Shakespeare And Pushkin. Just Information, Nothing Personal - Alternative View

Shakespeare And Pushkin. Just Information, Nothing Personal - Alternative View
Shakespeare And Pushkin. Just Information, Nothing Personal - Alternative View

Video: Shakespeare And Pushkin. Just Information, Nothing Personal - Alternative View

Video: Shakespeare And Pushkin. Just Information, Nothing Personal - Alternative View
Video: Starlight 11 - Module 1 - Student's Book Audio 2024, May

No, I do not want to offend anyone here, or say that there was no such person as Pushkin, I can even admit that he was called “Alexander Sergeevich” by Russian-speaking Russians, and even more so I can’t say anything bad about Shakespeare, he was a real hero and compatriot … Rudyard Kipling.

I'll start with Pushkin, perhaps. Who was this man? An official? Yes of course! A prose writer? Perhaps … a poet? Well, probably … A RUSSIAN poet? Come on?!!! Everyone knows his images.

To begin with, I would like to scrupulously dissect some statements by official historiographers about a very ambiguous investigation by Pushkin of the so-called "Pugachev rebellion" ", The now-favorite word" GENOCIDE "is spinning on the tongue, no less! To begin with, the circumstances as they are described in the OI …

During the investigation, Pushkin was accompanied by Dal, who worked in Orenburg as an official on special assignments. If you believe the dates approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party, let me remind you that 68 (!!!) years have passed since the suppression of the riot. Somehow, for the trip, they found old women who remembered Pugachev, or rather Pyotr Fedorovich … An interesting fact is also indicated that the local foundlings got very tense when Pushkin started asking about the riot and thrust money for it. It is indicated that they REMEMBERED how harshly the riot was suppressed.

In principle, if you believe in the tales about the millions of crowds of "Mongols" who dissected an ovukon in the latitudinal direction across Eurasia, while cloning and feeding on something unknown, then there is absolutely nothing unusual in this story … although … If you really do not understand what this is about, I will try to convey to you the meaning of the event in a more popular form, using the example of an accessible analogy, so:

… The year is 1937-39, the USSR is literally on the verge of war, there are showdowns between the world hegemons, and against this background there are purges. From the center comes PERSONALLY sanctioned by Comrade Stalin, well, let's say M. Gorky (no, not that fabulous “bottom” from the “bottom”, but the real one - the owner of a sabotage and sabotage school in Capri, who personally financed terrorist brigades and had a share in the common fund of gangs and criminals hired for "expropriations"), well, or A. Gaidar, who personally shot from a "revolver" at the age of 16 the families of "kulaks and podkulachnikov", including young children and babies, for example, in Belarus, to conduct an investigation on the topic the Polish uprising of 1863-64 … Our scribbler is accompanied by Dzhandzhgava Lavrenty Fomich, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the BSSR (1938-1941). At the same time, Lavrik II has already been warned about the purpose of the mission,and our clerk comes to a ready-made "Potemkin village" (this is the purpose of the escort so that the rogue visits exclusively "historical places"), where appointed witnesses are brought to him, whose children and grandchildren have already been warned of the possible consequences, they recruit the oldest, no matter where, money (orders, medals and other intangible benefits) has already been promised, explanatory work has also been carried out on the consequences of "disrupting the work of a great writer sent by the CENTER to your backwoods"explanatory work was also carried out on the question of the consequences of "disrupting the work of a great writer sent by the CENTER to your backwoods"explanatory work was also carried out on the question of the consequences of "disrupting the work of a great writer sent by the CENTER to your backwoods"

The fact that the local “sent Cossacks” were very tense is not even in doubt, when Pushkin began to ask about the “riot”, no, my dears, they were beating with horror and fear of failing the task … "- this is such a school teacher, slightly respected and absolutely kind ?! The most interesting thing was probably watching those whom "Pushkin began to ask about the riot and shoved money for it," in fact, this is already a tower, and the little people realized that this was the END, then in reality everyone began to "REMEMBER how hard the revolt was suppressed,”sent, of course, was disgusted:

- No, well, maybe not so cruel? (and behind Gaidarki's back is Janjgava and leads the orchestra of "recalls")

Promotional video:

- No, no, dear, cruel, oh, how CRUEL! Can we go home already? We have small children, at …

- Well, well, well, and the children were buried alive ?!

- It was, it was! They put them in sacks and dug them alive, by God I pray to let go home and …

- Well, well, well, and the girls were spoiled and the stomachs of pregnant women were ripped open ?!

- DO NOT DIE !!! Everyone was spoiled as it is, pregnant women were brought up and cut in turn, so as not to get too tired …

Well, I think that's enough. Current researchers write FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THEMSELVES AND CURRENT REALITIES, and do not even have an approximate idea of what was happening then, THAT SITUATION! You see, you can't write about the life of fish without even plunging into a scuba gear at least six meters … In general, it was smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines …

And now the documentation about the theater of historical events. Reading today's researchers, you immediately imagine mountains of corpses, glades of human bodies, laid in human crowds, devilish tricks and inhuman cruelty in the extermination of opponents … but what really happened ?!

Here is a certificate of the population of the Astrakhan province in the first quarter of the 19th century.:

In total, ~ 33 thousand people, and this is in the territory from Simbirsk (Ulyanovsk) to Kizlyar! Life in the province was hectic, so the number of irregular military formations was disproportionately large. This time!

One of the arguments can serve as documentary figures of losses in the Pugachev war of 1773-1775, despite the vast territory

and allegedly the largest hostilities with tens of thousands of participants, with hundreds of thousands of victims. Here is the dry data of the "special loss statement":

and that's all … in almost 3 years of the war ~ 3.562 killed and wounded. It's two!

In total, the percentage of losses is slightly more than 10% for the entire "territory from Simbirsk (Ulyanovsk) to Kizlyar!", Like this, for 3 years - 10% from both sides … yes, I agree, it was tough and scary, cut noses and ears, burned with a hot iron, scourged to meat, they did not spare the prisoners in battle, but the losses on both sides did not exceed losses in other BIG wars of that and subsequent periods, that is, no genocides, and there were no machine guns with weapons of mass destruction before the First World War. enough catastrophically. Another interesting and little-known fact: we know all the data up to the first half of the 19th century from state documents … 1860-1888, where all the documentation came from "lists", that is, manually rewritten "copies of documents", something like this …

Yes, even in the conditions of the current information surplus, after some 70 years, what fantasy comics have not been invented about Gitl Stallinovich Mao, plus almost no one doubts that the victory in the Second World Anti-Hitler Coalition was solely the fault of the United States which made a decisive contribution to the defeat of 719 German divisions with its 61 …

And here is another interesting accentor: Pushkin died 4 years after the trip and 3 after the publication of "The History of Pugachev"

SANKA KILLED, HERODS SOAKED !!!.. Moreover, the heartwarming story about how Pushkin fired from his cannon at Dantes and hit the button … the bullet bounced off … a lead bullet in size more like a solid such cherry than a bullet … even if something like this happened, the Dantes cavalry guard JUST HAVE to SHOOT BETTER …

And for illustration: Goncharova, Dantes and Pushkin, as they say, find the excess:


That's it, enough fairy tales for now, let's talk a little about Dantes. His name was Georges Charles de Heeckeren d'Anthès, his date of birth is unknown. I will say more, nothing was known about him at all until 1848 (!), Which modern writers did not invent about him. All lies!

Here are the memories of him left by G. Onegin at the end of the 19th century, the famous compiler of the Pushkin Museum in Paris.

Cob Dirk Burchard Anne van Heeckeren tot Enghuizen (nid. Jacob Derk Burchard Anne baron van Heeckeren tot Enghuizen, otherwise Van Heeckeren van Beverweerd) - Dutch diplomat, from June 1842 to October 1875 he was a plenipotentiary at the imperial court in Vienna, for diplomatic merit Gekkern was awarded a number of state orders, including the Order of the Netherlands Lion, and in 1872 was awarded the honorary life-long title of Minister of State. What were the circumstances of the acquaintance of Gekkern and D'Anthes, it turns out that there are many versions, starting with the one that allegedly Gekkern picked up D'Anthes in Russia, to the version of the goddaughter of the Emperor Nikolai A. Arapova, who in her memoirs told that

According to Arapova, D'Anthes himself told about this meeting to one "of his late wife's nephews," in general, the most reliable source of information about anyone is the OBS agency (one woman said) … but the more knowledgeable grandson of Dantes, Louis Metman, AT ALL does not say anything about the first meeting of his grandfather and Gekkern … And in fact, we know in detail about Pushkin's duel (ATTENTION!) from “the memoirs of Pushkin’s second KK Danzas, published in 1863, recorded by Ammosov” … something like this, then there is in 1855 from Annenkov we learn about Pushkin's life, and already in 1866 memories of his death from the famous writer and one of the incarnations of Kozma Prutkov - Ammosov are ready … the office writes, however …


Despite all this, the real D'Anthes, an unknown artful Alsatian nobleman, after meeting in 1842 with a Dutch diplomat sent to Vienna by Baron Heckern, who never got out of his village anywhere, Georges D'Anthes, who learned the legend about that that he allegedly served in Russia (for the noblemen of the tiny “grand duchies” and “grand principalities” of Europe it was tantamount to the fact that a Pole went to London, THIS WAS A SIGN OF STATUS! So 60 percent of Europeans who “served in Russia “, Didn’t even have an idea where this most notorious“Russia”is …), why did he serve there, lie so lie, greeted the anpirator by the hand and kicked the door into the bedroom to the anpiratress, no less, makes a dizzying career. In 1845 he became a member of the General Council of the Department of the Upper Rhine, and three years later - a member of the Constituent Assembly of France in the district of Upper Rhine - Colmar. The deputy required a move to Paris, where the baron acquired a mansion on the rue Saint-Georges.

In the capital, Dantes is rapidly developing connections among influential politicians. In particular, he was the second of the monarchist leader Thiers in his duel with the deputy Bixio. Dantes' mansion turned into a political and even partly literary salon. The baron's political views gradually began to be corrected in a pragmatic direction. Still, Dutch diplomats simply do not adopt orphan noblemen and simply do not buy mansions in the capitals, the Dutch intelligence service has never been distinguished by a penchant for donations … And Dantes-Gekkern took an active part in the work of the party of Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, who was elected President of France, and on December 2, 1851, another coup d'état took place in the country and Prince-President Louis Bonaparte (the future Napoleon III), dissolving the Legislative Assembly,practically abolished the republic and became the emperor. In this regard, there is such a widespread myth in the press that the emperor Napoleon allegedly "asked" (THE EMPEROR ASKED? !!! I beg you …) D'Anthes to go on a diplomatic mission to the royal and imperial courts of Europe, and he did not, never after that never indulged in such affairs. But the solution is even easier to solve than one might think: the emperor Napoleon asked Heckern to travel with the diplomatic mission in Europe, and if D'Anthes participated in this trip, then the maximum was in the quality of luggage … Actually, the life of this “legendary man” was no more legendary than the biographies of other crooks warmed by Napoleon, nothing interesting …that the emperor Napoleon allegedly "asked" (THE EMPEROR ASKED? !!! I beg you …) D'Anthes to go on a diplomatic mission to the royal and imperial courts of Europe, and he never dabbled in such affairs either before or after that. But the solution is even easier to solve than one might think: the emperor Napoleon asked Heckern to travel with the diplomatic mission in Europe, and if D'Anthes took part in this trip, then the maximum was in the quality of luggage … Actually, the life of this "legendary man" was no more legendary than the biographies of other crooks warmed by Napoleon, nothing interesting …that the emperor Napoleon allegedly "asked" (THE EMPEROR ASKED? !!! I beg you …) D'Anthes to go on a diplomatic mission to the royal and imperial courts of Europe, and he never dabbled in such affairs either before or after that. But the solution is even easier to solve than one might think: the emperor Napoleon asked Heckern to travel with the diplomatic mission in Europe, and if D'Anthes took part in this trip, then the maximum was in the quality of luggage … Actually, the life of this "legendary man" was no more legendary than the biographies of other crooks warmed by Napoleon, nothing interesting …But the solution is even easier to solve than one might think: the emperor Napoleon asked Heckern to travel with the diplomatic mission in Europe, and if D'Anthes took part in this trip, then the maximum was in the quality of luggage … Actually, the life of this "legendary man" was no more legendary than the biographies of other crooks warmed by Napoleon, nothing interesting …But the solution is even easier to solve than one might think: the emperor Napoleon asked Heckern to travel with the diplomatic mission in Europe, and if D'Anthes took part in this trip, then the maximum was in the quality of luggage … Actually, the life of this "legendary man" was no more legendary than the biographies of other crooks warmed by Napoleon, nothing interesting …

However, in this regard, I would like to dispel one more bloodthirsty "Napoleonic" myth along the way. Everyone, probably, who more or less studied at school, have heard about the so-called. "The Vendée rebellion", covered with blood by the valiant Napoleonic guards in "a thousand hundred years." So, this lie had a real prototype. There really was a mutiny and suppression, and there were some documents about them (most likely, cruelly edited under Napoleon in the second half of the 19th century, just like the Russian ones under Emperor Alexander the Liberator …), and it was called quite plainly “Vendée revolt of the Duchess of Berry “1830-1832 There were no special atrocities there, everything was within the limits of the then norms, but in politics all means are good, and a banal police event carried out by guards loyal to the“pear king”against the heirs of the Bourbons,was inflated by the near-Napoleonic "writers" to complete indecency, even the term "vandalism" appeared, which, by an absurd accident, a dozen years later, when they began to invent the "history of the Middle Ages", was used to describe the actions of barbarians (Bourbons) "vandals" … By the way, a witness of these "Atrocities" could well have been the daughter of the Duchess, "mademoiselle de France", the famous Maria Theresa …

Another popular myth about the "great campaign" of the prankster Napoleon to Moscow at the head of a militarized army, where the scale is even more cosmic, and this tale raises questions even more inconvenient: where did Napoleon's army "evaporate"? Where are all her archives, and why did she archive only 184 bundles of documents in 2 years? Which army reached Paris?

But this is so, trifles, but literally Homeric laughter aroused “mentions” of “hundreds of wagons with plundered gold leaf”, this is really childish babble, even if there was something, then the Napoleonians were left with worthless crumbs and depreciated real estate, but at the expense of gold leaf “in sheets of a centimeter thick” while I was reading, as they say now, I was lying under the table, especially imagining “melting in crucibles in a church”, it was really funny, here is a reference for those who like to rip gold off the domes of churches:

In a word, the word "SKAZKA" is most suitable for the current "historical science", and in its current meaning …

So, what else do we know about the notorious "Pushkin"? For example, the fact that his alleged ancestor was Abram Hanniball, or the fact that the really great Russian poet Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, having learned about his cruel death, folded the verse "on the death of the poet" that the bastard Dantes shot Pushkin (we already know this), even there are pictures of all this Santa Barbara … Mikhail Yuryevich, himself a Russian only in the second generation, technically did not know "Pushkin", he even learned about his death from the doctor who treated him. I don’t know why the DOCTOR LIED him, but the verse was written … however, according to the experts-philologists, it was not written by Lermontov, but was attributed to him to confirm for Soviet citizens his progressive attitude towards the horrors of autocracy … The official version of the life of the classic Pushkin I think it's not even worth telling too much, there are literally tons of waste paper on this topic,moreover, 90 percent … was written in the twentieth century, and contemporaries treated it rather ambiguously. As Lermontov himself wrote, "many, especially ladies, justified Pushkin's opponent, because Pushkin was a fool of himself and jealous and had no right to demand love from his wife" …

Nobody knows what it really looked like, but we are offered a miraculously preserved plaster mask (a copy of the copy) and an engraving of an Englishman who allegedly knew Pushkin personally, allegedly made almost before his death …


Somehow, it even seems that I know this Englishman, and he quite by chance looks like two peas in a pod like the person depicted on the screensaver with Shakespeare …


I would like to introduce interested comrades, just as information, with a couple of very interesting writers "about zainkov", I think everyone will like them too, well, and there will be something to think about at your leisure. So, number one is Niccolò Ugo Foscolo, on the left is his most common image.

For just lazy people and parasites I will give you references: this and that, but I think real researchers will find articles and more interesting, in a nutshell: like a Greek, like a great Italian poet, one of the creators of the great and mighty Russian Italian language, a fan of Napoleon, wrote in English, died in England, behaved ugly, like … like some kind of Pushkin. Lived officially on February 6, 1778, Zakynthos - September 10, 1827, Turnham Green (Pushkin officially on May 26 (June 6) 1799, Moscow - January 29 (February 10) 1837, St. Petersburg), kill me, but I don't like these 6 -ki and 10-ki mixed with 7-koy. In general, read, compare, analyze, but for now …


Number two - Aleksey Iraklievich Lyovshin. To speed up your thinking process, I'll add more links and more.

When he was born? In 1799 (1798 (?)), Doesn't it look like anything? He was an official, studied the life of the Ural Cossacks and Kirghiz-Kaisaks, wrote little books, was no less an inventor than Pushkin, while Pushkin … published his articles in the "Moskovsky Vestnik", invented the history of the Kirghiz-Kaisaks, and invented Kyrgyz poetry on their behalf. And one more thing: Pushkin wrote his "History of the Pugachev rebellion", relying on Lyovshin's writings (?), And … the more articles I studied, cross-examining suspects with the nicknames "Pushkin", "Foscolo" and "Levshin", the less I liked the texts describing their deeds … WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE ?! And why do they constantly rub against each other, sometimes directly intersecting, then stealing the details of biographies from each other … Okay, the time machine will judge us, but for now Shakespeare ("shaking the pen")

I'll be brief. Billy, we have a completely fresh … talented young man, he ended up really badly, but he left his memory of himself for all time, even without being particularly encrypted. Despite the assertion of hysterics from history, the date of his birth is well known - October 29, 1878, however, and he was born in the British East End, or rather, in British Bombay. This talented in every respect polyglot, writer and … spy was, among other things, at the origins of the Anglo-Saudi symbiote. I do not know if he had a hand in giving the natives of the Arabian desert a positive status in world history, but the fact that only thanks to British hysterics in world official history, absolutely unrealistic, but widely advertised by the British, tales of the great "Arab" caliphate of ecumenical proportions took root and became legal, whose delusion, in my opinion,so obvious that you don't even want to waste time on proof; glory to the Rothschilds, without them the current history would be as boring and trivial as in my articles, to replace world history with popular fairy tales - you know, is it worth a lot …

PS Here our Wikipedia made a little bit about him.

PSS Sorry, I forgot to show the photo, this is how Shakespeare and his Photoshop version looked real.


Author: SKUNK69
