The Vampire Dream Steals Our Mood - Alternative View

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The Vampire Dream Steals Our Mood - Alternative View
The Vampire Dream Steals Our Mood - Alternative View

Video: The Vampire Dream Steals Our Mood - Alternative View

Video: The Vampire Dream Steals Our Mood - Alternative View
Video: A Vampires Dream 2024, May

You just woke up, but you already feel tired, as if you unloaded the wagons all night? Remember, what did you dream about?

In the rich and varied world of dreams, there is a special category of dreams - vampires. Consciousness draws bloodthirsty entities with fangs? No, the dream vampire is quite harmless. Externally. In reality, he steals our energy - we wake up after him broken, without mood.

Energy parasite

The vampire dream can be safely attributed to the category of energy parasites, acting according to the scheme: to scare and thereby cause the release of negative, destructive energy that feeds the dark forces. Let's recognize the enemy by sight! Moreover, he has 3 of them.


Dreams are dictators. This is the type of dreams in which we become hostages of someone else's will: doing striptease on the square with a large number of people, shaving our heads, unloading wagons with bricks, frying in the sun, weeding other people's beds, plucking the eyebrows of the boss, my legs to my friend … The plots are varied and sometimes even funny. But not for those who dream, because in any of them there is visibly or invisibly a person who makes him do his will / ignoring our interests.

Pursuit dreams. The name of this group of vampire dreams speaks for itself: there is always a persecution plot in them. Moreover, the role of persecutors can be both close and dear people, and strangers, animals, cars, helicopters and dragons.

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Killer dreams. These dreams have an ominous name because they necessarily involve a fatal plot. For example, you dream of going up or down in an elevator, ending with a broken cable and a rapid fall into the abyss, where death is on guard. Or you float along the river, losing strength with every second, overcoming yourself, but the waves close over your head. You stray into the dungeon and, finding a narrow hole, rush to the light, but the darkness holds it so tightly that, when weaken, you lose consciousness. Or someone with a knife attacks you.

How to start a battery?

How to restore energy after having a dream vampire? The first thing to do is get out of bed and take a shower. It should be contrasting, with a temperature amplitude of at least 20 ° - such a shake-up mobilizes the hidden energy forces of the body. Rubbing with a dry towel will replenish the effect by increasing blood flow and help the capillaries to work to their fullest. But the recovery process doesn't end there. You should return to it in the evening, before bedtime. Evening treatments should be as relaxing and soothing as possible.


It is good to start with meditation of one of the main yoga asanas - balasana, or the child's pose: sitting on your knees, turn your feet up, lower your pelvis to your feet, and touch the floor with your head. At the same time, stretch your arms along the legs. After 10 minutes of meditation (you can even start from 3 minutes) in a balasana, take a warm bath with a relaxing effect. The bath should be at a comfortable temperature, 7 °. You can add any soothing salt, pine needle extract, mint or lavender extract to it. By the way, the relaxing effect of essential oils should also be used in person, filling the aroma lamp with bergamot, chamomile, sandalwood, ylang-ylang oil.

Magic key

But to say goodbye to energy parasites forever, you have to work with yourself seriously.

Your task is to learn to control your mental body in a dream, and for this you will have to develop the abilities of … a writer!


Find a diary notebook with a small key in the stationery store. After opening the first page, focus and describe in detail what you dreamed about (the plot of a vampire dream). Does it have no logic and a lot of sharp turns? Don't be confused by the style of the narrative, the main thing is to free your consciousness by transferring the plot to the pages of the diary. And remember: it is impossible to replace the diary with a computer file - it is necessary to materialize agonizing energy, free the body by transferring the negative to the paper. Write the way it works - the process is important.

After reading, imagine a way out of the dead end of the dream and add it in such a way that he was sure to be happy: the catching maniac twisted his leg, a rescue parachute opened over the broken lift, and the chef personally served you coffee during the break. Agree - that's a completely different story.

Lock up your intellectual property and, even if the dangerous visits of vampire dreams stop, do not put the diary on the far shelf, continue to write daily, the quantity will surely grow into quality. Your mental body will be controlled at any time of the day, and in a dream you will definitely write your own, safe scenario of events, and all dubious plots are banned under lock and key!