Dolmens - Mysterious Megaliths Of Pshada - Alternative View

Dolmens - Mysterious Megaliths Of Pshada - Alternative View
Dolmens - Mysterious Megaliths Of Pshada - Alternative View

Video: Dolmens - Mysterious Megaliths Of Pshada - Alternative View

Video: Dolmens - Mysterious Megaliths Of Pshada - Alternative View
Video: 7 Hours of Bafflingly Advanced Ancient Stonework That Experts Are Still Struggling To Explain 2024, June

Found information about an interesting type of megalithic structure: Dolmen. I found it interesting, so I decided to share it with you. Another reason is that 1 slab of such a structure weighs an average of 20 tons!

A dolmen is an ancient structure in the form of several vertically placed stones covered with a flat slab. In all likelihood, the dolmen served for funeral purposes.

The word itself comes from the Breton "tol" - table and "men" - stone. Unlike the menhir, which apparently played the role of a certain symbol, the dolmen most likely had a practical purpose, namely, it was a funeral monument over the burial place of ancient people. Under the shelter of a stone slab, the remains of people and objects that they used during their lifetime are found in the ground.

Today we will talk about the Pshada dolmens, (Krasnodar Territory, Russia)

Pshada is the largest river in the Gelendzhik region that flows into the sea. A wide valley, low and not steep, wooded mountains. And a huge number of dolmens. We can talk about a certain "Pshad" style of megaliths: as a rule, these are especially well-fitted sandstone slabs, a trapezoidal structure, an emphasized portal. But the most important thing is some special flavor of quality, real art. Sometimes the Pshad region is considered the pinnacle of megalith construction in the Caucasus. But many groups have not yet been found (obviously, most of them), and those found have not been investigated. As you will see for yourself, the valley is large and everything is found here. We will take the former Greek village of Pshada, located on the Novorossiysk - Sochi highway, as a starting point. A fairly accurate description of how to get to the nearest dolmen groups can be found in the tourist route of 70 dolmens of Pschada.


Doguab River Group. Compactly located on a farm site. In terms of style, the megaliths fit well into other dolmen groups of the Pshada basin.

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A separate semi-monolith in the village of Pshada (near the greenhouses). Relatively recently, two more semi-monolith dolmens were discovered (trough type according to V. I. Markovin).


Valley of Pshady, Eight-Dolmenye group, 3 km above the village of the same name, left bank. Classic tiled dolmens of the "Pshad" type. A stable trapezoidal structure with a portal formed by the extensions of four megalithic slabs. The group is relatively well preserved, however, some elements have not survived to us - stone mound-like facings around and structures in front of the facade - courtyards, etc.


A group of dolmens on the Tsygankov ridge. 28 dolmens are located exactly on the crest of the ridge for a kilometer. Only a small part of the megaliths have survived, but they are represented in this group by very different types. It's even amazing how such different buildings are in the same row very close to each other.


The central part of the row is best preserved. Tiled dolmens, trough-like, generally rough buildings, possibly "restored" in some distant times.


A group of three dolmens on the left bank of Pshada, near the river, about a kilometer above the apiary. Only two of them are well preserved.


A separate dolmen on the left bank of Pshada. It is located a couple of hundred meters above the previous (here) group. In front of the dolmen, there are the remains of a portal annex; in fact, there were once several megaliths here. But only this one remained.


A separate dolmen on the right bank of Pshada. Located in a clearing away from the river, half a kilometer short of the buildings of the Third Brigade (at the bottom of the valley).


A group of seven dolmens on the right bank of the Pshada. Well preserved. Located on the rise of the ridge a few (~ 2) km above the village of Pshada


A group of three dolmens on the right bank of the Pshada. The group is located on the crest of a rock ridge rising from the river. The place is almost opposite the village of Pshada (across the river), but few of the locals know these dolmens. There are 3 dolmens in the group. The first two are closer to the river. The left one has a stone plug. By the way, it is very difficult, curly. And the second is clearly unfinished. The third dolmen is a little further up the ridge.


The group is on the right bank of the Pshada, on the first spur of the ridge, coming up to the coast, if you count up from the highway bridge. Did you understand? Well, okay. There are tiled dolmens, typically Pshad: massive, monumental, extremely imposing.


I think if someone is going to go to those parts, they will definitely find something to do.