What Is She - The Ancient Ancestral Home Of The Slavs? - Alternative View

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What Is She - The Ancient Ancestral Home Of The Slavs? - Alternative View
What Is She - The Ancient Ancestral Home Of The Slavs? - Alternative View

Video: What Is She - The Ancient Ancestral Home Of The Slavs? - Alternative View

Video: What Is She - The Ancient Ancestral Home Of The Slavs? - Alternative View
Video: THE SIMPSONS. Russian Art Film Version // Симпсоны. Артхаусная русская версия 2024, September

It has long been considered a fictional country that never really existed. Only in the twentieth century, scientists have found evidence to confirm its reality. These findings became a sensation in the scientific world. Hyperborea (aka Arctida), like Atlantis, died due to a global cataclysm. But there is every reason to believe that not all of its inhabitants suffered a terrible fate. There is a great chance that it was the Hyperboreans who became our progenitors.

The issue of the disappeared northern country has always worried scientists. How did Hyperborea die? What do the sources of ancient civilizations say? How did the ancestors of the Slavs survive after a global catastrophe? Where did the survivors go?

The Italian historian Mavro Orbini in his book "Slavic Kingdom" (1601) wrote: "The people of the Slavs are much older than the Egyptian pyramids and are so numerous that they inhabit half the world." Although the written history of the people that lived before our era tells nothing, traces of the most ancient culture in the Russian North are a scientific fact. The ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Plato wrote that the centuries-old roots of the Russian people originate in Arctida.

Evidence for the existence of the legendary Hyperborea. Mercator Map

Medieval maps found in museums around the world show that Hyperborea was located on islands around the present-day North Pole. Some scholars are sure that she also occupied Greenland and Scandinavia.

The fact of the existence of the Slavic ancestral home is evidenced by the works of the greatest traveler and cartographer of the 16th century, Gerard Mercator. Nobody ever doubted his discoveries, even in our time. How this person could make an accurate map of Hyperborea remains a mystery. Indeed, by the time it was drawn up (1595), this territory no longer existed.

The cartographer described the legendary northern country as a rounded continent divided into four equal parts by huge rivers. Studying the map, modern scientists recognize the territory of the Arctic Ocean in Arctida. An accurate description of the northern part of the coast of America and Eurasia fully confirms the credibility of Mercator's work. The engravings of ancient peoples found by archaeologists also confirm the existence of Hyperborea. The map also has a picture of the mountain of the ancestors of Meru. This universal elevation was located at the North Pole. According to declassified information, a mountain was found under the water of the Northern Ocean on the territory of Russia - a very high one, touching the ice cover. In addition, the ancient map depicts the strait connecting America and Asia. Interestingly, the Russian seaman Semyon Dezhnev discovered it only in 1648. Eighty years later, a Russian expedition led by Vigus Bering took this route again. Subsequently, the strait was named after the commander. How did Mercator know about the Bering Strait? How did he get on his map?

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Proof of the existence of Hyperborea can also be found in the works of Yakov Gakkel, a famous Soviet cartographer and oceanographer. His studies of the Arctic Ocean floor confirm the existence of this civilization. According to the scientist, the Eastern and Western Slavs, who settled in the Scandinavian Peninsula, as well as in the northern part of continental Europe, became the descendants of the Hyperboreans.

Catastrophe that befell the northern country

In the ancient myths of the peoples of the world, Hyperborea was spoken of as a "paradise earth". For example, the Greeks named it that because it is located behind the north wind Boreas. They believed that it was the wise Hyperboreans who laid the foundation for modern civilization. Homer described Arctida as a highly developed civilization, and its representatives as giants with Slavic features. The ancient Roman erudite writer Pliny the Elder, who was considered one of the most impartial scholars of his time, called the nation real. “Civilization lives near the Polar circle, has its own culture and is outwardly similar to the Hellenes. The Hyperboreans are a happy people, living to the old age, with amazing legends. There the sun does not set for six months. The whole country is flooded with sunlight. A favorable climate, no cold wind. Groves and forests serve as dwellings for people. They do not know disease, strife, hatred. A person dies only when he is fed up with life,”wrote Pliny the Elder. But Hyperborea disappeared. What happened? Why did she go under water?

Many peoples of Siberia have legends describing the disaster that befell the "paradise land." Khanty, Mansi, Sakhalin Nivkhs, Nanai - all these peoples talk about the flood. But before this event there is fire from the sky. Then - a sharp cold snap, and as a result - the death of all living things.

There is a version that the Earth collided with a meteorite before the "big water". As a result, Hyperborea disappeared under water. However, at first it was part of the mainland. Then the entire territory went under the water, with the exception of a few islands. Where did the Hyperboreans go? Scientists suggest that one part of the inhabitants of Hyperborea migrated to the southern lands. Another - to the territory of modern Germany, Poland and Belarus. Mixing with the indigenous population of nomadic tribes, new languages, customs arose, and the cultural heritage changed.

The legends of the Russian Templars say that Lelya (once a satellite of the Earth), orbiting the planet in 7 days, fell to its surface. But it was not by chance that he fell. He was destroyed in a space battle. It was this fall that caused a global catastrophe, as a result of which Hyperborea perished. The earth's axis shifted, which entailed a change in climatic conditions, and the Hyperboreans migrated to other favorable places.

According to the astronomical calculations of the ancient Egyptians, as well as the Mayan calendar, the catastrophe that struck Hyperborea dates back to 11,542 BC. The global Flood, a sharp change in climatic conditions forced our ancestors to leave their country and settle practically throughout the earth. Many teachings that have come down to us from antiquity mention a people in the North who possessed great knowledge.

Other scientific evidence of the existence of Hyperborea. Climate

Paleontologists and oceanographers from Russia, the United States and Canada determined that the climatic conditions of the Arctic (from 30 to 15 millennia BC) were mild. The waters of the Arctic Ocean were warm, no eternal ice existed on the continent. The modern underwater ridges of Mendeleev and Lomonosov rose above the water surface of the ocean. The North Pole had a temperate climate that was favorable for human life.

Migratory birds and their migration

The fact that the climate of the Arctic in the past was favorable is evidenced by the annual migrations of migratory birds. This can be explained by the genetically programmed memory of the warm ancestral home. The current state of the Arctic Ocean floor shows that it used to be a huge plateau with river valleys. Scientists believe: this is the mainland, which once towered over the ocean. If the map of the bottom of the Arctic Ocean is superimposed on the map of Gerard Mercator, the coincidence will be amazing. Therefore, this cannot be called a mere coincidence.

Structures of stone

The fact that there was an ancient highly developed civilization in the northern latitudes is evidenced by stone structures. Thus, a labyrinth was discovered on the coast of Novaya Zemlya. This is an exceptional find, because such structures have never been found in these latitudes. Scientists continue to find traces of the life of ancient civilizations all over the Earth, starting from the Leningrad Region, Yakutia and ending with Novaya Zemlya.

The search for a legendary civilization

As history shows, such famous personalities as Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler believed in the existence of Hyperborea. The German leader even equipped several expeditions to find her. The Soviet Union did not lag behind Germany. By order of Dzerzhinsky, three expeditions were organized. Two of them disappeared (most likely, died), but one returned to Moscow with evidence of the existence of Hyperborea. But for unknown reasons, the leader of the expedition, Barchenko, was soon shot, and the rest of his group members disappeared without a trace. What were all these expeditions looking for? Just an archaeological interest? Not. Most likely, they needed the lost knowledge of the Hyperboreans. After all, the ancient inhabitants of the northern country could adapt the forces of nature to their advantage, for their needs.

All modern expeditions aimed at searching for Hyperborea, the ancient ancestral home of the Slavs, raise new questions. There is new evidence of the real existence of this country. But there are more and more mysteries. The main thing is that no one doubts that Arctida is related to the history of ancient Russia. No one doubts that the Russian people, their language is associated with this disappeared country. Time will pass, and scientists will find more evidence of the existence of the northern continent. This will change the perception of the last millennia in the history of all mankind. Perhaps the Hyperboreans will turn out to be not only the ancestors of the Slavs, but also the descendants of an extraterrestrial highly developed civilization. Time will tell…