The Year Of The Beginning Of Universal Chipping In Europe Is Named - Alternative View

The Year Of The Beginning Of Universal Chipping In Europe Is Named - Alternative View
The Year Of The Beginning Of Universal Chipping In Europe Is Named - Alternative View

Video: The Year Of The Beginning Of Universal Chipping In Europe Is Named - Alternative View

Video: The Year Of The Beginning Of Universal Chipping In Europe Is Named - Alternative View
Video: The History of the EU with David Mitchell 2024, May

In the early 1970s, a portable identification system, known today as RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification), was first created and tested at the Los Alamos Research Laboratory.

In principle, RFID (passive RFID tags) is a detector radio that works without batteries and draws energy for the speakers from the radio wave itself. But unlike a radio receiver, RFID feeds the energy taken from the antenna to the chip, which turns on when the signal arrives.


and begins to process the data arriving at it via radio frequency, which is then sent to the reader:


Nobody was interested in RFID chips either in the 1970s or in the 1980s, when the technology was patented, but in the early 1990s, some especially advanced people became alarmed. The reason for their alarm was RFID chips embedded under the skin, in which many saw the prototype of the "tag of the beast":


And then, with the advent of not only chips, but the Internet, a discussion began on the network “about the coming of the Antichrist”, sometimes turning into loud groans like “Everything is gone, tomorrow they will chip us!”

Promotional video:

Over the next 30 years, numerous pastors and all sorts of elders who do not have elementary technical education have spoken out many times about the chips, however, since the speakers have no specific date, even the year of the beginning of this process is not and is not. As a result, an information vacuum, emptiness is created - and millions of people do not know the answer to the question: will chipization be like this or not? And if so, when?

Since there is no one to answer the question, we will answer as always, that is, The Big The One.

Let's start by taking a close look at the first RFID chip and wondering what's wrong with it?


To make it easier to think, let's look at a modern chip:


As you can see from a simple comparison, the fundamental difference between these devices is in the antenna. That is, in a modern chip it is a few centimeters of wire coiled into a ring, and in a chip “a la 1990s” - the coil from the engine of the cruiser from “Star Wars” for jumping through hyperspace serves as the antenna.

The question arises: why is the antenna so long on the first chips, and so small on the later ones? The answer to this question lies in the wavelength at which the receiving / transmitting device operates: the longer the wavelength, the longer the antenna. This is the basic principle of radio engineering, which is shown well on the fingers here:

Thus, comparing the first old and modern RFID devices, we see that the difference between them is mostly in the wavelength. The ideal option is to use generally millimeter waves - then the antenna will also be a couple of centimeters long or even millimeters in general.

And now an RFID chip with a millimeter antenna can be shoved somewhere - to put those who are thirsty for joining technologies under the skin, or to pour it into the blood together with a vaccination. An antenna 10-20 centimeters long cannot be pushed into a cheap miniature device, even if it is gold. And a millimeter-long wire can be hidden in a device the size of an amoeba.

Millimeter waves are a range of radio waves with a wavelength of 10 mm to 1 mm, which corresponds to a frequency of 30 GHz to 300 GHz. We read what Wikipedia writes about them:

Thus, a chip implant operating on millimeter waves is a good idea, but a problematic one: to power such chips, you need to create a real Faraday cage the size of a planet - so that all its microchipped inhabitants simply bathed in millimeter waves. But how to do that?

For a long time this seemed to be some kind of technical problem, until…. The 5th generation mobile communication standard, that is, the notorious 5G, which operates on MILLIMETER WAVES, has not been introduced everywhere.

With his appearance, everyone around is perplexed: why? Who needs such crazy speeds that no one else will have anyway? Moreover, these millimeter waves are specifically harmful - birds die from them, and larger animals go crazy. But 5G is still being implemented. What for?!

But, as shown above, everything is actually very simple: this standard is needed to continuously power ultra-miniature RFID devices. That is, so that these devices are all the time in the millimeter wave field and work continuously, and not when the client deigns to approach the Big Brother scanner.

This is why 5G is so urgent and necessary. It is needed to power the implant chips. And since 5G is being implemented so urgently, it means that total chipization is just around the corner.

European officials are happy to announce that 5G will be ubiquitous in the EU in 2020. Consequently, in Europe they will be branded already somewhere in 2020, since everything will be ready for chipization.

When this process begins in other regions - see the planned timeline for 5G implementation in your area of residence. These events, that is, the inclusion of 5G at full capacity and the voluntary-forced chipization are closely related to each other - like two sides of the same coin, which sensible British conspiracy theorists were able to see in full.