Nuku Hiva Island Statues - Alternative View

Nuku Hiva Island Statues - Alternative View
Nuku Hiva Island Statues - Alternative View

Video: Nuku Hiva Island Statues - Alternative View

Video: Nuku Hiva Island Statues - Alternative View
Video: The Strange Stone Statues Of Nuku Hiva 2024, September

Nuku Hivu Island is one of the largest atolls in French Polynesia.

It is notable for its mysterious statues of unknown origin.

The name of the island translates as "majestic". Lush vegetation, rich underwater world amazes the imagination of experienced tourists. From the 100,000 indigenous population in the Middle Ages, 2,000 people remain today.

The island was discovered in 1891. Along with the progress, the Europeans introduced diseases to which the aborigines did not have immunity. And the Chinese shared opium, which quickly solved the problem of overpopulation.


Idol worship is a common practice for prehistoric tribes. But the "idols of Tiki", as the aborigines call them, in addition to archaeologists, interested ufologists. Stone deities resemble creatures of extraterrestrial origin, dressed in space suits.


They, according to experts in alien civilizations, depict representatives of the warlike race of Reptilians and their slaves. The statues depict both single characters and entire families with wives and children.

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The idols do not look like a simple subject of exuberant imagination, bulging eye sockets and large oblong heads in spacesuits look very realistic. Perhaps, guests from other planets shocked the imagination of local residents and therefore were ranked among the deities.


One of the versions, far from ufology, is the depiction of the figure of a priest in a ritual mask.

However, according to beliefs, in the sacred valley of Temehea-Tohua, each such idol is the personification of a particular deity and stores magical power. One helps in war, the other protects from troubles and misfortunes, the third is responsible for abundance.

The age of these statues is estimated at about 1000 AD.