To Resurrect People, You Need A Chip And Freezing - Alternative View

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To Resurrect People, You Need A Chip And Freezing - Alternative View
To Resurrect People, You Need A Chip And Freezing - Alternative View

Video: To Resurrect People, You Need A Chip And Freezing - Alternative View

Video: To Resurrect People, You Need A Chip And Freezing - Alternative View
Video: Frozen humans brought back to life | 60 Minutes Australia 2024, July

The media reports that "leading researchers from a company called Humai have implemented a unique experiment," namely, they learned how to resurrect people by freezing the brain. In general terms - to freeze this organ, and even insert a special chip there.

Well, and then, “when the level of software reaches the proper level,” thanks to this technology, it will be possible to bring back to life people whose brains were subjected to a similar procedure before death.

Was there a sensation?

Well, have the Americans really made such a colossal breakthrough - which, without exaggeration, can be called "victory over death" or the possibility of "resurrection", which was previously possible only in science fiction novels? Alas, so far, such prospects have been and remain the prerogative of purely fantasy.

To begin with, there is not the slightest bit of uniqueness in this alleged discovery. Even in the manual for the "sandruggers" from the textbook on civil defense of the Soviet era, you can learn that a person who drowned in warm water can be brought back to life from strength in 10 minutes, and in ice - even after 25. Because low temperatures slow down metabolic processes - and allow the cells of the cerebral cortex to withstand oxygen starvation for longer without destruction.

But this is just cold, and relatively short-lived. Freezing is a completely different matter. Ice is less dense than water - and, accordingly, takes up more volume. That is, when the cells of the human body are frozen, ice crystals simply destroy these cells from the inside. And therefore, when defrosting, the output is not a body in which you just need to restore vital activity, but, sorry, "defrosted meat".

This is the first factor that makes the belief in the aforementioned sensation highly questionable.

Promotional video:

How to deal with the spinal cord

The second factor is equally important. Until now, no one in the world has succeeded not only in transplanting a whole head (so that someone else's body would function satisfactorily with it), but even to restore the function of a completely cut (or destroyed) own spinal cord. A striking example of this is the "spinal" disabled, doomed to permanent disability.

Especially "lucky" for those who have injured the spine in the cervical spine - with such a high level of damage, even "tetraplegia" is possible - complete paralysis of all four limbs. Moreover, it is impossible to restore health for any money.

Due to this factor, it is not possible to hope for a brain transplant - even if it was “frozen” from a deceased person, even if, say, from a paralyzed disabled person to the body of an accident victim with severe traumatic brain injury.

The use of the term "chip" in the press release evokes a special smile. Meanwhile, a "chip" is just a microcircuit.

Science scammers

In a word, as for me, the "unique technology of resurrection" is the most common "razvodilovo". Like the popular since the 70s of the last century "freezing terminally ill people" in order to thaw them and revive when science learns to cure their disease.

The "trick" is not even that the same cancer is still not really effectively treated - but that the level of medical technology does not yet allow reviving frozen bodies, due to the reasons described at the beginning of this article. But this does not stop neither enthusiasts hoping to live longer "in the bright future," nor fraudsters from medicine - patients or their relatives are regularly charged a considerable fee for keeping frozen bodies in special freezers.

It seems that the fate of the "unique resurrection technology" will be similar.

Yuri Nosovsky
