Outside Of Earthly Existence. Whisper Of Space - Alternative View

Outside Of Earthly Existence. Whisper Of Space - Alternative View
Outside Of Earthly Existence. Whisper Of Space - Alternative View

Video: Outside Of Earthly Existence. Whisper Of Space - Alternative View

Video: Outside Of Earthly Existence. Whisper Of Space - Alternative View
Video: THE FINE PRINT | The Outer Worlds Song 2024, September

Journalist Maria Vetrova reports: - “Discipline” and “military” are related concepts. Especially when it comes to military cosmonauts. The order on the non-proliferation of this information followed almost immediately after Titov's flight, and to this day no one has canceled it. Anyway, officially …

I will never forget my long-standing attempt to interview the famous cosmonaut who was one of the first to be in outer space. Everything was wonderful until the moment when she asked him the fatal question: “Have you ever encountered something during flights, even hypothetically, but resembling an alien mind? Say, with the same UFOs?..”And then my hitherto calm interlocutor in the full sense of the word rushed at me. "No! he said harshly, looking angrily into my eyes, as if hoping to hypnotize me. - Space is dead! He is alien and deeply hostile to man!.. "He completely ignored the" small ", to put it mildly, contradiction in his sharp phrase: if the cosmos is really" dead ", then why is it simultaneously" hostile "? After all, hostility is a property of not only living, but also necessarily intelligent matter! A dead block of stone, for examplecannot be hostile to people; she is absolutely neutral, since she is really dead … The slip of the tongue has become a "proverb". And from that moment on, I began, as far as possible, to hunt for astronauts in the hope that one of them would be at least a little sincere.

Lucky only recently. Quite by chance, in the house of an old friend, I ran into one of those who had already flown off their parsecs … Yielding to our persuasion with the owner, he agreed to tell the truth. But the discipline still worked here: the astronaut set a condition: his story would be anonymous … Well, it's still better than nothing. Than the silence that has been going on for several decades …

- Just let’s agree right away: we don’t need to blame the notorious scoop on the appearance of an order not to disseminate certain information. After all, about a year after ours, exactly the same order was issued in the States. It is they who explain the stubborn reluctance of American astronauts to talk about this topic - even those who have visited the moon. The answer to all questions is their lifestyle, which has changed dramatically after the flight. You cannot seriously think that space, with its alleged hostility to a living person and the inconceivable infinity that is certainly felt there, could so simply scare these courageous guys, whose purpose in life was just to get there ?! Of course not. In fact, everything is much more complicated and more serious.

More complex and more serious than the UFOs you mentioned, sparkling balls and "plates", disks and even living giant "leeches" that are invisible from the Earth, floating in our atmosphere. All this, I would say, is just as complicated and inexplicable from the point of view of our modern mind as life in all its most inconceivable manifestations is more complicated than the fate of an individual …

You have approximately correctly named the time when we received the order on the non-proliferation of information.

But perhaps they did not pay attention to one more detail: from that moment, single flights into space were stopped once and for all - the crew had to consist of at least two … This condition, by the way, led at one time to the death of one of the crews, since the ships at that time were not perfect enough to guarantee the survival of more than one astronaut in them.

Probably, it is easy to imagine the principle of our selection. First of all - according to the principle of physical compliance with the flight conditions. This is understandable: not every organism can withstand weightlessness and overload. As a result, the bulk of the cosmonaut pilots were strong, athletic guys with a very specific level of consciousness, not inclined to philosophizing. And this, by the way, means, paradoxically, a fragile, vulnerable psyche. As it turned out, completely incapable of "digesting" what awaited us in space …

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If you noticed, completely different people started flying at some point. As a rule, they have higher education, they are not young, which means they have a well-developed and rather flexible intellect. Why? Because the main difficulty of being in outer space was his whisper. So we called this phenomenon among ourselves. Scientists have found another, I must admit, a more accurate term, the effect of presence … To understand what exactly is meant, I must tell about one of my flights, in which I was not alone.

When THIS started, we were over the Southern Hemisphere. Of course, we both heard about the whisper, but vaguely. Most of the cosmonauts at that time still practically did not share this impression either among themselves or with doctors, fearing that in the end they would be removed from flights for mental reasons. My comrades and I naturally believed that all such rumors were nothing more than a legend born among the first generation of pilots to intimidate newcomers. I mean, we didn't think about any whisper. And in general they were absorbed in a completely different matter. The constellation of the Southern Cross, the most beautiful and brightest constellation of the Southern Hemisphere, then appeared in our visibility zone. Believe me, the spectacle is mesmerizing! We were generally incapable of thinking about anything other than what we saw in the window. It all started here …

At some point, I suddenly felt that someone else was next to us … It is difficult to describe this feeling. It seems that someone invisible is looking at your back with an extremely hard look. One hundred percent confidence in the invisible presence! Literally a moment later, my comrade, the flight engineer, also began to look around as far as possible from the window.

Believe me, both of us were people as far as possible from all kinds of mysticism! Therefore, they literally became numb when the invisible creature showed itself: there was a whisper … My colleague and I had an exceptionally trusting relationship, we met many years before Zvezdny. Therefore, a little later and compared the "texts": outwardly they turned out to be completely different. Yes, another, if we proceed from their essence, could not have been expected! I will try to restore them. Not exactly, of course, but approximately, because the meaning is important here, not the words. Words, as I understood later, were not important at all, since they were not words in the full sense.

My “text” sounded somewhere in the depths of my consciousness like this: “… You came here too early and wrong. Trust me, for I am your maternal ancestor. Do you remember how she told you, as a child, about her great-grandfather, who founded the D-th plant in the Urals?.. Son, you should not be here, return to Earth, do not violate the laws of the Creator … Son, you must return, return, return …"

I can add that, obviously, for the sake of "reliability", I was also told a small story, known exclusively in our family, connected with this great-grandfather …

On completely different "material" the "text" of my friend was created, although its essence was the same - in the call to leave space and never return here. His "interlocutor", or rather, "interlocutor" was a long-dead relative … For persuasiveness, a certain situation was used, which only the two of them knew about at all …

We landed two days later. During this time, our "texts" were whispered once more, without the slightest deviation from their content, and the effect of the presence of the "alien" did not leave us all the time remaining in orbit.

What would you do in our place? Especially considering that, as a result of excessive frankness, we could really be removed from flights forever, recognized as mentally inadequate, and the whisper itself - a hallucination, a tendency to which is characteristic of too impressionable people with an unstable psyche. But the problem even at first glance looked extremely serious and probably in the end should have affected everyone without exception! In a word, we were faced with a difficult dilemma: to risk our careers and report a whisper, or to remain silent, as the others did, waiting for one of ours to take the risk.

Whispering became the main theme of our "get-togethers" for two, almost every night. Trying to reasonably, and most importantly, calmly approach this phenomenon, we figured out its possible origin. Incidentally, I am not at all surprised that one of the American astronauts became a pastor: everything depends on the worldview. Our perception of reality, determined by a complete lack of religiosity and a great readiness in science fiction, put forward the following assumption in the first place: a certain Mind alien to us, which is a product of an alien, and possibly a "movie star" civilization, using hypnosis, deliberately expels humanity from what it has mastered a long time ago, the cosmos, "reading" from our consciousness and subconsciousness the facts, known only to us, - for persuasiveness. From this, by the way, there was another conclusion: they have known earthlings for a long time and well,remaining somehow invisible, they study our civilization. Perhaps over the millennia …

There was only one argument against this theory, but it is strong enough: if they are “so smart”, and they have been studying us for centuries, they could probably figure out that we would understand their game. It is too primitive.

Well, if the theory is wrong, it remains only to admit that relatives did come to us, though at different times, but, more importantly, those who died … And then what? Then it turns out that all our concept of the world, worked out in such detail from the point of view of materialism, is fundamentally wrong. Consciousness is not only indestructible, but after physical death it continues to exist at some other levels. And the steps presuppose a whole hierarchy, at the top of which is inevitably the one whom my great-great-grandfather called the Creator …

Nowadays you will hardly surprise anyone with such, by the way, quite logical reasoning. And then, many years ago, we ourselves were shocked by the inevitability of such a conclusion. Only one thing saved from its complete inevitability: there was no guarantee that the ancestors really came. As you can see, a dead end. My friend and I have not yet spoken out loud that we are simply obliged to provide a solution to this problem to specialists, and, therefore, to make public what is happening. But both understood this. Not to our credit it will be said that completely different people did it, a different crew. We never dared to risk our careers. But as a result, among the physicians serving the astronauts, first-class physician-hypnotists gradually appeared, many changes were made to the flight training system and the principle of selecting testers.

I no longer fly, "rested on my laurels." Therefore, I am not aware of the research of this phenomenon. I have no idea what conclusions and decisions the scientists came to. The only good news is that now astronauts have the opportunity to spend not months or years in near-earth space. Perhaps a defense has been found against this mysterious whisper. But in each of us, those who have undergone such contact, in the end, a lot has changed - it's not a secret. And this is not at all about a "gone roof". It is about changing a purely philosophical view of the world.

The cosmos has proved to us that it is undoubtedly intelligent and much more complex than our ideas about it. And the fact that our knowledge does not allow us today to understand the essence of most of the processes taking place in the Universe. Yes, today our options are limited. And tomorrow? For those who have heard the whisper of the cosmos, at least one thing is clear: the future in this sense exists and it is really infinite, just as time and the Universe itself are infinite.

XX century. Chronicle of the inexplicable. Opening after opening. Nikolai Nepomniachtchi