Children And Ghosts - Alternative View

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Children And Ghosts - Alternative View
Children And Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: Children And Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: Children And Ghosts - Alternative View
Video: The nightmare videos of childrens' YouTube — and what's wrong with the internet today | James Bridle 2024, September

I don’t know of a single child who would not talk to "imaginary" friends and would not play with them as long as it was considered acceptable. Usually parents, teachers and other adults cut off such communication when the child turns five to seven years old.

Adults, whose own psychic abilities were suppressed in early childhood, believe that their children's "imaginary" friends are really just a child's fantasy. And they believe that if a child insists on their real existence for too long, this may indicate some mental retardation or even a mental disorder. Of course, some of the “comrades” may actually be made up by a child. However, many of the so-called "imaginary" friends of children can be quite real spiritual beings, just like you and me, except that they do not have physical bodies.

Childhood memories.

Mom told me what kind of fear she endured because of me when I was little. When I was 4-5 years old, many of our relatives died in one year. So, every time I went to the funeral, I asked such questions that my mother's hair stood on end. For example, when they saw my grandmother from the mother's side, I asked: “Why is grandmother going after the coffin?”, Or another time I asked: “Will they bury my uncle? Why is he sitting and laughing? I don’t remember this, but when I listened to what she remembered, it became very terrible. If I saw this now, probably, the well-known institution would have thundered …

But I am still nothing. My daughter is now four years old. And she sometimes says such things that I involuntarily recall my mother's stories. For example, once we went to visit Moscow. And our acquaintances dragged us for a walk around the sights - they wanted to show us the capital. We are standing at the grave of the Unknown Soldier, imbued with pride for the Russian people, and then Katyushka tugs at my sleeve and says: "And there my uncle warms his hands." I ask where. And she shows me with her hand right at the eternal flame and says: "There he stands there." And there, naturally, there is no one. We quickly went on from there, and Katya on the way said to herself: "It's hot, but he's in a coat, some kind of fool." I was not even found to scold her for her bad words. There was no uncle there! No one saw him except his daughter. Once again something strange happened at home. We watched TVdaughter was playing with dolls, and then she raises her head, looks past the sofa into an empty corner and says: "Hello!" My husband and I looked at each other - Katya was talking to an empty space. She often talks to the cat when she fiddles with him, but at that moment he was sleeping in my lap.

So think after that - maybe all the children see something? Why then can't we?

Poltergeist in a children's boarding school.

M. Kornilova from Novokuznetsk worked for several years in a boarding school for mentally retarded children. She was amazed that this institution was swarming with all kinds of poltergeist evil spirits.

There were two reasons, she soon realized. “Firstly, the buildings were old and built already in an abandoned cemetery, on the very outskirts of the city: only fields and forest went further,” says Kornilova. Secondly, children, mentally unbalanced, with crippled fates, either excreted in excess, or attracted negative energy.

Last summer, all the children were taken to the pioneer camp, and we, the employees of the boarding school, were forced to guard the building from thieves instead of vacation. The watch was round-the-clock and, necessarily, two or three. It was my turn to be on duty. I came across a devout partner. Her name was Nina. We settled down with her in the teacher's room, where it was cleaner. She took out her favorite prayer book and had just read the first line when a terrible rumble was thundered at the door (and we are alone in a 3-storey building, and the front door was bolted), and there was such a terrible muttering in a deep bass that we jumped in horror!

Promotional video:

Nina finished reading the prayer and began asking me for time off, as if she needed to go somewhere. Well, what can I do, I let her go … I was left alone, since it was only lunchtime. I bolt the front door behind Nina, return to the foyer, there is nothing to do. And in the foyer, two large mirrors hang the size of a person. I got up and looked at myself. And suddenly my reflection disappears, and I see in the mirror some monstrous, grinning face. I was dumbfounded. I deliberately read a prayer loudly, and in horror, it seems, the hair on my head is moving. Then, I feel that the fear goes away and I am terribly drawn to sleep.

I returned to the teacher's room, nestled on the sofa, and I don't remember how I fell asleep. And in my sleep I again feel that an animal is sneaking up to me and I see how that animal, like a leopard, is jumping on my chest. I woke up in horror, but the beast crushes me, and with great difficulty, like a fetter, barely moving my tongue, whisper "Our Father". The beast dissolves, melts, but with great reluctance, growling … By evening Nina returned. With her arrival, the staff room suddenly smelled strongly of fried fish, the pipes hummed, and there was a kind of devilish laugh, and knocks on all floors began. Nina says to me: - Well, the devils have begun to feast! I made round eyes, and then opened my mouth, because I saw in the window how people were waving at me from the street … stumps of human hands!

Thank God, help came to us at night. A young man, a botany teacher, was supposed to be on duty at night at the school, which is opposite the residential building. He, of course, was in no hurry to go there: he was sitting with us. Somewhere by one in the morning we look, and at school one window is lit. What is it, hasn't anyone climbed in: the place is deaf! Three of us went there. We go in - there is no light, it's dark, even if you gouge out your eyes! The botanist says: - I'll stay here, I'll go to bed in the waiting room. Less than half an hour later, he came running to us, all kind of disheveled, agitated: “I,” he shouts, “I won’t go there today!” Of course, he was uncomfortable in front of us. But we pulled something out of it. “Only,” he says, “I lay down, I looked, an old man in a robe appeared at the stairs and looked at me intently. Somehow it became uncomfortable …"

Further, he did not begin to tell much, but the fact that he fought with someone, whether he fought, is for sure: one of his disheveled appearance was more eloquent than any words. Unfortunately, he flatly refused to tell us the details. He lay down on the sofa in the teacher's room and immediately fell asleep. And after this shift I got the idea to leave the boarding school. Endless deaths among employees and their relatives led to bad thoughts: either one's husband would die, then another, then a third - some kind of fate! “Well, I think, who will be next ?!” And she left. And I have no regrets.

Soon one of the teachers dies of cancer, the other's husband dies! Here is such a sabbath in a children's boarding school!"

An incident at an African school

A larger rampage of evil spirits happened in April 2009 in one of the secondary schools in the South African city of Lusikisiki. A strange epidemic of general insanity has captured here at once fifty students, who were urgently hospitalized. They behaved as if they were possessed by demons, "the school principal laments."

The mass craziness began when schoolgirls saw their dead fellow villagers. hospital, the next day more than two dozen.

“The doctors tried to figure out what caused the teenage craze. Their behavior at school suddenly became inadequate. At first, for no reason, no reason at all, they dragged on some strange mournful song, then suddenly they began to scream and jump wildly, beat themselves with force on the stomach, complaining of spasms. Many of them were crying. We don't feel our legs! " - they shouted, rolling on the floor, some of them fainted."

In the hospital, it turned out to be difficult to calm down the raging schoolgirls: they screamed with wild voices and pounced on doctors and teachers with their fists.

The head physician of St. Elizabeth's Hospital believes that the children suffer from hysteria caused by fear, which has led to a loss of self-control. The patients were severely dehydrated. The doctor does not hide that he is surprised by an inexplicable fact: fifty pupils had practically the same vision - deceased fellow villagers.

In the end, the girls who came to their senses declared that they did not remember anything about what happened to them. Medical specialists came to the hospital, at the request of the parents, priests were invited there to pray for the souls of the suffering …
