Damage To The Cemetery Land - Alternative View

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Damage To The Cemetery Land - Alternative View
Damage To The Cemetery Land - Alternative View

Video: Damage To The Cemetery Land - Alternative View

Video: Damage To The Cemetery Land - Alternative View
Video: 🦄🐍♻NEW THINGS TO BLINK!⚪🔵 2024, June

Damage on the grave ground - what is it? Why do they throw cemetery soil by the collar? Is there a corruption to death using cemetery land? Are love spells done on the grave ground? How to properly remove the soil poured to the threshold?

Cemetery ground is a very common thing in magical practice. There are especially many recipes for its use in black witchcraft. Using earth from a cemetery, you can make some types of damage, including damage to death. Taken together, all these types of witchcraft negativity are called damage on grave ground (or on dead ground). There are also love spells on the cemetery land. Any thing that has a certain clearly directed energy can be used in magic. The specificity of energy near the ground from the cemetery is quite obvious - it is dead energy that suppresses and eliminates anything.

It is widely known that many types of damage are carried out by pouring something specially charged with the help of special conspiracies to the threshold of the door, into the courtyard of the house, into the mailbox, etc. It can be grain, sand, hair, tablets, broken glass, bones, and much more. But tossing dirt from a graveyard is one of the most common options.

So, any suspicious things located at your front door, including the ground, can be either a transmitter of witchcraft corruption, or ordinary rubbish. This cannot be determined by the mere appearance of such objects (although it should be noted that the earth from the cemetery usually contains a fair amount of clay and therefore has a reddish color). In any case, the ground and other suspicious objects should not be thrown away with either hands or feet. Any garbage of this kind must immediately be taken out into the street (or outside the yard, if we are talking about a private house) and burned. Rubber gloves (or other items with which you can avoid direct contact) are required! I draw your special attention to the fact that if you swept the ground with a broom, it can no longer be returned to the house, burn the broom too. Of course, the earth will not burn. But it's importantto just be on fire. After that, for three days, do not give anything from the house to suspicious unexpected guests, and do not take anything from them.

Cemetery land can also be poured directly into the garden, which is sometimes practiced in rural areas and in summer cottages. Example from a letter: “In my garden, the harvest is always worse than others. This even applies to perennial daffodils, which do not require careful care: for all of them they are almost fading, but for me they have just blossomed. And this is always the case with all garden crops. Once my mother went to my grandfather, and he told her that dead earth was scattered in our yard. What is it and how can it be cured?"

Here we are talking about the burial ground, which black witches with special witchcraft conspiracies ("… you have swans in the field, but there are three troubles in your house, so that your yard stalled, and the porch overgrown with grass …", etc.) scattered in the yard of their victims … The described ritual is a fairly common type of witchcraft damage, as a result of which your yield in the gardens will really drop sharply, domestic animals will wither, the family will have financial decline, ailments and quarrels. Grave ground creates dead energy in your yard. This problem can be corrected, but you need to invite a professional specialist. As minimal countermeasures to be performed on your own, I recommend the following procedures: sprinkle the soil in your garden and yard with salt thoroughly, and then carefully dig up the garden. You will need several packs of salt. Keep in mind,that in the courtyards of the cemetery earth is usually scattered where there is already some kind of earth, so that you do not notice any visual traces of damage. Then thoroughly sprinkle the whole earth with Epiphany water, which will also require a fair amount.

Now we will talk about a very common "drying out" damage, which is performed by throwing the cemetery soil behind the collar of clothing. I will give several standard examples of such damage, taken from letters to my address.

“Hello, Vladimir! Help solve the problem, please. My father is from the Vologda region. He was at home, caring for his mother until her last breath. At the funeral, a neighbor from the village poured earth behind the collar for my father and his brother in the cemetery. Says that they have such a custom! Mom and I are shocked. Is there such a custom? What to do?"

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“Last week my brother burned down in his own house. At his funeral, one of my aunts poured earth from the grave behind my gate, "so that my brother would not dream." Why is this actually done?"

“In 1992 my mother died. During the funeral, they poured cemetery soil for me by the collar. I walked with this land all day and only in the evening I kicked it out. My relationship with friends and girlfriends soured. Having moved to another city, I suffered a lot of insults from my classmates. Relations in the family began to deteriorate: the grandmother flares up over trifles, the father shouts at everyone. When I started dating guys, I shed a lot of hot tears. In my personal life, I still have just chronic bad luck …"

“At my grandfather’s funeral, one woman poured cemetery land by the collar of my neck, and did it quite unexpectedly. Problems began: divorce from my wife (although everyone said that we were an ideal couple), the job was also not very good. Tell me, please, is it not damage?"

The cemetery land piled up behind the collar is always damage (which is sometimes done deliberately, but more often on the erroneous belief that “this is how it should be done”). Any person who has ever poured grave soil behind the collar of his clothes at a funeral (with the words “so as not to be afraid”, “so as not to yearn,” or in silence) needs professional healer help. The number of people who have visited me in connection with the problems caused by the burial ground behind the collar of my clothes is far from one thousand!

In this regard, they ask me: if you deliberately pour the grave earth behind the gate of a person, then it can also damage. And if this was done so that the child would not be afraid of the deceased at the funeral, as in this case? Is it damage anyway? I answer: is there intent, is not - in this case it does not matter. If someone, without intent, accidentally boils someone with boiling water, do you think there will be burns? Land by the collar is most often really thrown without malicious intent. As well as putting money in the coffin. And the photo there. Just out of stupidity and ignorance. Thinking that "it is necessary". And, nevertheless, it always leads to negative consequences. There are simply things that cannot be done. And the presence or absence of intent has nothing to do with it.

I am quoting another letter: “My son has become somehow indifferent, angry. He is alone all the time, although the guy is not stupid and cute. He is 18 years old, and he became afraid of the dark. I just stopped recognizing him. Once I went to a healer, and she advised me to collect land in the cemetery and sprinkle this earth on my son's shirt. To be honest, I didn’t do it, I was afraid that it would not get worse …"

The author of the letter did the right thing to refuse to carry out such a dangerous recommendation of the mentioned "healer". Let me tell you frankly and frankly: the "healer" in this case is a very "narrow-minded" aunt who heard about the practice of falling asleep at the funeral of the burial ground for the relatives of the deceased by the collar. When performing this dangerous act, they usually say: "This is so that you are not afraid (not afraid)." Probably, that same "healer" decided that the grave earth is really poured over the collar of his clothes to get rid of some fears.

But, I repeat that in fact the result of this action is extremely negative: the so-called "grave damage to drying out" is obtained. The victim of this damage begins to be depressed, withers, dries up, gets sick, loses interest in life. Some people deliberately wield grave ground during funerals. Others themselves do not know what they are doing, because they have heard about such a "tradition" and sincerely believe that "it is so accepted." The situation here is the same as that developed around the practice of throwing money into a coffin or grave. It is generally accepted that the deceased needs money “to buy off a place in the afterlife,” but in fact this action forms damage to the lack of money for the person who left the change in the grave. Therefore, I remind my readers that they should never follow the lead of "good advisors"offering to throw the cemetery soil behind the collar of clothing or change into the grave. Both actions entail considerable troubles!

Once I was asked the following question: “In your newspaper publications I often read that warlocks throw cemetery soil to people by the collar at funerals. This is also mentioned in Stepanova's books. It says that, they say, this is how the disease is transmitted. She writes that you need to say right away if this happens: “Go earth to earth, and not to me, God's servant (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now, and ever, and forever and ever, amen. " Do you think this is nonsense or useful words?"

These words are useful, but only if they are said immediately, as soon as the earth was poured for you behind the collar of your clothes. But how many people know about such conspiracies? And if someone knows, does he remember this conspiracy by heart? And is a person able to react quickly and say such a conspiracy at the funeral of his relative? Hardly. A person who is afraid of getting a handful of grave soil by the collar, and so will be on the alert and will not allow this situation. So the cited conspiracy refers to those magical rituals that, in principle, are effective, but in practice they are almost never used. And in the overwhelming majority of cases, a person who was poured by the collar of earth at a funeral still has to seek professional magical help after some time. I especially focus the readers' attention on the words "professional magical assistance", because you cannot get rid of this damage on your own. As, however, and from any other. What is explained in detail in my article: "Is it possible to remove damage yourself?"

Now let's consider a slightly different question: is it permissible to keep the earth from the grave in a living room? In no case! Here is an example from another letter: “I was going through the closets in the room where my daughter had moved, and I found the earth tied in a handkerchief. This land was brought by my mother from my grandfather's funeral. She has been keeping it for 25-30 years. No matter how much my husband and I told her to take the land to the cemetery, she agreed so much, but hid it again. Now my pregnant daughter is in this room. Mom did not admit what kind of land it was, and again took it. I understand that the memory of her father is dear to her, and the land from afar, has been preserved for a very long time … But is this correct? And does it threaten my daughter with something? Mom hid her where - I don't know. How to proceed? And how to restore the energy of the apartment, which was the cemetery land? Maybe Batiushka should be invited from church?

If the earth remains in the house, the energy of the dwelling will continue to deteriorate (and it is already badly spoiled). It's good at least that the land was removed from the pregnant woman's room (unless, of course, she was then returned to that room). However, I recommend that you talk to your mother more harshly, persistently and categorically. Cemetery land in a dwelling is very bad. And the idea of "inviting a priest" is the weakest of all possible, although it is this idea that comes to the mind of most people in the first place. Unfortunately. You know, I've already cleared over a thousand different rooms. The priests have visited most of them before me. The effect is zero. Instead of priests, with the same "success" one could invite ballerinas, plumbers or rabbits. By the way, the church prescribes not to believe in corruption, and to consider all national signs and rules (including those concerning the grave ground) as empty superstition. The priests have the same rebuke: "Nothing is written about this in the Bible." But in fact absolutely everything and everything can not be written in the Bible: about cooking, about physics, about sports disciplines, about magic, about folk signs, about social Darwinism, about computer technology, about dentistry, about Sherlock Holmes … In the Bible only about the Christian religion is said, and everything else is stated in millions of other books. It would not hurt to read some of them for the priests to expand their horizons.and everything else is outlined in millions of other books. It would not hurt to read some of them for the priests to expand their horizons.and everything else is outlined in millions of other books. It would not hurt to read some of them to the priests to broaden their horizons.


And, finally, I will answer the following question: "How to properly collect the land from the grave in order to transfer it to another city where relatives live?" The meaning of such an undertaking is completely unclear to me. What do you plan to do with this land later? If relatives want to keep the grave ground in their home, this is completely unacceptable, as I said earlier. But there are also people who carry earth from one grave to another, thinking that "if you unite the earth with the graves, deceased relatives will be together in the afterlife." However, such actions are not so much a senseless event as a complete schizophrenic delirium.