Karelian Stonehenge - Alternative View

Karelian Stonehenge - Alternative View
Karelian Stonehenge - Alternative View

Video: Karelian Stonehenge - Alternative View

Video: Karelian Stonehenge - Alternative View
Video: Stonehenge and Avebury Stone Circles, England 2024, September

For a long time Karelia has been considered a mystical land filled with many secrets and mysteries. Residents of its distant corners keep esoteric traditions and knowledge to this day.

The northern part of Karelia is rich in magic legends, where the most mysterious pagan complex in Russia is located. It was discovered on Vottovaara Mountain in 1993, after which it became generally known. However, the locals have known the special power of this mountain for a long time, and in the villages it was called Death Mountain.

The age of this outlandish plateau with an area of 6 sq. km, but it is at least 2000 years old. Local legends claim that this is a cult place of sacrifice for the inhabitants of the mysterious ancient continent - Hyperborea. This is confirmed by a whole layer of phosphorus discovered by scientists in the central part of the amphitheater, which could not have formed on its own, and its occurrence is possible by layering organic remains on top of each other.


There are about 1600 boulders throughout the mountain, which are called "seids". Those with a larger diameter are mysteriously mounted on small seids. This is where another name for this pagan monument came from - Karelian Stonehenge.

The nature in this place is eerily gloomy. Century pines do not grow higher than 2 meters, their trunks are intricately twisted. Vegetation is almost absent, there are many dead woods.


Anomalies are associated with the fact that technicians refuse to work here, ranging from wristwatches to digital cameras. For many, it takes a long time to reach a place that is within easy reach, although there are few trees and bushes taller than human growth. Some of the tourists who come here, health deteriorates - the pressure rises, bleeding from the nose.

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This plateau has become a gathering place for lovers of esotericism - shamans and the coven of witches. The most beloved part of it is the “steps to heaven”. In an unknown way, 13 steps were cut into the rock, which lead to a cliff. Locals keep the belief that this staircase was the road to the patron gods of Hyperborea, who descended from heaven exactly in this place.

Modern ufologists interpret it differently, believing that this is the path to alien ships, with which the pagans had a connection, and the complex itself is a kind of airfield, where each seid is a special designation with magnetism.

Karelian Stonehenge keeps many magical secrets that are yet to be learned.