absurdity of the creation of the human ego, it burst out from within: "Who needs all this?"

But indeed, a lot of incomprehensible and unreasonable surrounds from the birth of a child - a future person - the future owner of planet Earth. But just for some reason, when a child grows up, he doesn't pull at the owner of our planet? Some invisible force has wrapped its tentacles around humans, animals, plants, countries and continents. And it holds so tightly that sometimes it’s even hard to breathe.

And so on to infinity - questions, questions, questions … Jesus' words to his disciples are involuntarily recalled: “But the day will come when the Son of Man will turn his face away from his Earthly Mother and betray her. He will renounce his Mother and his birthright. Then he will sell her into slavery, and her flesh will be devastated, her blood defiled, her breath suppressed; he will bring the fire of death to all parts of her kingdom, and his hunger will devour all her gifts, and he will leave in their place only a wasteland.

He will do all this out of ignorance of the Law, and just as a person who is slowly dying cannot smell his own stench, the Son of Man will be blind to the fact that he plunders and ruins his Earthly Mother, just as he plunders and ruins himself … For he was born of his Earthly Mother, and he is one with her, and everything that he does to his Mother, he does the same to himself. " ("The Gospels of the World from the Essenes" book 4, "Teachings of the Chosen", Edmond Bordeaux Shekeli).

Someone is satisfied with such an outrage, and willy-nilly, he is drawn into the race for material benefits, and as a result, into the game for survival. A blind struggle for the satisfaction of your ego, like sticky blinders obscures the eyes, through which it is possible to consider only two fundamental components of our life, this physical "satisfaction", and its absence.

However, there are other people as well. I endlessly thank God, every time my life paths intersected with the paths of extraordinary, interesting, strong-willed individuals. In appearance they are the same as the general mass of people, but their thirst to see and know the World has pushed the blinders of the all-consuming ego apart in front of our eyes. And many of them, having passed the hard way, were able to survey this space of being, much wider and deeper than the bulk of people. The life of such people is like the fire of a candle, which never thinks about how much darkness surrounds it. It simply shines, shines as long as it can, as long as someone needs light.

Each meeting with them was unforgettable. At the first glance, we were overwhelmed by the feeling that we have known each other for a very long time, but only when and where it was, for some reason we forgot. And again the questions: “What have we forgotten? Perhaps this is something important, since the answer to it is so actively guarded by someone unknown and why?"

More and more questions have accumulated over the years. There were many options for an answer. And we willingly played these games in childhood, and in adolescence, and even in adulthood. But something was not right. The games improved and became more complicated, but life, as before, did not belong to us.

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The threads of managing people began to be clearly seen. As if someone was actively protecting us from reality, and all the time was throwing up new conditions for the game of being of society. Every time, having gone through such a transition from one condition of life to another, you suddenly unwittingly discover that you have been robbed again once again. I don’t know how it happened with others, but I had such moments in my family that I even had to run around friends in order to raise money for a carton of milk for my young daughter.

Then I realized one thing for sure: “People definitely don’t need where they are taking us!” Awareness of such a postulate of a cruel reality, more than once led to serious stress. As a result, visions of a completely different world arose - a world that was not like a primitive civilization - a world in which there are no spiritual limitations, and therefore there are no feelings of physical dissatisfaction. The feelings that I experienced there are difficult to somehow identify, they are similar to feelings of euphoria, love, self-realization, sufficiency and omniscience.

But every time I came out of this state, I involuntarily felt how darkness was gathering around, and it seemed like sunlight was falling out of the window, but something dark and invisible filled the space of the room, preventing me from breathing. Like a blind kitten, I took the first, then the second, then the third step. Then he plunged into the pursuit of money again, forgot about everything, crashed against the wall of spiritless darkness and dropped his hands.

One person once told me:

- Baby, everything that you see is just a figment of your imagination. The result of self-defense from an aggressive environment, by immersing yourself in an invented reality.

We will not decide whether he is right or wrong. Let my reality be invented by someone, but it is still reality, and it is better than that society of the game of being, which is offered to us by unknown who and why. Although "why" is already becoming visible even with the naked eye.

Once again, when the stress of playing life reached its climax, I firmly decided that there was no point in living in this world, and once again plunged into a reality unfamiliar to me, but with only one thought that this was forever …

Now all this is perceived as a fairy tale or a dream, but he turned my life upside down irrevocably. At the same time, I was completely adequate and perfectly understood what was happening - where I was going and what I had to do. Rather, I'm going, it was said loudly, I found myself in a long and narrow room. There were many windows without glass and frames through which light came in and the wind stirred the white gauze curtains. The end of the room was not visible, it was curving. Along one of the walls were ordinary wooden chairs in a row, on which many people sat. Most of them were people of considerable age, although I did not particularly consider them.

Looking around I saw a free space and sat down on it and began to wait patiently. Some people passed by me. Sometimes they would come up to those sitting and talk to them. For some reason, it was not interesting to me either. I knew where I was and considered it my main task to wait for my turn.

My wait did not last long. One of those people who freely moved around the room came up to me and said in a friendly manner: “Well, what have you got? Show me? The question was not a surprise to me, and I handed him a thin yellow school notebook in a box, opened it and was surprised to find that there was not a single line in it. Out of the corner of my eye I glanced at the people sitting next to me. Everyone had something in their hands. My neighbor carefully hugged his swollen old briefcase. Further, the professor-looking grandmother on her knees was holding a voluminous paper folder from which old yellowed sheets were sticking out. The folder was carefully tied with twine. Someone was talking animatedly with a neighbor, someone was reading. This whole picture was like the Moscow metro.

Suddenly my stranger recalled himself, “Is that all? You don't even have a name,”he said with a smile.

I grabbed a pencil, which, out of nowhere, suddenly appeared in my hand, and diligently began to deduce the names of my work of life. What that name was, I could not make out, because the gray haze began to dissolve the place where I was. An internal panic arose, and thoughts began to fuss in my head: “But how to write? Where to get information? I thought feverishly, realizing that everything would soon go away and it would not be very soon for me to visit this place.

My soul was empty. Consciousness returned to my physical body, which was sprawled on the floor in a communal apartment.

"How can I write all this?" - almost out loud burst out from me. And then, unexpectedly and vividly, someone else's thought sounded in my head: "Follow the trail." Then the silence, like a vacuum filled the space and only distant, ate the audible noise of passing cars outside the window reminded me of the reality of this world.

You don't have to be gifted to understand what these words “Follow the trail” meant. In one second, they destroyed my old world imposed by someone, and threw all the postulates of being far beyond my eighteen square meters. It became easy to breathe, because ideological backpacks ceased to tighten their chest. All the philosophies of the world faded with just one phrase "Follow the trail." As you can see, in the darkness someone has already passed and left their luminous trail, and it cannot be otherwise.

Humanity has lived on this planet for not one and not two thousand years, and it also had outstanding sons who left their indelible mark on it for their descendants. But in order to see it in the darkness, it is necessary to rip and discard the darkness of the ideologies of the imposed illusions and hopes that are guarding the world.

I got to know one of these guards well. Their name is "religion" and their essence is concealment. The magic circle that they outlined for us has no way out, because its essence is not in spirituality, but in the ideological nature of the community and all the same pursuit of sensual pleasures. Let these pleasures have a different character, but the essence does not change from this.

Once upon a time there were no religions, just as there are none now. And what is called such is nothing more than fragments of ancient knowledge of nature, which we, unfortunately, have lost.

- But maybe you haven't completely lost it !? - the reader will smirk slyly - Maybe, after all, something has survived?

And I think he's right. What our ancestors managed to convey to us speaks of completely different realities of our planet's existence, of completely different people, of a completely different physics of the processes of relations between man and the World, its nature.

Already, sources have become available, which speak of our distant ancestors Hyperbaray, who had their embassies in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome.

The ancient Roman scientist Pliny the Elder wrote the following about the Hyperbareans in his Natural History: “Beyond these (Riphean) mountains, on the other side of Aquilon, a happy people, if you can believe this, who are called Hyperboreans, are reaching very advanced years and glorified by wonderful legends.

They believe that there are the loops of the world and the extreme limits of the circulation of the luminaries. The sun shines there for six months, and this is only one day when the sun does not hide (as the ignorant would think) from the spring equinox to the autumn, the luminaries there rise only once a year at the summer solstice, and set only at the winter. This country is all in the sun, with a favorable climate and devoid of any harmful wind. Homes for these residents are groves, forests; the cult of the Gods is managed by individuals and by the whole society; there is no discord or disease. Death comes there only from satiety with life. There is no doubt about the existence of this people."

I would add on my own: "It is foolish to doubt the existence of this people." It is foolish to doubt ourselves, because all the feelings we experience when reading such literature came from nowhere. They legally follow from the depths of our relict - genetic memory and in many isoteric sources have a clear name "BEGINNING". “Beginnings” are what makes the subtle energies of our being move, mix, glow, rotate and influence the gross material processes. But this is still to come.

It turns out, - the reader will say, - that there is something that simply needs life to proceed so painfully and joyfully, so incomprehensibly and simply, so blissfully and insensitively …

“Yes and no,” I say. - In our case, there was a kind of clash of two interests - two worlds … A world without pain, a world of spiritual ascent without suffering found its shelter on planet Earth, just like the world of power and control. But the roads lead from here in different directions, to different heights of skill. One road, ascents, another road to the gates of imaginary power.

Undoubtedly, this war has been for many years, therefore the type of people was created contradictory, limited, power-hungry and remembering nothing about their experience of previous lives. And the manifestations of these lives, we have replaced the expressions of meaningless words such as intuition, talent, gift of God.

Undoubtedly, this situation is artificial and is designed for certain interests of certain forces.

Undoubtedly - someone needs it. Undoubtedly, since it is created, it somehow correlates with a person. Looking ahead, I can say that the stumbling block to this phenomenon is man.

Judging by and large, our space is at the mercy of our own addictions, therefore the universal law of Karma plays a special role here, especially now - at the time of the completion of Kalpa, when the Earth completely leaves the boundaries of the twilight states of the Universe and goes into areas of completely different energies - energies of light. A person, experiencing losses, reconciling with his losses, slowly but surely leaves his addictions, and thereby ceases to poison the space with unnecessary emotions that are very harmful to him and the inhabitants of other spaces of our planet.

I really liked the comparisons of the modern titans of science, as "conscious" and "unconscious", as well as a number of Eastern teachings about "Yuan-sheng" (consciousness) and "Subyuan-sheng" (subconsciousness). Both are one and the same concepts, but the deeper the meaning in the Eastern doctrines, they sometimes look more like a fairy tale, but in practice they turn into reality. In fact, a person throughout his life is in contradictions between consciousness and subconsciousness (please do not confuse with spirit and soul, these are different things). The subconscious, by virtue of the universal law, cannot argue with consciousness. Consciousness is formed under the influence of the mental environment and in the process of formation, starting from the age of 6, it blocks all the manifestations and "superpowers" of the subconscious, leaving it only a small loophole called "intuition". In a word, humanity deprives itself of itself,driving into dead ends of development. Humanity itself creates situations of crisis diseases, which in fact are the results of metabolism (aging of the physical body). Humanity itself invents the rules for the creation and development of metabolism. Humanity itself comes up with moral laws, which sometimes differ greatly from the laws of nature. Humanity itself condemns itself to destruction. All is well, but, I think, not everyone wants it, but this is happening … The bottom line is that they are actively helping us in this. Someone needs these processes. Humanity itself condemns itself to destruction. All is well, but, I think, not everyone wants it, but this is happening … The bottom line is that they are actively helping us in this. Someone needs these processes. Humanity itself condemns itself to destruction. All is well, but, I think, not everyone wants it, but this is happening … The bottom line is that they are actively helping us in this. Someone needs these processes.

I can already see the enthusiastic eyes of opponents:

“Excuse me,” they exclaim, “but show us at least one person who would live by different rules! Even great saints end up aging and dying.

You know, I probably agree with that. But, apart from one thing … The fact is that we make people saints ourselves, and the truth of their present incarnation remains hidden from us. For example: Elder Theodore - (Tsar Alexander I) knowing well that people revealing his secret of origin will bring many troubles, and first of all on themselves. Therefore, he had to die in the old society and appear in the world as a simple vagrant. Although he did not go to church, was not baptized, did not show his commitment to the Christian religion in any way, he was nevertheless canonized as a saint. The most amazing thing is that he was far from being the only saint.

Not one long-liver, or rather an enlightened person, will not tell about his true age, so as not to become the subject of the hunt of the special services. They have to hide their years by creating a fake funeral for themselves. They are not guilty of the fact that in their time they abandoned the laws of society and stepped on a different path of development, as a result of which they slowed down the metabolic processes of the physical body. Naturally, they were able to bring the subconscious level to the level of full awareness. Naturally, they are all united in communities. Naturally, they are not given the keys to the doors where a person leaves after death.

I have already hinted that the essence of what was described above is the person himself, his role in the structure of space and time, as well as the desire of "others" to use this universal law for their consumer purposes. Let's take a look at what people are.

“Our consciousness is not found in space and therefore cannot be measured in spatial terms. It has its own time, which often turns out to be timelessness, and therefore temporal measurements are inapplicable to the Truth obtained on this path. The great mystics have established that human consciousness - besides the fact that it is for us the most immediate and innermost of the realities, at the same time is the closest source of energy to us …"

How clearly and frankly Dr. Shekeli shared with us in his translations of ancient manuscripts known to us from his book "The Gospel of the Essenes" book. 2. It is as a source of energy that a person is viewed by certain forces.

After all, judge for yourself, they literally impose on us the illusion of receiving sensual pleasures through money. At every step we can see the propaganda of various ideologies, but with one cult - the cult of money. But money is only paper. What is behind it, behind this paper? An ingenious mechanism for extracting energies. Those laws of nature, which is based on the development of the universe, through various entities, and specifically a person, suddenly begin to work exactly the opposite. We, like madmen, change ourselves, our energy, our time, our life into small temporary emotional values. For a short-term rush of adrenaline. To enjoy power. For momentary pleasure. As if an invisible hunger pushes us to constant consumption, consumption, and consumption. "… and his hunger will devour all her gifts, and he will leave in their place only a wasteland."

- Well, - the reader will say, - Let's say we forgot something, lost something, misunderstand something. But then what is the real meaning of this life? Where, so to speak, is that innermost detail of self-knowledge that will lead us out of the darkness of an illusory cult and lead us to reality?

There are many traces in the darkness, and it is not difficult to see them, and if you are already tired of the blinders of egoism, then you will easily understand that all these traces begin at one foot of the mountain …

W. R. Colors "Fifth wheel"