A Simple And Straightforward Truth Or Briefly About The Global Predictor - Alternative View

A Simple And Straightforward Truth Or Briefly About The Global Predictor - Alternative View
A Simple And Straightforward Truth Or Briefly About The Global Predictor - Alternative View

Video: A Simple And Straightforward Truth Or Briefly About The Global Predictor - Alternative View

Video: A Simple And Straightforward Truth Or Briefly About The Global Predictor - Alternative View
Video: What is entropy? - Jeff Phillips 2024, July

All major events in human history have several levels of truth and cause.

Take September 11th, for example.

Most people find it hard to accept that 911 was the work of insiders who did it for the same reasons that Hitler burned down the Reichstag in 1933 - to outrage public opinion and completely seize power in an atmosphere of panic and fear. This misunderstanding is due to the fact that 80% of the world's population receives news from centralized media run by the same cartels and people who originally organized 9/11. Programmed patriotism, lack of interest, materialism and arrogant ignorance complete their picture of the Universe with dark long strokes.

These people represent the herd - the very foundation and majority of our society today. At least that is how the system reacted to them, as to the herd, cold-bloodedly deciding on this sinister step. The working class, middle class and the lower echelons of the so-called elite are at the bottom of the pyramid of knowledge - they are zombies, cannon fodder, rednecks for the ruling oligarchs. Any mention of conspiracy theories is considered with an eye roll, and the source of the information itself is immediately labeled as a psychopath.

At these levels of understanding reality, visible power is seen as absolute truth. P-Resident, freedom, tax cuts, and Homeland Security occupy the entire arena of their information field. Corporations and cartels are nothing more than the product of a free market economy; no more, no less.

Those who are a little more open to the truth, have free time to conduct an independent investigation, and have an interest in the affairs of the world around them in order to autonomously expand their horizons, understand that 911 really was the work of intelligence services. They see facts and figures, somehow realizing the motivation of the Bush administration to coordinate events of such terrible brutality and gigantic proportions.

These events opened the doors to the Middle East, closer to the black gold of the Bedouins and Afghan mineral deposits that no one knew about before. They brought the PATRIOT Act to the States, which deprived citizens of their liberty, while giving the government all the legal tools and capabilities to bind, persecute and watch over its own people. They thwarted Saddam's treacherous attempts to use the Euro as payment for oil, widely traded in dollars. Gaddafi was later hastily eliminated for his audacity to create the gold dinar - the first world currency of the 21st century, secured with gold rather than warheads. They opened a Pandora's box of endless fear of terrorism and Arabs, which created a sweet prospect for any new acts in Congress to unleash resources.at least somehow hitherto dependent on the opinion of taxpayers.

It also allowed the Federal Reserve to export surplus dollar stock to freshly baked "hotspots" in order to reduce US domestic inflation, which was growing by leaps and bounds. Well, the industrial-pharma-arms oligarchs also provided their kids with good care for tens of generations to come.

Promotional video:

The corporations that already held the United States and half of the world under their thumb have finally gotten the TOTAL freedom of manipulation necessary to clear the remaining bumps on the road to the New World Order.

People in this "advanced" category understand all the latest facts to one degree or another. They know that there is a government behind the government, Conceptual Power, which remains invisible and unknown to the general public, but clearly goes back hundreds of years to the Templars and possibly even further. Bilderberg group, Illuminati and other Skulls and Bones.

However, even in this category, not all viewers are able to dot the I's and breathe in an even deeper meaning hidden under the thick mantle of conspiracy theories and their endless revelations.

Ice cream for children, flowers for baba!

What other reasons for the September events may exist at this level, the reader will ask..?

What if I told you that among all of the above, 911 was an act of ritual sacrifice? The same type of sacrifice as that which Hitler methodically used in his concentration camps, purposefully carrying out his sinister plan on carefully chosen dates contained in Ostara's esoteric teachings. That it was done precisely for the same reason he flooded the Berlin subway in 1945, killing thousands of civilians and his own soldiers in a last-ditch attempt to bribe the Spirits and hold on to power.

By the way, what does this fly through the camera field at 4:06? does not look like a bird. Isn't it a drone, by chance?

Let me remind you, this is a video of the fall of the WTC on September 7 11 in New York. Only fragments of the twin towers hit him, but he was completely demolished. The fall itself and controlled explosions in the windows are visible at around 7:30. You can search the net, there are a lot of materials on this matter. What about the reasons? There are also many reasons, search offline, just not to mention in one post.

Delirium of a madman, provocation and enticement, isn't it?

By this point, even the most liberal and open minds are beginning to look for an exit door. They haven't heard any facts, arguments, or numbers yet, but all this occult bullshit is out of their league. It is outside the scope of their information field. This cannot be, because this can never be! It just can't, period, walk, Vasya, where you came from!

But even here clothes with fasteners have not yet completely slept from our sweet bow …

At the next level, Conceptual Power begins to take on an entirely new meaning. Its roots spread deeper into the past, extending down to the Egyptian priests and further into the times called by our historians the "Stone Age". Families of the chosen, hiding esoteric knowledge from the rest of humanity for thousands of years, and continue to do so to this day.

But even THIS is not all …

What will you do if I tell you that for thousands of years on our earth there has been a system built to extract our - Human - potential in the interests of an entity that is not at all human? An intellect more vast, immoral and cruel than any of us could even try to imagine? What will you do if I tell you that the Global Predictor really exists and has governed our history from the very beginning of mankind as it pleases? That it feeds on our fear, sadness, anger, hatred and grief, as bacteria feed on rotten corpses? That the very energy of our emotions can be harvested in the same way we collect UV rays from solar panels.

That the very concept of energy is not limited to electricity or the atom. That in the higher metaphysical densities, from which the energy-informational essence of the Predictor originates, the radiations of human thought and emotions are as valuable and powerful as the energy of a thousand suns here - in physical reality, where they simply have a lower frequency range? And that the sweetest delicacy that allows the Predictor to get drunk from the will is nothing more than the derivatives of our fear.

Why derivatives? Because we have two of the most basic emotions on which the first holographic prototype of our Soul was originally built. Love for the world and fear of the unknown. We created the rest ourselves.

How would I look in your eyes at this moment?

Where would you call to turn me in, and what serious mental illness would you attribute to me before you put me under lock and key and throw away the key without reading the continuation?

The problem of humanity is not only in our ignorance and dogmatic thinking. We are not just stuck in a swamp of faith based on our parents' teachings, religion, science, money, and the media. We WANT to remain dumb, deaf and blind to the Big Truth, simply because what we do not know about cannot harm us by definition!

What and how do you think will happen next? Sooner or later, we will have to wake up and accept the facts that have been looking right in our faces all this time! The very truth that we so often deny for the sake of momentary tranquility, behind tightly barred windows and locked doors. While we are consuming microwave surrogate dinners, washing them down with cola mixed with antidepressants, like the Gulag prisoners, who at one time drank water with fluoride to reduce aggressiveness and the will to freedom. Thus, fluorine, which is the main constituent in rat poison and in a sugar substitute called Aspartame. While we wallow in the blatant lies of our leaders, and the violently brainless filth of our films, TV series and reality shows on flat boxes with the latest generation of hipish, driving our proud almighty mind into the raw dungeon of ignorance and deceit.

We simply refuse to dot the I; we do not want to see and hear the call signs of Earth, fruitlessly seeking our leniency and audience. Clear signs of tremendous change, mushrooming across the planet like mushrooms after rain. Obvious markers pointing to the pure and simple truth that we have gone too far in our materialistic psychosis, bringing us closer to the very events that the ancient sages predicted - the smooth transition of rain to radioactive fallout, and then to ash and haze. Apocalypse. End of the world…


The apocalypse is not the end. The very meaning of this word has been deliberately misinterpreted for the same reasons as all the basic elements hiding under the masks of our reality. Our TRUE story is VERY different from what is taught to us in schools and universities. Apocalypse means "lifting the veil", "awakening". The same awakening that is happening now in Japan, New Zealand, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Haiti, as well as everywhere on this planet, where masks begin to fall, breaking the karmic chains that have held us down for thousands of years.

Fortunately for us, the system that has been fed by our fears, ignorance and greed throughout human history is falling apart today. She has reached the point of no return and, agonizing, carries out her final and most desperate maneuver in order to maintain her power over us for another day, for another hour, for another breath …

We can sit back and wait for the veil to fall on its own, or prepare for its fall and come one step closer to who we really are, who we have always been and will forever remain …

To learn the truth about our nature and purpose. In order to accept the impossible and look out the window at a new world filled with endless joy and wonder. A world without fear, crime, hatred and self-denial. A world in which the energy of our own consciousness is sufficient to create everything that we have ever desired right out of thin air. That we don't need oil, gas, money, the media, religions and governments to get on the "righteous" path. That we can build our own future with the energy of our Soul, which we were forced to forget. By the Power of the Whole Human Mind.

To break free from karmic chains and remember what was given to us by our TRUE creator - the Infinite ONE.

That we ourselves are ONE WORLD. ONE SOUL. ONE LOVE …

That the REAL AND ONLY GOD does not sit in the clouds, languidly combing his long white beard, punishing a person OFF for all our sins, and waiting for our repentance and unconditional love for him. That he had no vicars and messengers, brokerage houses with stars and crosses on golden domes. That he does not require our worship, sacrifices and prayers that carry our energy into emptiness, instead of directing it to ourselves and for the benefit of our children.

The TRUE CREATOR is the endless ocean of COSMIC MIND, in which we are all tiny drops, and which lives in each of us outside matter, outside time, outside space …


It does not require gifts, sacrifices and prayers, but benevolently and gratuitously helps a Person in mastering reality, with the aim of ENDLESS accumulation of experience, knowledge and wisdom …

For he is immensely curious, playful, witty and benevolent to those who choose the path of light and in surprise tear open the stuck eyelids with HIS truth, instead of closing them with blind faith imposed from outside. For those of us who open our eyes to the highest meaning of the UNIVERSE and take advantage of every opportunity to read between the lines, despite the ridicule of those who have not yet had time to wake up.

Those who dare to imagine for just one split second that they also exist outside of time, space and matter, as a part of the Eternal Multidimensional Soul, filled with love and devotion not only to their brothers and sisters, but also to enemies. A soul that has forever taken the path of searching for beauty and expanding its own boundaries, in order to find the meaning of existence, and balance within.

That EVERYTHING in this world is realizable.

That we are an INFINITE CONSCIOUSNESS, hallucinating with material reality in order to find, measure, describe and understand ourselves from all points of view that can ever be available.

As a wise man once said, the real journey of discovery is not to see new landscapes, but to see with new eyes.

Human potential is MUCH higher than what we are told all our lives. Unfortunately, as with any strategy, data segregation and hiding the truth allows those who KNOW THE GREAT TRUTH to rule over those who are in the dark.

Religion is nothing more than a programmed time bomb used as the ideal instrument of divide and conquer, just like money, fear and natural resources.

All we have to do is let the facts speak for themselves. Open our souls to the possibility that the teachings we received in schools and universities do not provide a complete mosaic picture of reality precisely because someone needs it. And that this “someone” does not mind waiting for an eternity until we are completely bogged down in our dogmas, fear and materialism.

That the true nature of the Human Spirit lies beyond the boundaries imposed by material reality.

That we are made in order to seek and find, love and be loved, believe in truth and justice, create and grow …

That we are guests on this blue planet, in this masterpiece dream, this illusion, this kindergarten of the soul …

That we are Gods!

WE, not a mustachioed guy on a white cloud with an armful of clumsy props!

We can continue to live the way our fathers and the fathers of our fathers lived. But among us, I am sure, there will be those who will heed the opinion expressed above, despite the initial incompatibility of ideologies. Those who do not want to be cannon fodder and at least check the above in other sources before condemning this tale about the gray wolf cub.

And maybe then the world will really change for the better, letting all of us understand that we do not know ANYTHING about the surrounding reality, not because we are blind, but because IT IS INFINITE and that each of us must rely exclusively on ourselves in the name of her knowledge, but certainly not on the dude with a tail and horns, who tried to convince Galileo that the earth is flat, but forgot about one small point, which includes INDIVIDUALITY, LOVE and BELIEVE IN HIMSELF …

We are on the verge of tremendous changes and it is from us living at the peak of this civilization that our future and the future of this planet, and therefore its children, will depend. We can continue to passively contemplate the ongoing events and wait for our Earth to give us its very last and decisive rebuff, as it once did with Atlantis for the same reasons as now. But we can also open our hearts and accept the truth, no matter how bitter and incredible it may seem to us today.

All this is just a matter of choice, interest, wisdom and Free Will …

OUR Free Will, or lack thereof …
