Anomalous Zones Of The Bryansk Region - Alternative View

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Anomalous Zones Of The Bryansk Region - Alternative View
Anomalous Zones Of The Bryansk Region - Alternative View

Video: Anomalous Zones Of The Bryansk Region - Alternative View

Video: Anomalous Zones Of The Bryansk Region - Alternative View

An underground passage under the river bank, a wounded soldier of the Great Patriotic War, appearing in the forest at dawn, numerous UFOs and other phenomena beyond the ordinary in the story of Vadim Chernobrov.

The famous Russian ufologist, founder of the Kosmopoisk public movement Vadim Chernobrov is a frequent visitor to the Bryansk land. According to him, there are quite a few mysterious places that are of interest to researchers. Where to look for miracles and then what to do with them?

Riddles of the underground passage

Vadim Alexandrovich, how often do you visit our region? What did you find interesting for yourself?

- Honestly, I haven't been for a long time. The nearest plans include a visit in December, at the latest in January. There are many good researchers and activists among the residents of Bryansk who help Kosmopoisk. Every trip we meet old people and find new like-minded people. Many people write to us. I find it difficult to talk about this area in superlatives. Analyzing UFO activity, the number of anomalous phenomena and other mysterious circumstances, I understand that this region is at an average level - there are not many "miracles" here.

Strange glow in the sky over the Bryansk region is noticed quite often


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Photo: AiF-Kazan

However, we managed to visit several anomalous locations. Typically, such trips initiate letters from local residents concerned or agitated by unusual phenomena in their environment. The most interesting and so far unfinished business to date is the story of a war veteran who fought near Bryansk during the retreat of our army. When he and his colleagues were digging a trench, they decided to swim to wash off the dirt. Diving into the river, they found an old underground passage with wrought-iron doors. Everything indicated that this closed place was important and classified. Young guys, they, of course, were terribly interested in what was inside, but during the war, you know, there was no time for that. All his life the veteran consoled himself with the thought that he would return to the battlefield and find the answer to the underground passage. But life did not provide such an opportunity. In old age, he realized that this secret should not be taken away with him - and he shared it with us. Now we are conducting research on his tip. The old man's memory did not disappoint, until, according to his scheme, the necessary hill was found on the river bank, under which there is the very course …

UFOs in the Bryansk region are seen more often than in neighboring regions.

This example of communication between residents and "Cosmopoisk" is indicative. There are more than a dozen such messages in the Bryansk region today.

Forest, lakes and aliens

Are there other mystical territories in the region where they are located?

- There is a so-called "Witch's Forest" - an anomalous zone in the east of the Bryansk region. It was pointed out to us by Konstantin Petrov, a well-known motorist in the city. He drove through this place many times, heard enough stories from other drivers. For inexplicable logical reasons, people begin to lose their orientation, see strange lights, visions. However, the name itself speaks of a mystical beginning: as a rule, with such names in any area, our ancestors, like red flags, made it clear where to go and where not. "Witch", "damn" … Definitely negative territories. Near Zhukovka there is an anomalous zone "Wolf tract". Several unconnected people, newcomers, non-locals, pointed to him. In different words and expressions, with different stories. But the result is one: they all end up with people getting lost there literally in three pines,completely lose their bearings. Despite the fact that the place is easy to find and the road is clearly visible. This is the most "prodigal place" - a classic of the genre.

It is worth noting two more places that are often written about. Two lakes with similar names and stories - Light and Svyatoe. They are famous for the fact that anomalous glow and UFOs are often seen above them, especially above the Saint. Svetloye, near Zhukovka, is more accessible to tourists, which means that there are more such stories around it. The glow here, according to the stories, is like "floodlights from under the water." There is a legend about this lake: they say that once a church fell under the water. From experience I will say that there are such legends in all regions, these are very common epics. This is something like the "sunken city of Kitezh", but I have not yet found any real traces in my expeditions. In some cases, these legends are supported by the fact that people hear bells ringing from under the water, which we can scientifically refute. Perhaps the church is so deeply buried in mud that it becomes difficult to find it. Perhaps she just isn't there. But the Holy Lake, in addition to everything, in the shape and section of the bottom resembles a meteorite crater. This can be formed from the long-standing fall of a meteorite or asteroid. The name of the lake also reminds of something higher, heavenly.

There are legends about the drowned city in almost every region, the most famous is about the invisible city of Kitezh


Photo: Wikipedia / K. Gorbatov

Many messages came about the "chronomirages" of the Bryansk forests. People in them often see the events of the Second World War. The most common plot is a soldier with a shot in the leg, crawling towards the beholder. Usually this picture does not change and appears after sunset or before the appearance of early morning dew. People who are not related to each other also talk about this. The press did not write about them, which means that it was impossible to get them anywhere. We cannot yet "catch" the vision - after all, its appearance is still unpredictable. Research is at the level of collecting materials.

What about alien intervention?

- And in this Bryansk region is leading! Compared to neighbors. Most of the messages come from Trubchevsk, Zhukovka, Arelsk, Trubchevsky district. From there came numerous letters about the landings of unidentified flying objects.

However, the name itself speaks of a mystical beginning: as a rule, with such names in any area, our ancestors, like red flags, made it clear where to go and where not to. "Witch", "damn" … Definitely negative territories.

It's pointless to argue …

Many consider your research to be anti-scientific. How do you respond to criticism from skeptics?

- The word "ufology" has the root "logos" - "science". This term is scientific. I am not afraid or ashamed of criticism: we, ufologists, use scientific methods, we rely on factual evidence, and not on the impressions of frightened witnesses, which, yes, serve as the beginning of the study. The physical evidence obtained with the instruments is recognized and accepted throughout the scientific community. Data can and should be criticized and comprehended. I understand that there are stereotypes in the world about eccentric ufologists, and I am in no hurry to debunk them. It is not my task to argue with people who believe in their infallibility and the truth of their judgments. It's a waste of the time I prefer to devote to my work.


Vadim Chernobrov was born in 1965 in the Volgograd region. Studied at the Moscow Aviation Institute at the aerospace faculty. In 1980 he became the founder of the student group, which later grew into the organization "Cosmopoisk". Author of many articles, works and books on ufology.