Wasp With Huge Jaws Was Found - Alternative View

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Wasp With Huge Jaws Was Found - Alternative View
Wasp With Huge Jaws Was Found - Alternative View

Video: Wasp With Huge Jaws Was Found - Alternative View

Video: Wasp With Huge Jaws Was Found - Alternative View
Video: The World's Largest Killer Wasp Has Been Found in China 2024, September

An unusual insect, the males of which have very long jaws, was discovered on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi by entomologists from the United States

For large protrusions on the head, the creature was immediately dubbed "Komodo monitor lizard" among wasps. It belongs to the genus Dalara of the sand wasp family (Crabronidae). Biologists named the new species Dalara garuda, after the mythical warrior Garuda, the national symbol of Indonesia.

The wasp's jaws, when closed, turn on either side of the head, the discoverers say. It is not even very clear how the insect moves with such a jaw apparatus. Entomologists have not met a single wasp like this, including among the 500 thousand wasps that are kept in the museum's collections.


Photo: Kathy Keatley Garvey, Andrew Richards, Bohart Museum of Entomolog

Professor Kimsey has discovered about 300 new species. But for three trips to the island of Sulawesi, she and her team brought many new insects, and now an experienced entomologist doubts that she will be able to deal with all the finds even until the end of her life. “I consider this island one of the three places in the world that have the most great endemic biodiversity, on par with Madagascar and Australia,”says Lynn.


Photo: Kathy Keatley Garvey


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It will take 1250 years for mankind to discover all types of living beings existing in nature. An international group of scientists came to this conclusion. Biologists have built a mathematical model, according to which there are almost 14 times more species of organisms in the world than is currently known to science. And most of them live in the depths of the sea

The fish, nicknamed the hopping pancake batfish and walking along the bottom, was discovered in 2010.


Photo: Credit unknown / goodnewsanimal.ru

The new classification theory is an attempt to figure out how many species of living things live on Earth. At least approximately. Until now, the question remained unanswered. In the scientific journal PLoS Biology (Public Library of Science, Biology), biologists from the United States, Great Britain and Canada state that there are 8 million 700 thousand species of living beings in the hostel Earth, guests, famous people and those with whom people of science have not yet met. 250 years of classification and the fact that to date the Central Database contains information about 1 million 200 thousand biological species, we believe that 86% of terrestrial species and 91% of marine species are still unknown to science, - scientists convince us in publications of the journal. In a year, biologists find more than 6 thousand creatures unknown to science underground, in water and on land. A squad of arthropods recently added a spider,which weaves the largest nets in the world - up to 25 meters in length. Its thread is several times stronger than Kevlar, from which body armor is sewn. The giant spider lives in Madagascar, it is named after Darwin. Mushrooms, one of a kind that can not only live, but also bear fruit under water, have been discovered - they were discovered last year in the United States. Another new species of glowing woody mushrooms in Brazil was discovered by American biologist Dennis Desjardin during an evening walk in the forest. Mushrooms shine, by the way, so that nocturnal insects fly up to them and spread their spores.but also bearing fruit underwater - they were discovered last year in the United States. Another new species of glowing woody mushrooms in Brazil was discovered by American biologist Dennis Desjardin during an evening walk in the forest. Mushrooms shine, by the way, so that nocturnal insects fly up to them and spread their spores.but also bearing fruit underwater - they were discovered last year in the United States. Another new species of glowing woody mushrooms in Brazil was discovered by American biologist Dennis Desjardin during an evening walk in the forest. Mushrooms shine, by the way, so that nocturnal insects fly up to them and spread their spores.

“The thickness of the ocean, for example, 5-6 kilometers, is such a universe, practically unknown. In the water column, there may be animals measuring half a meter. Someone will call them monsters, but for specialists they are not so monsters, but very cute,”admits Andrei Gebruk, head of the Laboratory of Ocean Bottom Fauna of the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

A year ago, scientists released a video that captured an actually living fossil - one of the fish species of the Coelacanth genus. It is believed that it is she who is the transitional link between fish and amphibians. A modern cellocant was found off the coast of Indonesia.

Another unique creature is a fish that walks along the bottom. Moreover, it was found in the well-studied Gulf of Mexico, shortly before the oil spill. Various researchers estimate how many neighbors we have on the planet, ranging from 3 to 100 million species.

And while the study of the world around is reminiscent of the Indian parable about the sages who groped to understand what an elephant is. Despite the latest technologies, it is clear who and in what quantities inhabits the Earth, its most developed inhabitants move extremely slowly - with an average speed of 20 new species per day.