We - Not Strangers! - Alternative View

We - Not Strangers! - Alternative View
We - Not Strangers! - Alternative View

Video: We - Not Strangers! - Alternative View

Video: We - Not Strangers! - Alternative View
Video: WE - Приятно (Official Video) 2024, June

I have always wanted to write an article that would be the foundation for bringing all people together. Regardless of religion, place of residence, language and so on. Swung, right? Well, let.

Believe it or not, watching the film “Aliens” for the first time as a teenager, I wondered: “what is wrong with these aliens?”. They had some kind of structure, some kind of complex relationship, why did they not have the standard values of the living world? That their mothers didn't kiss their foreheads, didn't care, didn't their parents want their children to grow up smart and healthy? How did it happen that with such a clearly high level of intelligence, these are such evil creatures? After all, there was an understanding: here, the main character, when she was carrying a "stranger", her "strangers" did not begin to kill.

Funny … space fiction …..

Tatars, French, Jews, Americans, Ukrainians, Russians - whoever you take, whoever I have to communicate with, all have the same values, we have the same values. We're not some of the reptilians in Hollywood movies. Two arms, two legs in the middle of the ponytail.

Everyone wants to find a soul mate, start a family, raise children, build a house … plant a tree. General human values, do you understand? This is where it won't take you, to which region, to which corner, everywhere the child will pull his hands to his mother and say "ma-ma"!

As a guest you will be received, treated with something tasty, and put to sleep. General human laws of hospitality.

I just want to shout: “People, what the fuck is going on? Why are you letting someone pour poison into your ears? That your neighbor is worse than you, that he owes you something and does not give you something, that someone bad, somewhere beyond the mountains, behind the forests, is to blame, that your milk has run away?"

Stop and at least for a second remember this simple thing: in 100 years, not a single person living on Earth now will be alive.

Promotional video:

And this is an overwhelming statement, because, by the way, I am over forty, and those who lived like me under the USSR, people with a similar way of thought and knowledge, will not be alive in 50 years. And this statement with a high degree of tolerance too …

None of us will be alive in some 50-100, even 120 years! There will never be us! Never!

What we spend our lives on is, of course, everyone’s business, and it’s not for me to read morals, but still: humanity, the nation, you, specifically you, reading these lines, I ask, I urge, I demand, at least do one thing in the allotted your short life - put hatred and contempt out of your head, grouping people according to nationality, skin color, language and similar ridiculous conventions. Be proud of your kind, your land, your SIDE, but remember that you received it not for any special merits, but only by chance, at the place of birth. And everything could have turned out differently, and what kind of blood flows in our veins now, who can say with confidence?

Someone has not seen this video yet? Show everyone.

Before even stuttering, daring to think about which race or nationality is better or worse, or in general, daring to appear in the mind of such a word as a nation, you need to do a DNA test at least.

You can love as well as hate and despise only a specific person whom you personally know.

It is wildness to despise Russians or Arabs, Jews or Chinese, Moldovans or Africans, Muslims or Christians. No, I am not calling for tolerance, this is the same idiocy only from the other side. Feelings can only be caused by specific familiar people with whom we come across in life, and not by certain conventional groups.

Let's already understand, divide and conquer - the oldest scheme - to divide the whole and knock their heads together in hatred between each other in order to make a profit. No more. When they tell us that someone is worse or better than us, putting these “someone” in some conditional group - that's who we need to hit in the face with a teapot, that's who our enemy is, not the Tungus or the Azeybardzhans.

The work of the authors on the site "Tartaria.info" does not lead to showing the superiority of Russians or Slavs over other peoples, and even more so it does not try to belittle any religious views or national interests, but on the contrary - to unite, show our common, whole, the main thing. I believe that strength is in unity and truth. And our history is what it shows us. There were no Russians, there were no Ukrainians or Latvians or Arabs, well, let's say, our common ancestors lived 1000 years ago. Don't like a thousand years? Well, come on, ten thousand years ago our great-great-great-great-great-grandmothers and grandfathers kissed their children on the forehead, sang lullabies to them and did not sleep at night, and prayed to some of their gods that their children would grow up healthy and smart … Think about those great-greats who were not Muslims, not Russians, not Tatars, not Uzbeks, but were, like us, people!

Let's be people, let's look first of all for the commonality between us, to unite, no matter what kind of snake whispers in our ears. Otherwise, believe me, history will confirm - the end. Not prosperity, not happiness. We have no other road, everyone is equal, everyone is important. As John Lenon sang, "all we need is love." But love, as well as hate, can only be someone specific, but does this mean that everyone else should be afraid, despised or hated?

The spirit of competition, rivalry is not just in everyone's blood, it is our human, animal basis, the basis of survival, if you will. Of course, there is no such individual who would not consider himself to be in a group, be it at least fans of a football team or a party, and would not try to find the reasons why this group is better than others. I can imagine how sociologists are laughing at me now … This is normal, we should be better, sexier, smarter. But you shouldn't lose a healthy note of humor, because these are all CONDITIONS!

Let's already admit that we cannot love or hate some mythical "everyone" or "them"!

Author: Sil2