Nothing In This World Lasts Forever - Alternative View

Nothing In This World Lasts Forever - Alternative View
Nothing In This World Lasts Forever - Alternative View

Video: Nothing In This World Lasts Forever - Alternative View

Video: Nothing In This World Lasts Forever - Alternative View
Video: VISIONS OF ATLANTIS - Nothing Lasts Forever (Official Video) | Napalm Records 2024, September

The end of the world is an event that cannot be avoided. It also cannot be prevented. Nothing in this world is eternal and everything, even the world itself, has its end. The ancient sages understood this and predicted the onset of events of an apocalyptic nature. In their predictions, they resorted to elementary logic and used the gullibility of people. As we know today, the Apocalypse still has not happened, although, according to the predictions, a lot of them should have already happened. The fact that many predictors were wrong does not mean that the end of the world is a myth.

The apocalypse is real. This is an inevitable event. Unlike the end of the world, one cannot escape from the Apocalypse, because this is the end not only for the planet, but for the entire Universe. However, the Apocalypse will not happen very soon and, perhaps, humanity will die out much earlier.

The end of the world differs from the Apocalypse in that it personifies a catastrophe for our civilization, but not for the entire Universe. Roughly speaking - the end of the world, this event is only of a planetary scale. The maximum is on the scale of the star system. It can also come at any time. In general, there are certain time periods in which the probability of the end of the world increases critically. Today, we all live in just such a period. Yellowstone Super Volcano is ready to erupt at any moment. If this happens, then not only the US territory will suffer, but all of humanity. Predictions of the consequences of such an eruption are not encouraging. They predict the degradation of civilization to medieval times, which is certainly terrible. However, this is not the end of the world.

The real threat to us is not at all a super volcano, not an asteroid or a super-powerful solar flare. The real threat is ourselves. Today, we are witnessing the beginning of a new Cold War. Russian President Vladimir Putin has openly stated that the Russian Federation has new super-powerful weapons. Such a statement has important political significance - it forces the United States to create new types of weapons and test them. Having started this race, it can be ended either by the destruction of the economy of one of the countries, or by a world war. Already today, the Russian Federation and the United States cannot share their interests in Syria. It so happened that the interests of the superpowers and the ambitions of their leaders intersect. In a normal situation, this would serve as a pretext for rapprochement of several countries. But when it comes to military "empires" - this is only a pretext for dangerous rivalry. The arms race begins smoothly and proceeds in a latent phase. Rival states support different sides of the same conflicts with weapons and military specialists, which leads to a public display of weapons. The recent use of cruise missiles by the United States without the permission of the UN Security Council only further confirms that a new Cold War has already begun.

We all remember the history of the Soviet Union. A country that sacrificed light industry for the sake of heavy and military. Flirting with nuclear parity led to the buildup of a deadly atomic arsenal in the USSR and the United States. Such a number of warheads cannot be stopped by any missile defense system. This is technically impossible. The maximum escalation took place during the Cuban missile crisis and it almost became the end of the world. Only a miracle saved the superpowers from mutual exchange of atomic strikes. Only by chance this did not happen and humanity received the right to live on.

Today, everything has changed. The USSR is long gone, but Russia is not inferior to it in atomic power. The world is slowly approaching the very line beyond which war can no longer be avoided. A war that will seem like a real nightmare, incomparable in destructiveness. Months of hostilities or even years will lead to the defeat of one of the parties and then the final stage will begin. The most expensive "fireworks" in the history of mankind, which can be seen only once in a lifetime. In less than 30 minutes, the war will be over. Unfortunately, there will be no winners. There will be no judges either. For several years after the War, the rest of the people will die out, and the end of the world will come to an end.

Perfectly aware of the danger of the threat, the richest and most influential people in the world have long begun to build family shelters. In which you can live not only months, but also decades. Moreover, according to American conspiracy theorists, a genetic mutation has been created in laboratories for several decades, which will lead to the appearance of the "Homo Nomus" species. This is the next stage of human evolution, which will be created on the basis of human biomaterial and fully adapted to existence in the post-nuclear era. In Switzerland, back in 2012, the first cryo storage facilities of biomaterial were created, capable not only of "surviving" the nuclear apocalypse, but also of functioning after it. It is known that not only the official American elites and members of banking families, but also Russian officials are investing in this project. This is a common project of the world elite to create a new species. It is widely known that in order to build a new world, the old one must be destroyed. It follows from all this that the end of the world is not only inevitable, but also planned in advance.

It sounds incredible. I don’t want to believe this, but if you use logic, then it’s logical. The new species will be devoid of our flaws. He will receive all the knowledge we have accumulated and will correct our mistakes. Unfortunately, coexistence is not possible. In the theory of intelligent evolution, a more evolved species always exterminates the less evolved species. It turns out that the world financial elite not only creates a new species, but also carefully prepares the most comfortable conditions for its existence. Humanity will be sacrificed for a new life. The life that we have created for them to replace us. Only miracle and human prudence will help to avoid this. After all, be that as it may, this is a rough version of the development of events, this is a deal with conscience in case the rulers make a mistake and start a war for the sake of personal ambitions.

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