Fifteen Wonders Of The Buddha - Alternative View

Fifteen Wonders Of The Buddha - Alternative View
Fifteen Wonders Of The Buddha - Alternative View

Video: Fifteen Wonders Of The Buddha - Alternative View

Video: Fifteen Wonders Of The Buddha - Alternative View
Video: Seven Wonders of the Buddhist World. HD (English Subtitle) 2024, September

Soon after the Buddha began to preach his teachings, he had many disciples. But several monks hated him for his unlimited power and began to mock his teaching, began to demonstrate to the people all kinds of fake miracles.

Buddha put these false teachers to shame and performed 15 miracles in the city of Shravasti: one miracle a day. Here are some of them:

He stuck his toothpick into the ground, and a huge tree grew out of it, which covered the entire sky with its branches. There were fruits hanging on it, similar to vessels that could hold five buckets of water.

The Buddha smiled, and from his smile light scattered in three thousand worlds; all on whom this light fell became blessed.

All followers of the Buddha learned each other's thoughts, virtuous and sinful, and also learned about the retribution and retribution that awaits them.

The Buddha rinsed out his mouth and spat out water on the ground. It turned into a huge lake. Many wonderful lotuses grew in its midst, illuminating the whole world with their light and filling it with fragrance.

The Buddha touched his right hand to the throne on which he was sitting, and suddenly five terrible monsters appeared, destroying the seats of the false teachers, and the terrible deity Vajrapani that arose with them drove them away with his vajra - a weapon similar to lightning. After that, 91 thousand false teachers went over to the side of the Buddha.

Buddha became visible simultaneously in all the kingdoms of the material world and preached his teaching.

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He turned his body into an ineffable light, which filled thousands of worlds with his radiance.

The Buddha emitted two rays from his navel, which rose to a height of seven sazhens. At the tip of each ray, a lotus flower has grown. From the middle of each flower came two reflections of the Buddha. They, in turn, emitted two rays, ending in a lotus … This continued until the flowers and buddhas filled the entire universe.

With his great will, Buddha created a huge chariot that reached the world of the Gods. And the radiance filled all the worlds.

The Buddha filled all the vessels in the city with food. It tasted differently, but when people tasted it, they felt pleasure. Then Buddha touched the ground with his hand, and it opened, showing the suffering that idle and sinful people endured in hell. Those who saw this shuddered, and Buddha began to preach his teachings to the crowd.

For two weeks of the first New Year's month, services are held in Buddhist temples describing these miracles. And the holiday is called Monlam, or 15 wonders of the Buddha.

Their books: 100 Great Holidays. Elena Olegovna Chekulaeva