Miracle In Massachusetts: The Church Burned To The Ground, But The Fire Did Not Touch The Picture With Jesus At All - Alternative View

Miracle In Massachusetts: The Church Burned To The Ground, But The Fire Did Not Touch The Picture With Jesus At All - Alternative View
Miracle In Massachusetts: The Church Burned To The Ground, But The Fire Did Not Touch The Picture With Jesus At All - Alternative View

Video: Miracle In Massachusetts: The Church Burned To The Ground, But The Fire Did Not Touch The Picture With Jesus At All - Alternative View

Video: Miracle In Massachusetts: The Church Burned To The Ground, But The Fire Did Not Touch The Picture With Jesus At All - Alternative View
Video: Jesus Painting Survives Fire That Destroyed Massachusetts Church 2024, June

This week on Tuesday night, First Baptist Church in Wakefield, Massachusetts completely burned down in a terrible fire.

The church was built 150 years ago and is a historical landmark of the city. It was also one of the oldest churches in the United States.

According to eyewitnesses, the fire was caused by a strong lightning strike during a severe thunderstorm. The resulting fire completely destroyed the roof, partitions and the entire interior of the church.


The only thing that survived the fire was a painting depicting Jesus Christ. It depicts Jesus in a white robe and stretching out his hands with traces of stigmata to the audience.


By a mystical coincidence, the fire did not affect her at all, and she, among other things, did not suffer at all from high temperatures and fire foam and water.


Promotional video:

The painting hung on the wall next to the front door and when it was found under the charred floor beams, people could not believe what they saw for a long time. Even the wooden frame of the painting was not damaged!


Now parishioners call this picture a sign of hope for the future. The remains of the burned down church will be demolished, and a new one will be built in its place.


When the firefighters arrived at the call at 7 pm local time, the fire was assigned level 7 difficulty. The roof was already completely engulfed in flames. Despite the words of eyewitnesses about the lightning strike, the official cause of the fire has not yet been named.

It is not known who painted this picture and when it appeared in the church. Soon it will be transferred to the storage of the former pastor.