Signs Of Destiny Or Fatal Coincidences. When Accidents Are Not Accidental - Alternative View

Signs Of Destiny Or Fatal Coincidences. When Accidents Are Not Accidental - Alternative View
Signs Of Destiny Or Fatal Coincidences. When Accidents Are Not Accidental - Alternative View

Video: Signs Of Destiny Or Fatal Coincidences. When Accidents Are Not Accidental - Alternative View

Video: Signs Of Destiny Or Fatal Coincidences. When Accidents Are Not Accidental - Alternative View
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History has preserved hundreds of stories of incredible coincidences that cannot be rationally explained. It seems that life itself tells us - there are no accidents. And it is not very clear how he relates to this - does this mean that your path is predetermined, or you can change it, having managed to understand what the universe is warning you about.

Some examples show us the impossibility of resisting fate. So, Louis XVI all his life feared the number 21. Even in his youth, he was predicted that this number would bring him misfortune and death. Every month on this day, the king locked himself in his bedroom and spent time alone. But the prediction came true. While trying to escape from France, Louis and his wife Marie Antoinette were arrested on June 21, 1791. A year later, on September 21, a republic was proclaimed in France. And after another year - on January 21, 1793, the king ascended the scaffold.

The number 17 became fatal for the Romanov royal family. The first alarm bell sounded on October 17, 1888, when the royal family survived a train wreck. Then Alexander III, his wife and heirs were saved by a miracle.

The coronation of Nicholas II took place on May 17, 1896. The great holiday was overshadowed by a terrible tragedy. At Khodynskoye field, 1389 people were crushed to death and another 1300 were injured. On October 17, 1905, the king was forced to sign a Manifesto limiting the absolute power of the monarch. In 1917, the February Revolution took place, as a result of which Nicholas II abdicated the throne. And finally, on July 17, 1918, in Yekaterinburg, the royal family was shot. It happened in a house that previously belonged to the engineer Ipatiev. Which also makes us talk about a fatal coincidence - after all, the founder of the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail, was proclaimed tsar in the Ipatiev Monastery.

The famous ophthalmologist Svyatoslav Fyodorov, who created a clinic that restored sight to thousands of people, dreamed of becoming a pilot since childhood. He entered the military flight school, but the dream was not destined to come true - the young man fell under a tram and lost his leg. The path to aviation was closed, but in the end Fedorov became an outstanding doctor.


In his mature years, he made his childhood dream come true - he bought a light twin-engine plane, and then a helicopter, which could not be used for a long time due to the red tape with paperwork. Just a few days later, after purchasing the helicopter, Fedorov's plane crashed. There was no doctor on board - as a result of the crash, the instructor and the girl were killed. And a year after this tragedy, Svyatoslav Fyodorov himself died - he crashed on the very same helicopter, permission to fly which he received with great difficulty.

Fate also warned Vladimir Vysotsky. Moreover, the sign was more than convincing. Exactly one year before his death, on July 25, 1979, he experienced clinical death. Despite this, Vysotsky soon returned to his usual way of life. On July 25, 1980, he was gone.

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And there are hundreds of such amazing coincidences. Scientists from different countries and directions tried to study and understand this phenomenon: philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, physicist Albert Einstein, psychoanalysts Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli. Everyone had their own answer to this question. But a unified theory that could explain the cases of incredible coincidences has not yet been created.