The Mystery Of The Downed UFOs Or The Autopsy Of An Alien - Alternative View

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The Mystery Of The Downed UFOs Or The Autopsy Of An Alien - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Downed UFOs Or The Autopsy Of An Alien - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Downed UFOs Or The Autopsy Of An Alien - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Downed UFOs Or The Autopsy Of An Alien - Alternative View
Video: PROOF ALIENS EXIST? | First, it was UFOs, but could extraterrestrial life be next? | 7NEWS 2024, June

UFO mystery

About UFOs - The first official record was made in an Egyptian papyrus … in 1390 BC. e. Chronicles and other historical documents that have come down to us suggest that in the VI-XVII centuries. in a number of European countries, in Japan and China, unidentified flying objects were observed. Today the UN holds over 200,000 documentaries related to aliens and flying saucers. Among them there is a lot of evidence of UFO crashes. It turns out that not only our airliners, but also UFOs suffer accidents …

The incident when it was possible to shoot down a UFO occurred in South Africa in the early 1990s. At that time, the Russians agreed with the Americans to exchange secret information about the appearance of such objects. Other countries dealt with it at their own discretion. The South African Air Force's intelligence department classified this information, but retired Major Colmen von Kewicki from America somehow managed to get a copy of these unique documents. The facts stated in them were simply incredible …

1989, May 7, at 1 p.m. 45 minutes GMT - South African naval frigate "Sa Tafelberg" reported to the base in Cape Town: an unidentified flying object appeared on the radar screens, which was heading from the south towards the coast of the African continent at a speed of 5,746 nautical miles per hour (about 9,000 km / h). Also, this object was recorded by a number of military and civilian radar stations.

At 13 hours 58 minutes. a strange object entered South African airspace. An attempt was made from the ground to contact him by radio, but to no avail. From the Valhalla airbase, two Mirage fighters were lifted into the air and directed towards the UFO. As they approached, the object abruptly changed its flight path. The interceptors were unable to repeat such a bold maneuver. But the flying saucer did not leave the field of visibility both visually and on the screens of onboard radars. Since it was not possible to identify the aircraft, at 13 hours 59 minutes. fighters were ordered to open fire.

The pilots fired at the alien ship from the Tor-2 experimental laser cannon. After the flight commander Goozen reported that on the surface of the object, several flashes indicated direct hits and it began to "wobble", but continued to move in a northerly direction. At 14 o'clock. 02 minutes the object began to rapidly lose altitude - about 3,000 feet per minute, and then dived at an angle of about 25 ° and crashed to the ground at high speed. The UFO fell in the Kalahari Desert 80 km north of the South African border with Botswana.

Airborne intelligence officers, technical experts and medical personnel soon arrived at the crash site. It is difficult to imagine now what they felt when they discovered the following. The funnel was 150 meters in diameter and 12 meters deep. It contained a silvery disc-shaped object 18 meters in diameter and weighing about 50 tons. No seams were found on the body, and only 12 oval-shaped windows were located around the perimeter. The composition of the material from which this apparatus was made, the source of motion and thrust could not be determined. Where the object came from was also a mystery: there were no identification marks on its body, only an incomprehensible image resembling an arrow in a hemisphere glittered in the sun. The landing gear was extended.

The created government commission began to measure the characteristics of the funnel and measure the object itself. Experts were amazed first of all by the fact that the sand and stones around the UFO crash site were so melted, as if there had been a small nuclear explosion. When measuring the deepening in the ground, a problem arose - an unknown powerful electromagnetic radiation disabled all the devices.

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The UFO itself was transported for research to a secret South African Air Force base. And then something incredible happened. The specialists suddenly heard a loud knock of unknown origin from the depths of the apparatus. Probably coming from a hatch that is jammed. After experts opened it, two humanoid creatures in tight-fitting gray suits emerged from the flying saucer. One of the aliens was in a very bad condition, the other suffered less. The aliens were urgently taken to a military hospital, and various tools and things recovered from the UFO were sent to experts.

The hospital began a thorough examination of the strange creatures. The first medical conclusion was: aliens are "gray". They have a grayish-blue skin color, no body hair, and are approximately 130 to 150 cm tall. They have disproportionately large heads, large eyes without pupils, long and thin arms that reach almost to the knees, with claw-like fingernails.

During the examination, the aliens showed signs of aggression - one of them even scratched the doctor's chest and face, and attempts to take blood and a sample of the skin from them for analysis failed. This behavior of the aliens could be understood: after all, their ship did not show any hostile intentions, but, nevertheless, it was shot down, and they themselves were imprisoned in an underground casemate and studied like exotic animals.

Despite the veil of secrecy, information soon leaked out that the device, along with the pilots, was transported to America. One of the aliens soon died. The fate of the second, like the UFO itself, is unknown - perhaps they are still at the US military base in Wright Paterson. But here's what is especially interesting: it turns out that back in the 1960s, the American military managed to shoot down a UFO missile over a military range, and in April 1964, the American policeman L. Zamora observed an unknown object landing, on board of which he saw an image of an arrow and hemispheres - exactly the same as that of a UFO shot down then over the Kalahari.

In unofficial comments (there are no official ones to this day), military officials from South Africa portrayed this story as someone's absurd fiction. Moreover, in the press, not without the help of sensation-hungry journalists, there were many discrepancies in its description: some assured that there were two UFOs, and only one was shot down, while the second escaped pursuit, others even expressed a fantastic assumption that that almost a whole squadron of unidentified flying objects was heading towards Africa. There is also no consensus about how many shots the fighter-interceptor pilots fired.

Meanwhile, the British UFO organization UFOS received information about this incident. They were delivered by Dr. Azadehdela, who arrived from South Africa. He allegedly even revealed the names of South African officials and scientists who took part in his investigation.

After a short time, a certain James Van Groynen turned to UFOS, presenting documents in the name of an intelligence officer in South Africa. He stated that he has additional information about the UFO crash in the Kalahari and handed over an interesting document to ufologists. It was a photocopy of the description of the incident, printed on the South African Air Force letterhead under the heading "Top Secret" and codenamed "Silver Diamond". Verifying the accuracy of this information, UFOS officers contacted another South African intelligence officer. He not only fully confirmed the described facts, but also added that he personally saw photographs depicting the downed object. Another paper, presented by Groynen, made recommendations for the investigation and autopsy of UFOs.

British ufologists found Squadron Commander Goozen and talked to him. The pilot did not deny his involvement in the pursuit and attack of the UFO, and the air defense command of the North American continent (NORAD) confirmed that an unknown object was being tracked in the area.

And at that time, sensational descriptions of aerial combat over the Kalahari Desert went around the world: details of the incident hit the pages of newspapers, were heard in radio and television programs. To distinguish truth from fiction, reporters from leading British newspapers turned to the South African Department of Defense for clarification. But the head of the public relations department, Colonel Rolt, said the following: "I have no desire to comment on these" flying ducks "that regularly appear in the press." They did not expect another answer - after all, information about the discovered, and even more downed, UFOs is a carefully guarded state secret.

Meanwhile, retired Major Colmen von Kewicki took part in the international conference "Dialogue with the Universe", held in Frankfurt am Main, and in his homeland he founded ICUFON, an intercontinental network for UFO research. This organization enjoys a respectable reputation among ufologists all over the world. At one time, von Kevitzky made a statement: "I have long known that Russian and American leaders have agreed to keep all information about aliens under a hood!" It is likely that the Russian authorities adhere to this rule to this day. But there is a lot of information about UFO crashes in America. Among her there are absolutely unique cases. One of them is the so-called Roswell incident.

1947, July 2 - in the area of Roswell, New Mexico, one of the first UFOs in America crashed. The next morning, American officer William Braisel found fragments of a UFO that had fallen from the sky and pieces of strange film on his ranch. The farmer's son, now MD Bill Braisel, who was eleven years old in 1947, remembers the incident very well. That day, his father was very frightened by the storm. Overhead there was such a terrible roar that it seemed that the end of the world had come. Only the next day, he left the house and found the mysterious fragments. William immediately turned to the sheriff, who immediately contacted the military. The collection of the fragments of the aircraft was taken up by a group of American bomber aviation, which very carefully examined them.

On some of the fragments, characters similar to hieroglyphs were found. However, only part of the UFO was found at the ranch (apparently, it was there that he got into a thunderstorm). Aerial reconnaissance was used to search for the remaining wreckage of the aircraft. It turned out that the UFO itself fell over the mountains, 150 miles west of the ranch, in the San Augustine Valley. The public was not informed about this fact, although numerous witnesses from the nearby town of Alamogordo observed an object that appeared in the sky, engulfed in flames. The military very quickly found the crashed aircraft and transported all its fragments to the Murok air base.

In speed there were stories that the bodies of aliens were found at the crash site of the UFO. Some "witnesses" claimed that there were two pilots and one of them was alive, others proved that there were several of them and they all died.

Only a few decades after the mysterious disaster in Roswell was an interesting document of the American government published. It was drafted on November 18, 1952 for the newly elected President Eisenhower and had the highest degree of secrecy. Everything connected with this accident was named "Majestic-12". From the document it became known that during the search operation, four humanoid creatures of small stature were found. They appear to have ejected from the vehicle prior to its explosion. All four were dead, mutilated and in a state of severe decomposition, as they were discovered only a week later. A special scientific group took them for research (according to some sources, they are stored in Roswell, according to others - in some other secret place).

The testimony of a former employee of the city morgue Glenn Dennis has survived. He remembers that at that time he received an order from the air base for several small coffins, and his good friend, a nurse, allegedly even participated in the autopsy of three alien bodies. Retired Colonel Philippe Coso, who in the 50s. led the White Sands test site, claimed to have been present at the autopsy of one of the aliens. Later, in co-authorship with W. Burns, he wrote the book "The Day After Roswell".

1994 - another sensation appeared. The public became aware of "Angara-51" - a workshop at one of the American airbases (it was assumed that this was the Wright-Paterson base). Here, allegedly, not only corpses with UFOs are being investigated, but also living aliens are contained. Since 1989, they have been in continuous conversations to familiarize themselves with their unsurpassed military technology. This story, possibly, formed the basis of the American feature film "Hangar-18". In February 1989, on one of the Russian TV channels, there was information about the declassification in America of the "secret of the presidents" - special storage facilities, where since the late 1940s. the bodies of the dead UFO pilots are allegedly found.

The American authorities did everything possible to quell the hype and rumors about the Roswell incident. But in 1996 his investigation had to be resumed. The reason for this was a film with a simple and specific title "Alien Autopsy". He made a huge impression and generated a lot of controversy that continues to this day. The film consists of two parts: the first briefly tells about the incident itself, and the second shows the unknown where found (or skillfully edited) footage of the autopsy by a group of surgeons or pathologists of a strange humanoid creature.

The Roswell UFO crash remains a mystery behind seven seals. None of the military archives says anything about her, although according to the instructions, any flight accidents should be recorded, and information about them should be stored forever. In 1995, the influential Congressional Audit Office investigated the matter. It found that about 15 different departments were studying this disaster, but none of them found documents about this. Moreover, the entire press for 1946-1949. (it’s even hard to imagine) disappeared from American libraries.

Ufologists claim that UFOs have existed throughout human history. Despite the myths about their invulnerability, the facts of the last decades suggest that at times UFOs suffer accidents and break. But the fate of the pilots discovered after these disasters is unknown. We can only hope that someday aliens from other worlds themselves will come into contact with earthlings and that what now seems mystic will finally receive a scientific explanation.

V. Syadro, V. Sklyarenko