Did You Know That Aging Is A Foreign Gene That Has Been Implanted In Us? - Alternative View

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Did You Know That Aging Is A Foreign Gene That Has Been Implanted In Us? - Alternative View
Did You Know That Aging Is A Foreign Gene That Has Been Implanted In Us? - Alternative View

Video: Did You Know That Aging Is A Foreign Gene That Has Been Implanted In Us? - Alternative View

Video: Did You Know That Aging Is A Foreign Gene That Has Been Implanted In Us? - Alternative View
Video: Дети на заказ: как далеко мы можем зайти в генетических экспериментах? (английская версия) 2024, September

If it was written as a script, then it is natural that it can also be canceled. This is nothing more than another program code, of which there are very, very many in our matrix.

This code is in every person and manipulates him until you realize it.

But you must admit that even just at the level of intuition, we perfectly feel that we should always be young and healthy, right? This, of course, refers to the Players, biorobots love illness and death. But we're not talking about them.

Anyone who loves old age, cares and cherishes it, can infect you with their vibrations, so be careful with such. Personally, I try not to even communicate with those who are aging. Because at the vibrational level, such viruses are very well transmitted and unpleasantly emitting. Like all vibrations of conventional biorobots.

The Player will not accept old age and will look for solutions.

There are many methods, even the ones that I discovered, give phenomenal results. There is a whole range of procedures, techniques and classes that work very effectively. Only there would be a desire. Do you think many have it? Unfortunately no.

One of the ways to rejuvenate is mental

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Imagine how much energy you have given for life to other people? Did they appreciate it? Unlikely. But there will be no bad news. You can return everything, don't you believe? but in vain. By returning your energy, you can return motivation, excitement to life, remember who you were before, cheer up! Your internal state will change, and your external will change after it. Everything is gradual, but rather rapidly …

All your psycho-emotional trauma will be completely healed! Also, alien Streams must not only be turned off, but also completely removed from your fractal. I think it's not worth explaining why? You don't need someone else's baggage, I suppose. You will be able to bathe in your potential and possibilities, this is wonderful. Unfortunately, at the time of extinction and aging, a person has already been enveloped in clouds of alien programs. And people are far from developed, with their flaws, they faint in you, due to the old exchange of energies with you. By returning your own and giving someone else's energy, you can reverse this process! The main thing is to cleanse yourself of the stranger and return your own!

Do not let in other people's dogmas about what you need to accept your age and your old age! Old age is a disease, even scientists already unanimously say this, the only thing that has not yet found a remedy for recovery.. To accept the fact that you are getting old is like accepting that you are terminally ill and will definitely die, this is unacceptable for the Player! Love your old age? It resembles the Body Positive movement, where obese people are offered to love their cellulite. Do not lead to absurdity. Loving wrinkles and other such deformities is CRAZY!

One has only to allow oneself to believe that there is no turning back, inwardly will accept, as the process will be activated and you will start it with your own brain. Remember that what is observed depends entirely on the observer. And what do you observe?.. The brain is an activator of all processes in the body, therefore we can often hear the hackneyed, but true phrase - "thoughts are material."

It is necessary to bring your quantum programming to such a level of mastery that those around you with their opinion TOTALLY lose any value to you. They stopped influencing you. So that you don't have authority!

You can often hear this phrase among matrix puppets - "The world will never be the way you want it to be."

This is not true. This is another SCRIPT. The player creates reality with his Consciousness. Only you decide whether to create or live like everyone else, playing the role of just a flower in a flower bed, which depends solely on the weather or on kind people.

A strong man himself chooses how to be and live. Spreads life algorithms with his intellectual work!

It is also you, and only you choose how to look, what to think about, with whom to interact. Or be like everyone else, nobody and nothing, just a leaf in the wind, wherever it blows you there and carries you.

But what about broadcast control? It sounds almost fantastic, but few people know that everything can be achieved through working with layers.

Become a predator, and then everything will be only in your hands, develop the skills to subjugate the surrounding space, the consciousness of other people, go to the astral plane, in a word, form EVERYTHING. On your own.


Complicated? I know it's hard for me myself. This is how I slowly learn from the Masonic egregor this difficult art.

Author: Valeria Lukyanova
