Calendar - Weapons Of The Gods In The Hands Of The Freemasons. Mayan Calendar - Interplanetary Time Converter - Alternative View

Calendar - Weapons Of The Gods In The Hands Of The Freemasons. Mayan Calendar - Interplanetary Time Converter - Alternative View
Calendar - Weapons Of The Gods In The Hands Of The Freemasons. Mayan Calendar - Interplanetary Time Converter - Alternative View

Video: Calendar - Weapons Of The Gods In The Hands Of The Freemasons. Mayan Calendar - Interplanetary Time Converter - Alternative View

Video: Calendar - Weapons Of The Gods In The Hands Of The Freemasons. Mayan Calendar - Interplanetary Time Converter - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: The Mayan Calendar Mystery (Season 14) | Exclusive | History 2024, September

“The main idea of my theory is pretty crazy.

You see, bizarre theories come up

many, and most "crazy ideas"

not true, but this one seems to me to have a chance.

A lot of facts fit well into it"

Roger Penrose.

I trust the Mayan calendar system more than the Gregorian calendar. The cruelty of morals did not allow making mistakes in counting the time, the younger priest lied a little in the calculations, like the older comrades, they would immediately strip the skin of the deceiver for the amusement of the gods, without batting an eye.

It's good that the priests have disappeared, they won't do anything to me for that interpretation of the Mayan calendar, which I propose in the lines below. True, there are other pen and ax workers who are similar to them … but Long live the Democracy of the minority!

Promotional video:

I'll start from afar, from wandering around the Earth. It is convenient for travelers to have a clock that shows the local time of the Aboriginal people.


The problem of recalculating the time for them is solved by shifting the hands on the clock forward / backward in accordance with the time zone in which the nomads are at a given time, i.e. a rule was adopted, according to which people agreed with each other on the display of time in different territories. Such an agreement presupposes a certain level of development of civilization and the level of globalization of society. In particular, our civilization has agreed to introduce the concept of world time.

As technical capabilities grew, people went out into space and populated the planets of the solar system, let's say. What agreements should the interplanetary civilization of humanoids come to in order to easily relate the time of one planet to another, so that planetary navigators can recalculate the time from one planetary system to another?

Time zones cannot be set up anymore. A completely different approach is needed to reconcile the chronological time sequence of one planet with another, i.e. determine, by analogy with world time, interplanetary time and the transition from the time tracking system on one planet to another.

An attempt to understand the mechanism of the Aztec calendar and the appearance of crop circles with Mayan glyphs served as an impetus for such thoughts about a single time tracking device for traveling from planet to planet.

The time cycle drawn on August 9, 2005 in the fields of England,


consisting of 20 identical glyphs in the outer ring of the circle.

The second drawing appeared in the same August 2005 as the first, only on August 13.


I suppose that scientific truth-lovers are immediately rearing like wool: why did they decide that the time cycle is depicted, and not, for example, a cow cake?

I answer: - because, this is how the parts of the Mayan and Aztec calendar were depicted, as well as the number recordings presented in Mayan arithmetic.

Aztec calendar - Sun stone.


How many centuries have scientists been fighting, trying to figure out how this calendar "works", but apart from general assumptions. "… the fact is that these astronomical tables on this stone, written in the VIII century, a long time ago."

Unlike classical historians, I take the liberty of claiming that the stone depicts not the Mayan calendar, but a device that I would rather call a chronometer of interplanetary time. Before you is a block on which five circles are carved, reflecting the duration of the precessional cycles of the five planets of the solar system. This is a hypothesis, an assumption.

I must note that many readers may not pay attention to such a trifle as the precessional cycles of the planets and the stars of the Sun. Yes that readers. Questions about the presence of precessional cycles of the planets and the Sun have not been asked not only by ordinary laymen, but also by astronomers and scientists, like 6000 years.

You can assume that for the first time in the last 5 thousand years I am asking such a question: what is the duration of the precessional cycle of the Sun and the rest of the planets of the Solar System?

The Aztec calendar is in the center of the picture, in the first circle there are images of the Sun (everyone agrees with this statement except me), and then, in the second circle, the annual cycles of the planets Venus and Earth. The third circle, consisting of 20 segments, is the duration of the precessional cycle of a star called the Sun. In the central circle is depicted the emperor of the Nibiruan humanoid empire of the solar star system. The first three circles refer to the precessional cycles of the two inner planets of the solar system. The rest to the precessional cycles of the outer planets - Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. The last fifth is the precessional cycle of the star, our star - the Sun.

I approve, and then show that each of the symbols, such as these


denotes the length of a time era.


The drawings on the field were created in 2005. Still the same symbols, but drawn in 2013.


I have been reiterating for a long time that this glyph refers to a period of time, but what's the point. Will an academician from history look into an Internet source that does not belong to the chosen luminaries of knowledge, in search of scientific novelty? Scientific truth can only be found in specialized publications, as modern science believes. I think to myself, did Aristotle or Plato, when writing down their thoughts on paper, had to arrange them in accordance with the requirements of the librarian of the Library of Alexandria?

I know my dangerous thoughts, because where is Aristotle and where is Damkin ?, an indignant opponent will immediately tell me.

That is why I begin the story with these Mayan glyphs, which indicate a time period, as I believe, which allow you to link the calendar time of one planet with a planet, say, Earth, or to recalculate the current date in the Jupiter system to the current date of the planet Venus in a flash.

As you have already noted, recalculation of dates is necessary if there is a civilization of creatures on each of the planets that also keep the chronology of events, like people.

But no one can rule out that civilization on the planets arose as a result of the migration of people in prehistoric times, as can happen with the "settlement" of Mars in the 21st century. However, only those planets on which there is no intelligent life can be populated, and more than 12 billion local aborigines live on Mars.

- Who said this? They themselves - in crop circles. But in this article we are not talking about the Martians, but about the calendar systems of not only humans, but also the Martians, as well.

Fragment of the calendar depicted on the "stone of the Sun":


In the history of famous decryptions of ancient writing, there has always been a decryption key in the form of two inscriptions about the same event, in different languages, one of which was known to the translator.

“Unknown text may be accompanied by parallel known text. The latter can be either an independent text on the same topic (pseudo-bilingual), or a translation of an unknown text (bilingual). It is difficult to overestimate the importance of bilinguals for decryption.”Unknown texts. article by Yu. V. Knorozov from the collection "Forgotten systems of writing" (Moscow, 1982)

I'm not going to be original, and I will only guess that the above glyph also means a time span of Unfortunately, all the other signs for me on the stone remain a secret behind seven seals, but for the poor - at least a crumb of bread from the table of the rich. A crumb of truth that does not allow the seeker to get lost, walking along the untouched path leading to the bright light of the Sun stone.

The signs in the considered drawings on the margins (Mayan style) do not differ in their functional purpose, from those depicted in the ringing devices of the time of the Aztecs, Maya, which are called calendars.


"Mayan calendar" - one of the most widespread phrases in Internet publications related to the topic of the ancient history of Mesoamerica. It is clear that 99% of publications copy several original articles that reveal the essence of the Mayan calendar system.

We can agree that “the Mayan calendar is one of the most mysterious monuments of this ancient civilization. Scientists have not yet fully figured out the history of its appearance, which is the reason for the emergence of different versions."

Science conservatives find it hard to give up Occam's razor. Using a tool that cuts off old beliefs is too dangerous for the health of an ossified body, you can bleed from cuts with new ideas.

Scientists historians will disappear from the world if they admit that the Mayan calendar is not an invention of a cave tribe, but was introduced into the priestly masses, by alien gods.

Curiously, the Mayan calendar begins long before the emergence and flowering of this Indian culture.

Researchers of the Mayan culture, having spent years of hard work, quite accurately determined the mythological dates of the beginning of the chronology of all three Mayan calendars, which included a long count, a civil one - a haab (haab) and, as most scholars assume, a religious one - Tzolk'in (tzolk'in). But why the Maya had this calendar of the year consisting of 260 days (this is how some scientists think that the number 260 means days), only the priests of the Maya tribes and aliens know, who introduced the ministers of the temples with their methods of recording events in time. But the servants of another faith, the Freemasons, did everything so that the next generations of people would never know the true purpose of the devices called the Mayan calendars.


A common notation, for example, for the date October 24, 2004 is as follows:

24.10.2004 =, 1 Ahau, 3 Sak (correlation 584283)

24.10.2004 =, 12 Etsnab, 1 Sak (correlation 584285)

Why do we need a solar calendar, no one has unnecessary questions. Everything is clear and familiar.

However, in this time recording system there are two incomprehensible accounts, i.e. they are almost "understandable" as most on Earth think. This is the Tzolkin calendar and long count.

It's not clear to me what the Tzolkin calendar thinks? Days, hours or eras? Why do you need a long calendar account? What time cycle can only be written in a modified 20-ary number system?

Long counting is one of the components for recording a date in the Maya system, since it is also necessary to take into account the recording of the name of the "day" according to the Tzolkin calendar and the day according to the Haab calendar. If with a long count, how to count numbers, everything seems to be clear, with the Haab calendar - the annual solar calendar, there are also no difficulties with understanding, then the Tzolkin calendar remains a mystery to this day.

In this sequence of characters, the Long Count, Tzolkin and Haab are represented together. In the transcript, the record (by correlation 584283) means the following:

long score: baktun 12, katun 19, tun 11, uinal 13, kin 0;

Tzolkin: 1st day of a 13-day week, Ahau day of a 20-day period;

haab: 3rd day of the month Sak.

I didn't want to quote about correlation, but I have to, and you will understand why:

The correlations 584 283 and 584 285 mean the following. The Maya counted time in cycles of 13 baktuns (13–144,000 days). The starting date of the cycle we live in was, 4 Ahau, 8 Kumhu. The problem arises in figuring out the equivalent date of this start in our terms. This led to a couple of correlations that were just two days behind each other. If the long counting system were still in use, this problem would be easier to solve, but it was not used by the Maya during the Spanish conquest.

Belief in the 584 283 correlation is based on the dates of the calendar circle, which were used during the conquest and are used by some high-altitude Maya today. Correlation 584 285 is based on the relationship between astronomical events recorded by the classical Maya and the known time when they took place. The 584-285 correlation assumes that a 2-day shift has occurred over time.

Correlation 584 283 was more widely accepted until recently, when the turn towards correlation 584 285 began. Confirming factor in favor of the latter was the discovery of the stele at Quirigua, the Dresden Codex, the creation of which lags behind each other by centuries, and both give the same the date of the eclipse, which matches the correlation 584 285.

I would like to draw your attention to the following - “The problem arises when figuring out the equivalent date of this beginning in our terms. This has resulted in a couple of correlations that are just two days behind each other.” Only two days, if in the Tzolkin calendar, the concept of an earthly day is used, but if these are not days, but, say, one "day" equal to ~ 100 traditional earth years, where the year is 365.24 days.

There are doubts that the Tzolkin calendar is 260 earth days.

“The researchers intuitively came to the conclusion that along with the so-called civil calendar“shaab”, the Maya (or rather, their priests) also used the“sacred”calendar“tzolkin”, allegedly for religious rituals. But the heuristic insight of modern researchers still did not lead them to the next logical step - to invest in the architectonics of the calendar the concepts and categories that the initiates of the Maya used. Oh, if only that happened! This calendar would have received an even higher rating than the "shaab". It would appear that the Tzolkin is the embodiment of those unusual astronomical data of a galactic scale that the Mayan priests possessed thousands of years ago."

For example, I really like the following approach, which explains the images of timelines in the Aztec calendar, which allows you to operate with different time periods.

“This Mayan calendar has the number 13. But modern researchers interpret it as months (some as days). Maya experts have deciphered their names and even given a translation. I propose to leave these names, but to mean by them now the names of the zodiacal constellations. Thirteen! In other words, to return to the number 13 in the tzolkin calendar the meaning that was laid down by the compilers of this calendar.

And then (again, according to the modern interpreters of Maya history), each of the 13 months in the Tzolkin calendar was divided into twenty days. Each "day" had its own name.

And now, after we have returned to the concept of "months" its true meaning - "zodiacal constellation", following logic, we will come to the true meaning of the number 20 in the tzolkin calendar.

"and these are not days at all, but segments of the zodiacal constellation, equal to approximately 1.38 angular degrees (27.7: 20), or, if in a more usual time calculation for us, a little more than a hundred (ours!) years."

With these quotes, I want to emphasize that there were researchers who, under the days familiar to earthlings, see a different meaning inherent in dividing the large calendar circle into twenty segments.

As a result of a completely different interpretation of the Tzolkin calendar, the dates recorded in the Mayan calendar system acquire completely different meanings, and the difference in correlations by two "days" can result in two centuries.

“And how beautiful (I would even use“elegant”,“graceful”) and at the same time to the point of genius any date written in the terms used by the priests (“perfectly wise”) of the Maya just should look. It should include:

1. the name of the zodiacal constellation (one of 13), in which at that time the equinox point was located, moving in a precessional circle;

2. the name of the "century" (one of 20);

3. the name of the 52-year cycle (one of two);

4. name of the year;

5. name of the quarter;

6. name of the month;

7. name of the day.

The term "name" should be understood not only as a proper name, but also its number

Such a record made it possible to accurately determine the date of any event on the Mayan timescale for 5000 years! And after making an amendment one day every 5000 years - for 25,000 years.

So much for the accuracy of determining the completion date of 13 baktuns on December 21, 2012.

At the suggestion of scientists, the world learned that the Mayan tribes began to reckon from August 13, 3114 BC. e., while the Mayan civilization, again, according to scientists, arose only after 2 thousand years. Believe after such theories to researchers: no matter what the researcher, then everyone has their own zero point of reference for Mayan time.

The legend says that on that day, by the will of the gods, a new era began.

This is what the mythological dates of the origin of these calendars look like.

13 (14) October 3373 BC e (according to G. Spinden);

12 (13) August 3113 BC (according to D. Thomson);

612 (613) BC according to the Tzolkin calendar.

To our deepest regret, neither D. Thomson, nor G. Spinden, who did an extremely laborious research work, did not guess the dates of the initial cycle of the Mayan calendars. Those who believed the whole world on the date of December 21, 2012 were wrong.

Scientists tried to understand what events could be associated with the zero point of the new era of the Maya, and found that in the period from 3500 to 3114 BC. e. a mysterious megalithic structure was erected at Stonehenge. The dynasties of the pharaohs began in Egypt, the first writing appeared in Mesopotamia, and maize began to be cultivated in America. One gets the impression that on the whole planet, under the influence of some external forces, a global revolution has taken place in the minds and people have acquired new knowledge.

What exactly is the Mayan calendar? I offer my own version, explaining those images that everyone habitually calls a calendar.

Initially, the division of a circle into radial segments is not only the prerogative of the Maya, who similarly graduated time. Initially, “calendars” existed in a circular form in China and Japan.

The Mayan and Aztec calendars are reminiscent of the 20-ary number system, which was used in the calendar systems of the Mesoamerican tribes. For example, "Stone of the Sun" is "a calendar that reflects the cycles of the Sun, Earth, Venus, Moon and other planets of the solar system." Not my statement, but I partially agree with it, since I also add to the listed rhythms, cycles of unknown planets and also stars. Moreover, it is known (from Vicky) that the Maya did not limit the lifetime of the Universe to 5125 years at all (this is thirteen "four hundred"). The entry on stele 1 from the settlement of Koba (Yucatan) indicates that between the beginning of the current world era and a certain "beginning of beginnings" a period has passed, the duration of which in days is expressed, in our calculation, as a thirty-two-digit number.

It should be noted that in Yucatan there was generally a version that attributed the global catastrophe to the beginning of the "twentieth anniversary" of 11 Ahab: it is presented on page 73b of the Madrid manuscript and in the text "Struggle of the Gods" from the "Books of Chilam Balam".


I am trying to understand the numbers written in the left column on page 73b and how they coincide with "the beginning of 20 years 11 Ahab", but the color of the individual numbers gets in the way, and the two gods are not very clear. plus Ahab.

If we translate the number from the long count to the 10-ary number system, we get ~ 8524 years. This number is close to the date of 10800 BC, the date of the "great flood", provided that this page was created almost four thousand years ago.

There is another fragment of a page from the Madrid Code


Where not two, but three gods are present. I'll try to read a tattoo of numbers on the body of the gods. I read it, it turns out (in my version) this number is that which lies on the hips and below the navel - I do not take into account, since it is circled separately in a rectangle. On the hips - 13.4.

Now the questions about color begin. How to take into account the color of the numbers, they are included in the total number or live independently, or the color is in accordance with the cardinal points, like the Maya, as the Mayan culture experts write. Further, what does the number mean, and whether it consists of 6 digits or is it 5. It would be desirable to answer these questions by looking at the numbers on the gods. But if you stupidly translate the number from the modified 20-ary number system used to write dates - into the decimal system, then we get 12568 years in years from 360 days. What can these years mean? Maybe they mean the time of the battle of the gods, maybe the time of the reign of one god, but I don't want to guess …


I agree that the "sun stone" can be called a calendar, but not the Aztecs. No, of course, the stone was found on the territory where the Aztecs also lived, but the "calendar", it is more correct and understandable to call it today, is a converter of time formats from one planetary system to another and it was invented by those who daily moved in space from planet to planet …

But having called this way of representing the duration of time intervals as a calendar, mankind has thereby sharply narrowed the boundaries of the application of this visual way of displaying time.

It's the same as if we called the clock the calendar of the technological civilization of the 20th century. It's the same as if we called the linear timeline the calendar of civilization of the 5th race of earthlings.


However, no one forbids breaking the circle not only with 20 radial lines (as in the Mayan and Aztec calendar systems), but also dividing the circle into a different number of sectors.

Everyone knows about the representation of time using the zodiac:


But not everyone knows the origin of the zodiac. Not everyone ponders how a caveman could know stars that could be formed in certain configurations.

Do you often look at the starry sky? You can easily see among the myriad of stars a group of fireflies included in the constellation, say, twins ???

They will begin to say that a person needed to know the starry sky in order to determine the time of sowing work or to perform religious rites, without which a patrician or a slave could not live. At the same time, forgetting that the Chukchi can, without looking back at the location of the stars, perform their religious rites by dancing shamans, and the tribes of people in the Amazon jungle, without exception, sit in the trees, looking for stars to start the equinox day.

Historical tales about the reasons for the appearance of the zodiac were good for illiterate people. Someday, a person still has to get out of the myths invented by the priests to fool the crowd.

In the system of recalculating time from one cycle to another, which historians traditionally call the Mayan calendar, if you set the designation of dimensional time intervals (day, month, year, kin uinal, tun, katun, baktun, etc.) with glyphs, then the time circular scale, can represent periods from billions of years, up to one day, with very high accuracy. This requires you to break the pie chart into the required number of radial segments. Place signs in the segments that represent the time period. For the terrestrial zodiac, such markers are the names of the constellations or their graphic images in the sky or in a simplified form for rams, including images of a ram.

I also want to get into the company of the great Mayan cultural scientists, suggesting a different interpretation of the calendar, which links different time cycles of the precession of different planetary systems, including a different purpose of the Tzolkin calendar, which is part of the system, the date of the beginning of one of the last time cycles that the tribes knew about Mayan.

It's easier for me to be a fortuneteller. I also, like the Mayan priests, rely on the knowledge of the gods, that is, aliens (or whatever, in another version: "measured" - people from parallel worlds).

One of the last crop circles in the 2013 season was the following pattern:


It is not difficult (for me, others did not see it) to see in the outer contour of the drawing a precessional cycle, divided into equal - zodiacal periods. Thirteen periods, as in the zodiac before Thoth.

For the sake of fairness, so that it is clear how easy it is to refute my speculations about the Mayan calendar system, I give an interpretation of the same circle by another famous blogger:

“The figure from 23.08.13 (large outer circle) symbolically depicts the orbit of the seventh planet (Uranus) - 7 rectangles 13 each, separated by a line. Obviously, the star is already in the orbit of the seventh planet from the Sun - Uranus. The outer circle has 13 elements in total. Perhaps, in this way, the distance to the star is indicated relative to the period of revolution of Uranus. If 7 is multiplied by 13, we get the number 91. The period of revolution of Uranus is 84 years...

Of course, for me, it remains a mystery why 7 "rectangles" should be attributed to the planet Uranus, it can be to the Pleiades constellation or to 7 spans in the forehead, On the other hand, does the interpreter need to refer these lines ("rectangles") to something? One, attributed them to Uranus, the other - to the recording of numbers in the 20-ary number system, which was used in the Mayan tribes. Time will tell what is closer, what is far from the truth.

I just think that the "rectangles" have nothing to do with the planet "Uranus". Comparison of crop circles proves this (see fig. 1). The appearance of the "star-propeller" will not be associated with the 13 segments into which the circle is divided, which does not exclude the appearance of an object called the "propeller", if you "read" the entire drawing of the circle as a whole, and not only consider the external "ornament" of the pattern on the field …

In fact, in the antediluvian time there were 13 signs of the zodiac, not 12!

“Some scientists justify this fact by the displacement of the earth's axis after a strong tsunami in Asia. And the Chinese astrologer Dr. Li explains this by the constant movement of everything in the universe, including the stars and the sun. Therefore, now the luminary crosses the regions of 13 constellations. The 13th zodiac sign is Ophiuchus. The sun, before entering the constellation Sagittarius, passes through the constellation Ophiuchus for several days from November 26 to December 16, but since there should be twelve zodiacal constellations, according to the number of months in a year, it is not included in the zodiac. Astrologers attach particular importance to it, considering that a person born in it has infernal character traits. This constellation covers a vast region of the equatorial sky and is well studied. The zodiac belt, due to its astrological purpose, consists of constellations,which remain unchanged for more than 3000 years. Z. N. Zarudnyak.

The decrease in the time of the reign on Earth of the clan Ptah, Enki, Quetzalcoatl (all three - one person, the fourth, also widely known - Greek - Poseidon) by 2100 years is associated with the disappearance of one sign of the zodiac, due to….


The stolen time and differences of the aliens were hidden in the calendar year of the gods, by reducing the number of zodiacal signs, removing Ophiuchus from time in the past and future. The reduction in the reign of the Enki clan, according to my version, was the beginning of the war between the gods.

To read the dates written in circles, one must recall the long counting system used by the Mayan priests in their calendar system.

A long count is a mixed 20/18 representation of a number.

The basic unit is kin (day), this is the last component of the Long Count. From right to left, kin, uinal, tun, katun, baktun:

uinal (1 uinal = 20 kin = 20 days)
tun (1 ton = 18 uinals = 360 days = approximately 1 year)
katun (1 katun = 20 tuns = 7200 days = approximately 20 years)
baktun (1 baktun = 20 katuns = 144,000 days = approximately 394 years)

Approximately, since it is not very clear what length of the year should be taken as the basis for recalculating the number of kin per year. Either 365.24 days according to the solar calendar, or according to the lunar calendar - 360 days (with a long count). Most of the writing fellows on the subject of the Mayan calendar, it is taken as the basis of the year, the duration is equal to 365.24 days.

But there are longer periods in the long run

1 pictun = 20 baktun = 2,880,000 days = about 7885 years

1 calabtun = 20 pictun = 57,600,000 days = approx. 158,000 years <

1 kinchiltun = 20 calabtun = 1152000000 days = approx. 3 million years

1 alautun = 20 kinchiltun = 23040000000 days = approx. <63 million years

I want to show an example of reading a record in a long count by an example, the date presented in the segment of the "ornament" of the above crop circles. Fragment from a circle in the fields of the 13-digit zodiac

Figure: 2
Figure: 2

Figure: 2

I am bewildered why attention has not been paid to such an obvious connection between the images on the ornaments in which this image is used with the calendar system of the alien gods. Gods who passed on their knowledge of the ringing of time to individual members of the local tribes.

Vase, from the time of Atlantis (as the underwater discoverers of this artifact wrote), presumably.


The vase was found at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, near Florida. Below is an imprint of a Sumerian seal. Turn the figure in red by 90g and get all the same symbol, sign, glyph, which is known on almost all continents of the Earth, from Sumer to the Andes and Yucatan,


from China to Mesopotamia


Two years ago he wrote that "It is currently impossible to associate this sign with any duration of the time cycle, but the use of this symbol as a time marker is quite logically derived from all Sumerian images and Maya circles."

In January 2014, I already know the answer to my dumb question: this glyph (Fig. 1) means the duration of a time cycle equal to the duration of the zodiacal era.

An example of determining the duration of a cycle recorded graphically in a circle using a long count calendar:

Dates are written in columns from the longest to the shortest cycle, in descending sequence of values. To get the number of days that have passed from the starting point of reference, you need to add all these periods:

5 Baktunov = 5 x 144,000 = 720,000 days
5 Katunov = 5 x 7,200 = 36,000 days
0 Tunov = 0 x 360 = 0 days
5 Uinals = 5 x 20 = 100 days
5 Keins = 5 x 1 = 5 days
756 105 days

So, the time interval recorded in the long counting system is 756 105 kin (days) according to the Haab calendar 756105: 365.24 = 2095 years.

Or according to the Tun calendar, which was used for chronology 756105: 360 = 2100 years

Clear. Which is with integer precision.

Thus, the glyph in crop circles with Mayan symbols means a time interval of 2100 years, which means that the duration of one zodiacal era is 2100 years, and not ~ 2160 years, as is generally accepted on the Internet.

Slightly at odds with the data that are often found in the literature. The calculation of the zodiacal era is made based on the duration of the precessional cycle, which according to Hipparchus is ~ 25900 years. There are 12 signs in the zodiac of Thoth

We divide 25900: 12 = 2158 years.

In the variant, which is based on information from the circles, the duration of the precessional cycle is determined by the opposite action. It is known, accurate to integers, the duration of one era, which is 2100 years, the number of glyphs is 13

The Earth's precessional cycle is 2100 x 13 = 27300 years

The discrepancy in determining the duration of the precessional cycle according to modern concepts and according to information from crop circles is more than ~ 1300 years.

The attentive reader should notice that the image in the graphic version is also symmetrical, as well as written in numbers, both horizontally and vertically. Lovers of magic numbers should pay attention to this entry


If you read the number written in the long account in each segment of the crop circle design, then the Enki clan's reign was reduced by 2,100 years.

If we read the Sumerian symbol in a long account, we get the number


From two assumptions, if … we can construct a conclusion in which we get another if …, but the conclusion is interesting in itself: is the difference in the duration of the zodiacal era in Sumerian times and in our time only 4.9 years?

Looking at Figure 2, the crop circle and the Sumerian time marker see the spiral and outlines of the swastika. Swastika, which is a symbol of the movement of time.

Who would have thought that the key to the initial stage of solving the secret of the Aztec calendar lies in crop circles!

Let's go back to the circle on the field of August 13, 2005.


In the center of the circle a star is depicted, the symbol of which is either the planet Venus or Mars, as was the custom among the Sumerians. In this case, it is not so important which planet is symbolized by the figure in the center of the circle. I believe that Mars is hiding under these signs. Venus is usually represented by a star with 8 rays.

In other words, I want to say that on the circle dated August 13, the calendar of the planet Mars is depicted, the angle of inclination of the axis of rotation of Mars is 25.2 degrees. If, correctly understand the Martians, then the precessional cycle of Mars is 2100 x 12 = 25200 years. As I reason: there are 20 glyphs in total. All the same 20 hieroglyphs, which are so clearly visible in the circles of the Sun calendar, and in the crop circles under consideration, forming the same cycle, lasting 42,000 years. In the third "circle", if we count as the second circle - a square, in the corners of the circle "petals" that capture three glyphs. Four corners - three glyphs for a total of -12 glyphs. How to understand this gibberish. Yes, just as earthlings have understood until now the Tzolkin calendar, there are 20 "months" and there are 13 "days". The Martian calendar still has the same 20 "months" and 12 "days"as in the calendar of Nibiru - 20 zodiacal eras of a large precessional cycle and 16 zones that are included in the zodiac of the planet Nibiru. A specific example of the Nibiru calendar is shown in the figure and discussed below.

So the Earth's Tzolkin calendar links the Earth's precessional cycle to the sun's precessional cycle with a duration of 42,000 years, i.e. indicates the specific galactic period in which the planet is at the current moment of its presence in outer space, indicates the time period from zero point to its completion - a long count and a specific date and year on the planet according to the Aboriginal calendar - the Habb calendar. Therefore, the correct recording of the date according to the chronometer of interplanetary travelers will look like this (all using the same example on October 24, 2004)

24.10.2004 = Ahau, 1;; 3 Sak.

Note how my entry differs from the generally accepted form in Cro-Magnon civilization.

24.10.2004 =, 1 Ahau, 3 Sak

A trifling difference in the recording, you think, changed the places of the signs of the Tzolkin calendar, but such a replacement radically changes the essence of the appointment of the Mayan calendar and turns it into a converter of interplanetary time or, in short, Damkin's chronometer. That is, the Emperor Anu will be outraged by such arrogance of a man with the brains of rams, as he used to count everyone separately and all people together. But the discoverer of the true purpose of the calendar of the gods must give priority to the discovery made in the 21st century after 4 thousand years of oblivion to the country in which he was born - the USSR. Discoveries "made", despite all the tricks, persecutions and destruction by the hands of Masons, obstinate Rus, who have always been unconquered even by the gods, not to mention the Masons …

So, any planetary date is written as follows: the main reference point is the annual cycles of the planets, tied to the name of eras or periods of 2100 years, equal to 1/20 of the circle created by the imaginary axis of rotation of the sun, which describes a circle on the stellar dome of the Universe - the precessional cycle of the Sun …

I do not know what the Martians call the mechanism of binding the precessional cycle of Mars to the Solar one, but I have no doubts that the uniformity of the algorithm for recalculating the time of one planet to another is obtained. And with such ease that it seems incredible, how modern researchers of calendar systems did not notice such a simple, clear way.

What else can be said about the solar calendar (like Habb) of Mars. If you believe the Martians, then they have a year of 54 months. The orbital period of Mars is -687 days, in a month - approximately 13 days.

Consider another calendar related to another planet - not to Mars and Earth, but rather to the planet Nibiru.

Drawing on the field, made in August 2004. Reduced size to make it easier to see the Maltese cross not only for me:


Many times I admired the gracefulness of conveying thoughts with the help of drawings, if you like hieroglyphs. Here is what Yu. Knorozorov says about this: “In the early systems of writing (hieroglyphic) three types of signs began to be used: having only reading (phonetic), having reading and meaning (usually called ideograms), having only meaning (determinative).” Unknown texts. article by Yu. V. Knorozov from the collection "Forgotten systems of writing" (Moscow, 1982)

As soon as I used the word "Nibiru", critics will immediately start to harass me: - "Nibiru", where it came from, is very similar to the conclusion that dropped out of "7 spans in the forehead."

The Sumerians come to my aid - the planet Nibiru was designated by the crescent, not the Moon, but the planet Nibiru …

The images of Maltese crosses, made on the orders, which were awarded to the Russians who are fighting for planting the Masonic spirit on the primordial Russian land, against the Russians defending Russia, are in a hurry to help. It smelled like a breath of not only deceived warriors who had gone into infinity, but also the most ancient mystery - the symbol of the Maltese cross.


Which are depicted against the background of the circles of the Mayan calendars and crop circles.


Such an incomprehensible connection for those who do not want to delve into the pie charts of antiquity and modernity, or, very understandable, who believe that circles with crosses are a whim of religious artists.

Not only forgotten soldiers, serving in the cavalry corps, Russian noblemen, were awarded orders with the symbols of the Maltese cross on their entire chest,


but also the greats of this world. But not only the Greats of our world, but also the noblest from the world of other planets. I never thought that the gods also deserve awards, are proud of them, their awards are seen by mere mortals.


A wonderful image on the Assyrian stele, and not only because the Maltese cross hangs on the chest, not because at the top you can see the "Mayan calendar", but also because every detail fits into the created mosaic canvas, fastening with details, the puzzles of the picture are better than the glue mastic.

Why does the "Maltese" cross weigh on the chest of one of the most powerful masters of the Earth? Didn't you ask yourself the question: why ???

Now, I know the answer, and the readers will know the answer with me.

This order was not invented by earthlings, this sign resembles and symbolizes the scheme of circulation of the planet Nibiru around its stars, the eternal process of movement of the planet of the gods, which, in its movement in outer space, exerts a powerful gravitational effect on the Sun and all natural processes on Earth.

For a painfully long time, consider two years, I was looking for an answer to the question: if the basis of the ancient calendars, no matter which Mayan or Sumerian, is a precessional cycle, then how can the Aztec five cycles be connected with the Mayan calendar. A cycle with a duration of 13 baktun (5125 solar years or 5200 lunar) does not fit in with the duration of the zodiacal epochs of the Earth. And that's all.

I found a clue of the answer again in the images of the life of the gods recorded in the manuscripts of the Mayan tribes, in the remnants of that wealth of knowledge about the history of the gods, which was burned at the stake of the Freemasons.

From the Dresden Code:


Have you seen the Maltese Cross? It is not difficult to see the most ancient symbol. Again, I place a photograph of the circle drawing on the field next to the Mayan image.


It is easier to see the uniformity of images: four, repeating cycles, and each next - fifth - "empty". This is how the information in the circle picture looks. Among the Mayans, one in five includes the image of the "flyer" sign.


Familiar "bird". Where and in what form she, only, was not depicted: in Mesopotamia and Egypt, In Byzantium and Russia. Over what "gates" she just did not fly.


Nibiru revolves around its main star for four cycles, and it makes the fifth cycle in flight to another star. This can explain where the “empty” cycle came from, and why the fifth cycle is depicted by the Maya as a “bird”.

The fifth cycle was not linked to the zodiacal circle for a simple reason - I tried, other researchers tried to "tie" the fifth cycle to the Earth, but it turns out that the fifth cycle refers to the description of the movement of a completely different celestial object. It is clear that the movement of another object, an object called Nibiru, has a powerful effect on the Earth. Thus, modern interpreters of the Maya documents described not the cause of the phenomenon, but the effect, and a very distant one - “The Maya Indians believed that since the creation of the human race, four Suns, or 4 cycles, have already passed. Also, according to the Maya, it is believed that the cycle ends with the destruction of almost all life on Earth. Only a few will manage to survive. How it will be, time will tell. It follows from the descriptions of the Maya that the first cycle lasted 4008 years, at the end of this cycle, the Maya write that there were strong earthquakes. The second cycle lasted 4010 years. It was destroyed by hurricanes. The duration of the third cycle is 4081 years. The fiery rain completed this cycle. One of those close to us, the fourth cycle lasted 5026 years. This cycle was completed by the Flood.

Now one of the longest cycles lasts - 5126 years. This is the fifth cycle. The Maya Indians call it the Fifth Age of Creation, or the Age of the Sun of Movement.

The Maya predict some Earth movement, which will lead to Earth cataclysms and the destruction of civilization."

In this interpretation, the only thing that coincides with the opinion of the Maya priests is the number of cycles, and the fifth cycle, bringing destruction and catastrophe for the civilization of earthlings living on Earth at this time. All the rest are words and numbers - the opinion of the author, no more, the same as the "discoveries", ideas, novelty present in this article.

It is known that critics will have words about the lack of evidence. While there is no documentary confirmation from the astronomers of His Majesty the Imperial Nibiruan Union, until then I will listen - "where is the evidence." Some fans of proof do not want to understand that there are areas of knowledge in which, in principle, there can be no facts, such as in technical disciplines. These areas of knowledge include the distant history of mankind. For me, the criterion for the approximation of a hypothesis to a vanished reality is the construction of a single, consistent picture, which consists of separate fragments, puzzles of history preserved in the myths of the peoples of the world. From many scraps of information that are not directly related to the history of the ancient world, a canvas of historical events is created that does not blur the created picture,but making it sharper and more distinct through the thickness of time.

Looking at the circle in the field, we see again 20 periods with a duration of 2100 years (one year according to the calendar tun = 360 days), equal in duration to 20 x 2100 = 42000 years.

A cycle that is not mentioned in the literature, but which is steadily drawn in circles and the number 20 is repeated in each image. What does this cycle mean ???

- for the umpteenth time I answer: - "precessional cycle of the Sun star"

From my point of view, this circle with a duration of 42,000 years is outlined by the projection of the motion of the axis of rotation of the Sun on the stellar field of the Universe. All other cycles of the planets included in the star system cross the boundaries of the solar cycle and move through the same star clusters as the star. Each of the planets crosses its own set of 20 zodiacal eras of the Sun

Therefore, the names of 20 cycles are universal for all intelligent beings on the planets of the solar system, and they can be taken in the transcription of 20 "months" of the Tzolkin calendar.

Applying the method of calculating the time period for the zodiac based on the recording of numbers in Mayan arithmetic, he counted the numbers that stand in the outlined radial segments.


Segment 12 (Figure 1) contains a symmetrical number - Read from top to bottom, then from bottom to top - the result of converting to a decimal number will be the same:

5 * 20? + 0 * 20 + 5 * 18 * 20 * + 0 * 7200 + 5 * 144000 = 5 + 1800 + 720000 = 721805, which is measured in kinah (days), if you follow the logic of the Mayan calendar

Or 2005 years

Segment 13 contains the number -

0 * 20? + 5 * 20 + 5 * 18 * 20 * + 5 * 7200 + 0 * 144000 = 100 + 1800 + 36000 = 37900 kin

Or 105 years

Segment 14 recorded the same number as segment 12, equal to 2005 years

Segment 15 contains the number

5 * 20? + 5 * 20 + 0 * 18 * 20 * + 5 * 7200 + 5 * 144000 = 5 + 100 + 36000 + 720000 = 2100

Or 2100 years

What is the result? There are four numbers three, of which have different duration

I. 2005 years

II. 105 years

III. 2005 years

IV. 2100 years

United in a sector of 4 epochs of 2100 years, separated by "empty" segments. Four cycles plus empty, for a total of five cycles. The zodiacal circle of this planet turns out to be very interesting. Perhaps, it is impossible to add further to such a conclusion without fortune-telling. Therefore, I am not writing the possible options. Just a visual association: the Sumerian-Assyrian Artifact WAK8535, discovered in 1845 by British archaeologist Henry Layard in the ruins of the royal palace in Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian kingdom, is kept in the British Museum. Today, a place near the Iraqi city of Mosul.


Which became known to the general public from Sitchin's books. Zecharia Sitchin gives a drawing of the tablet.


There are many interpretations of the content of this artifact.

Sitchin, the first of the explorers, claimed that this is the route of Enlil's journey to the planets.


Near the line that connects the two triangles, cuneiform symbols, among which are the glyph MUL (planet / celestial body) and the name of Enlil.

Other translators of Sumerian texts who study ancient history disagree with this interpretation. Other different options are offered from indicating the date of the asteroid fall in the table to describing a simple star map that reproduces the sky in 3300 BC. in Mesopotamia.

“Scientists agree that this is an artifact of the Sumerian era or, based on the content, is associated with the Sumerian era. It is not known what this table means.

Circular segments are assumed to indicate movement towards the center of the labels. Most likely, this is a representation of the celestial sphere from the point of the observer located in the center of the circle. In short, if a person is placed in the “ideal center of the tablet” dating back to 3300 BC, then he would see exactly the same pattern of constellations that is immortalized in this table.

Therefore, we must admit that in this table there are stellar objects known to us, and we reported that:

The star chart depicts a circle divided by radial lines into eight equal sectors of 45 degrees each, and the star numbers are found in six of these segments. The name of the god Enlil is used to refer to the constellation Orion and the Milky Way, in addition to the famous Sumerian star / constellation names.

The constellations shown in each of the sectors are drawn as dots representing stars connected by lines. Constellations can be identified in six intact sectors. Stars and constellations are identified as:

(1) Libra

(2) Not established

(3) Sirius (Arrow)

(4) Pegasus & Andromeda (Field and Plow)

(5) Not established

(6) Pleiades

(7) Gemini

(8) Hydra, Corvus and Virgo.

Thus, the circular star map divides the night sky into eight sectors to illustrate the most famous constellations and their directions of movement."

I believe that such a visual association of the concepts of the Mayan calendar and the "navigator's map" depicted on the calendar of the traveling gods, found so far from the Mayan tribes, does not distort the historical picture made up of puzzles of heterogeneous information, but fills with more rich colors. Zodiac signs are not only time stamps, but also markers of the position of a moving object in interstellar space. Time converter and star card in one device.

There is one more point to dwell on. If we assume that my reasoning is correct, that the duration of one zodiac sign is 2100 years, taking into account that somewhere within several months, days of a couple of years, (spread in one direction or another along the time scale), for example, December 2012, has come, is coming, there will be a new era of Aquarius. The five-year cycle for the Aztecs is coming to an end, the cycle of the "flight" of the planet Nibiru to the star Sun is over.

With this interpretation, the five epochs of the Mesoamerican tribes fit into the model of two precessional cycles - the Sun and the planet Nibiru, and it becomes clear why the five epochs do not "fit" into the zodiacal circle of the Earth.

The fifth epoch becomes the epoch of cataclysms due to the fact that the passage of Nibiru causes a gravitational disturbance of the Sun and, as a consequence, disturbances on the Sun affect the Earth.

The phrase “the past forms the future” is often encountered. Flying phrase. I tried to catch a moment and show how the past changes the future.

Before you is a view of the spaceship "Enterprise". The future created in the present.


The filmmakers of Star Trek are shaping our future based on the concept of linear time - infinity, represented by a series of digits-years, going into the distance.


Not only does this display of time do not correspond to physical reality, the future created on the basis of such a view kills a person's faith in the knowability of the world and deprives the future of the prospects for its knowledge. The eternity of time, without the boundaries of space is an illusion of modern ideas about time.

And the last remark - before you is a version of a straightforward future, the director did not really think about returning from which, but if a Man, rushing into the incredible eternal, remembers what time he has now on his home planet, then time becomes what it is and is - cyclical, setting the rhythm of life in the Universe and in the Universe.

With this approach, it seems that the future also changes the past.


There are an incredible number of interpretations of this symbol, I cite one of them, taken from Wiki, as the smartest girl on the Internet:

“Despite the fact that the symbol has many different meanings, the most common interpretation describes it as a representation of eternity and infinity, in particular the cyclical nature of life: alternation of creation and destruction, life and death, constant rebirth and dying. The symbol of Ouroboros has a rich history of use in religion, magic, alchemy, mythology, and psychology [3]. One of its analogues is the swastika - both of these ancient symbols mean the movement of the cosmos"

However, the most concise and consistent with the content of the symbol, such as:

I have not met.

Cyclic time allows for a fairly simple recalculation of time from one star system to another.

Whether the "revivalist" of the time converter will remain in people's minds is not so important. It is important that the memory of the recalculation of time from one planetary system to another has surfaced in Russia.

Having broken through the corridor from the past to the present, through the wormhole of time, the knowledge of ancient civilizations penetrated. Having penetrated, this knowledge begins to change the future.


Time from the linear scale of present day ideas goes into the cyclical form of the past, thereby changing the future, which has already changed compared to the stellar path formed by yesterday. A factor in changing the future is the revival of knowledge about the interplanetary time converter. The ring is closed, history does not repeat itself, but becomes somewhat similar to its past, but at a new stage in the development of mankind. The gods know that the future determines the past. Therefore, the aliens erase the memory of humanity about its past, so that the new past in the brains of Cro-Magnons begins again from a blank sheet.

I know it!

Author: Damkin