Elon Musk: We Are Facing A Choice - Turn Into Cyborgs Or "pets" For Robots - Alternative View

Elon Musk: We Are Facing A Choice - Turn Into Cyborgs Or "pets" For Robots - Alternative View
Elon Musk: We Are Facing A Choice - Turn Into Cyborgs Or "pets" For Robots - Alternative View

Video: Elon Musk: We Are Facing A Choice - Turn Into Cyborgs Or "pets" For Robots - Alternative View

Video: Elon Musk: We Are Facing A Choice - Turn Into Cyborgs Or
Video: Good Robot / Bad Robot 2024, June

Billionaire Elon Musk, the head of Tesla and SpaceX, said that humans must turn into cyborgs in order not to become "domestic cats" with robots significantly superior in intelligence. In Musk's opinion, with the rapid progress in the field of artificial intelligence, people will have to expand their intellectual capabilities with the help of digital technologies in order not to become hopelessly backward and useless one day.

He supported the idea of the so-called "neural lace" - an electronic layer of the brain, which will allow us to instantly receive online information and significantly improve cognitive capabilities through the use of artificial intelligence.

“At any rate of progress in AI, sooner or later we will be left far behind. At best, compared to super-intelligent artificial intelligence, we will be somewhat reminiscent of pets. I don't like the prospect of becoming a domestic cat, he said recently in San Francisco at the Code Conference, one of the main tribunes of American IT industry leaders.

“The solution that might be the best is that we have to get an AI layer, that is, a third digital layer that can work in symbiosis with the human brain.”

Scientists have already begun work on "neural lace", conducted successful experiments on mice, by implanting its elements by injection. They believe it could be used to monitor the brain to fight disease as well as improve cognitive performance.

Musk, who has made his billions on PayPal, has ambitions to colonize Mars today. He stated that he was not aware of any specific company working on "neural lace", however, he himself would not mind investing in this technology.

“Someone has to do this, not necessarily me. If someone doesn't start early, I think I'll probably do it myself,”Musk said.

He also stated that the scenario in which humans will turn into pets with robots is optimistic, and that in fact the consequences of the development of artificial intelligence could be much worse. Last year, he created a billion-dollar fund to fund research to protect humanity from artificial intelligence, and joined Professors Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates in warning about the dangers of AI.

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