Mermaids In The Bashkir Lake Karagaikul - Alternative View

Mermaids In The Bashkir Lake Karagaikul - Alternative View
Mermaids In The Bashkir Lake Karagaikul - Alternative View

Video: Mermaids In The Bashkir Lake Karagaikul - Alternative View

Video: Mermaids In The Bashkir Lake Karagaikul - Alternative View
Video: The lake monster the mermaid 2024, July

This story happened to Ksenia Semyonova from Ufa. She talked about how her husband was almost kidnapped by mermaids while on vacation in the Uchalinsky district. Ksenia described this story in her letter published on the site "News of Ufa and Bashkiria".

“During our vacation, my husband and I decided to visit Arkaim and along the way to visit the famous Uchaly Stonehenge. Let's go in our car. During our stay there we were told about the Karagaikul lake, which is also called Vorozheich, in which mermaids supposedly live.

Lake Karagaikul


My husband got the idea to visit this mysterious place. But I began to discuss it, because we had to hurry to Ufa, there were waiting for business, and with some sixth sense I sensed something was wrong. Nevertheless, I gave in to his insistence, and we drove to this lake.

When we arrived at the lake, I did not regret that I got there. The beautiful reservoir was especially beautiful at sunset, when the sun is reflected in the water surface, on which graceful white lilies float. The setting was indeed conducive to mermaids.

The owner of the house where we stopped to spend the night invited us for a night fishing trip. We agreed because we thought that it would not be so scary with a local resident, because he knows everything around him.

As a result, we had a good time in nature, the men went fishing in the evening, we cooked fish soup, my husband and companion drank a bottle of vodka, told many stories, anecdotes, sat around the fire until late.

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Our new friend also told us about mermaids. Allegedly, there were cases when visiting fishermen disappeared, some returned after a few days and said that they did not remember anything. But there are those who disappeared completely, without a trace. Apparently, they went to the call of the mermaids and were captured by them forever.

According to him, mermaids are drowned girls who committed suicide. Throwing myself into this lake because of unhappy love. And in this lake, the dead at the bottom allegedly groan at night. They suffer because many years ago greedy people destroyed the cemetery when they were looking for a gold mine and scattered the bones of the dead.

I listened and felt a chill of fear appear somewhere inside. But gradually sleep overcame me, and I crawled to sleep in the tent.

In the morning our companion woke me up and told me that my husband had disappeared somewhere. I got scared and began to run along the shore and shout at him. This went on for about two hours. The phone did not catch well there, so we could not even call someone for help. We decided to go to the village to call the police from there and organize a search for my husband. All the time I remembered the legend about mermaids who kidnap other people's husbands.

We got to the village and called the police. They waited for the district police officer for about an hour, then he negotiated with the chairman of the village council to help gather people in search of her husband. And then he appeared himself. He was all wet. He said that he did not remember very well what had happened. First he was fishing. But then I dozed off and lay down on the warm stone on which I was sitting. But then the husband said that he allegedly heard a very beautiful singing through his son, he raised his head and saw a transparent silhouette above the water.

Looking closer, he saw a half-naked girl with long white hair, who was collecting water lilies and weaving a wreath from them.


The husband was afraid to move so that she would not notice him. So he sat until morning, watching an amazing picture. And in the morning, when dawn broke and the girl swam away somewhere deep in the lake, her husband fell asleep.

Then he woke up and went to the place where we were staying, but got lost. And all this time while he was walking through the woods, it seemed to him that he heard a quiet female laugh. Once he went to this sound and fell into the water. Then he barely left the forest onto the road and reached the village. The villagers said that her husband was very lucky, because the mermaid just played a little with him, but she could take it with her for a long time and forever.

When we arrived home and told about what had happened, friends began to make fun of us. But now I don't even know if I really believe in mermaids. I believe in my husband. Does it mean that mermaids also exist?”Wrote Ksenia Semenova.

The editors of the site tried to clarify the situation and asked blogger and local historian Anton Sibagatullin to comment on this letter.

“This lake is not in vain surrounded by legends. And his two names are also not in vain - Karagaikul and Vorozheich. Since 1965 it has been officially recognized as a natural monument. The locals love to go fishing here, tourists come and set up camp for several days. Along the banks of Karagayka there are marble and jasper outcrops.

The lake has a complex bottom, which has been studied by divers more than once: in the center the water is clear, and near the shores there is deep silt. There are relic plants growing there, including the rare 24-leaf white lilies traditionally associated with drowned mermaids.

There are countless stories about missing men who were allegedly lured by mermaids. How true they are is difficult to judge. It is possible that the visions were still inspired by sleeping in the clean air after drinking alcohol and getting to know the legends from the lips of the aborigines.

The lake is associated with another legend. Tradition is associated with the Ascension Church. Its main bell was sunk in the lake in the 1930s - either by “militant atheists”, or vice versa, by the God-fearing residents of Voznesenka, who wanted to hide it in this way and preserve it until better times. This bell has been persistently searched for and is still looking for.

Local residents have said more than once that they have already found him. As the local priest, Father Andrei, said, the son of a local postwoman claimed that he had dived into the water and found the bell and even stood on it. However, no one could give any real confirmation of this. In general, the lake is very "atmospheric" and encourages imagination."