Slimming Fashion - Against Humanity - Alternative View

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Slimming Fashion - Against Humanity - Alternative View
Slimming Fashion - Against Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Slimming Fashion - Against Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Slimming Fashion - Against Humanity - Alternative View
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Millions of women all over the world are striving to get rid of "excess" weight, to achieve a ghostly ideal that someone has imposed on them for their own selfish purposes. By the way, who? It turns out that this question has long occupied the minds of experts in exposing conspiracies

On every corner, advertising posters shout: "Lose weight 10 kg in 10 days!" Or: "With our technique, you will lose weight without much effort!", "New means for losing weight - try and see!"

And they try, and they are not convinced, and they try again … Because they confuse obesity - a serious disease that can only be cured by specialists, with a cleverly imposed desire to get rid of 3-5 kg, which, as advertising convinces, is a great problem for you!

And while you struggle with this "great problem", lying on the couch in slimming shorts, sipping cleansing tea and swallowing the next trendy slimming pills, their manufacturers are making billions of dollars. It is incorrectly said that most of all you can earn on lies. Most of all you can earn from human stupidity.

Conspiracy theorists are convinced: "Your weight, which you consider to be extra, is the main source of income for many world-famous companies and firms."

A healthy lifestyle, jogging in the morning, a balanced diet? No, it won't: no income. It is much more profitable to get you to swim with fat that you invariably have to fight, and then there will be health problems that you will also have to fight. Here it is - a vicious circle! And mind you - everything is for your money. Precisely verified calculation - the world of business is cruel …

Magic commercials seduce you to try amazingly tasty chocolates, crackers, chips … And that's all - you are already in captivity of excess weight. Without bothering to go in for sports, get rid of bad habits and switch to a balanced diet, you trust your health … no, not medicine - advertising! And she will not leave you in trouble - dietary products, "light" drinks, drugs and weight loss products - everything is at your service! Just pay. And not cheap.


Smart stars and gullible friends

So, you made the "right" decision (why think if there is advertising?) - diet will help you get rid of excess weight! You truly believe that this is the best way to lose weight. After all, stars are on diets, why don't you try it? Diets of Sophia Loren, Britney Spears, Larisa Dolina, Sofia Rotaru, Zhanna Friske, Kim Protasov … And your friends? How many friends - so many diets.

But there is a huge difference between the stars and girlfriends. The stars are not fools, they promote diets for decent fees, but they do not keep in their thoughts to exhaust themselves with them!

Yes, which you can't do for the sake of popularity. And the stars are signing books they didn't write, selling their names for fashion line names and new diets. The conspirators know their stuff: a healthy diet won't harm your health, which means it won't empty your wallet. Therefore, millions of women are offered extremely unhealthy diets. It's okay if they ultimately reduce the number of humanity, because the globe is overpopulated …

Diets follow us everywhere; glossy magazines, TV screens, the Internet are full of them. Online you will be offered a diet "specially designed for you" for a reasonable fee, taking into account age, habits, tastes, profession and even blood type … And sooner or later you will give up: there will be one less healthy woman in the world. And how many of them go on a diet every day? The international conspiracy is flourishing.

Scientific research by gastroenterologist Chris Hawkey, president of the British Society of Gastroenterology, confirms that the vast majority of diets are scientifically unfounded - they are generated by myth and media efforts. At the Gus-Tro-2009 conference in London, the scientist sharply criticized the currently popular diets. For example, the grapefruit diet is based on the fact that grapefruit juice contains an enzyme that breaks down fat. But the problem is, the enzyme simply cannot cross the intestines to target fat cells. Therefore, excessive consumption of "dietary" juice causes stomach diseases, severe allergies and breast cancer.

Another myth is pineapple. Many women believe: you can't lose weight without pineapple. But on the gastric mucosa after such a "diet" irritation occurs, the absorption of food slows down and worsens. And no good, because pineapple contains an enzyme that breaks down proteins, not fats! But what a convenient way to make money: someone - money, gullible women - heartburn, gastritis and ulcers.

Diet food - fairy tales for adults

Promotional video:

The store where I buy groceries sells regular curd all day. And the dietary one is swept away in two hours - of course, low-calorie. This is how one more harmful myth works.

Research by nutritional scientists from Bristol confirms that it is impossible to lose weight by switching to low-calorie foods. Dr. Jeff Branchrom has been studying diet nutrition for many years. He found that by switching to diet foods, people stop controlling their quantity: "Few calories - as much as I want, I eat as much!" But with the uncontrolled intake of low-calorie food, significantly more calories enter the body than with a rational nutritious diet. And instead of the expected effect of weight loss, obesity and further health problems occur.

And here is another myth: "Fat is your enemy, lose weight with our low-fat curds and yoghurts!" And it is useless to shout to the whole world that the fat content in food does not affect a person's weight - people do not believe in scientists, but in advertising. The body is completely indifferent to how much of its calories it gets from fats and how much from carbohydrates. British scientists in the course of a large-scale ten-year study have come to the conclusion: there is no relationship between weight gain and the amount of fat consumed. Not the slightest!

It is much more important to have a nutritious diet, rational consumption of a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But then you will stop spending money on pills …

"Magic" water

Unlike politicians and businessmen who make titanic efforts to make their lies believable, army of conspirators who profit from people's desire to lose weight are much easier to mine their billions. They are trusted unconditionally.

The word light has become almost synonymous with a healthy lifestyle. Do you love light drinks because they are sugar free and help you lose weight? Are you sure this water is safe? Instead of sugar, "light" drinks contain aspartate. Drinking warm light drinks leads to the breakdown of aspartame into harmful constituents, one of which is formaldehyde. Drinks with sweeteners do not quench thirst at all, but by irritating the walls of the stomach and remaining on the mucous membrane of the mouth, they cause a feeling of cloying: the feeling of thirst increases, and you constantly want to drink …

But chilled light is even more dangerous - it inhibits the digestion of food, causing obesity and stomach diseases. Drinking a glass of "light" ice water, you make undigested food immediately leave the stomach, the feeling of fullness does not appear, and you are hungry again! This effect has been studied for a long time and is successfully used by fast food chains. He brings in billions: washing down hot dogs, sandwiches, hamburgers with icy cheap light drinks, a person is unable to satisfy his hunger and comes to eat again and again … And soon he will need a pharmacy.

Yes, pharmacists also do not remain indifferent to the problem of excess weight, because this is truly fantastic profit - pills, teas, dietary supplements, diet pills …

Long-term use of such drugs is fraught with the risk of diarrhea and urinary incontinence, hormonal disorders, cardiovascular diseases, mental dependence, nervous irritability, insomnia, dizziness, and much more.

Endocrinologists at the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney strongly recommend taking pharmaceutical weight loss products only after a thorough examination and consultation with a doctor. Overweight, scientists are convinced, in most cases, is perfectly treatable with healthy, balanced food, regular exercise and active rest!

Stereotypes and priorities

Chloe Marshall won the annual Miss England pageant in 2008. 17-year-old Chloe is very beautiful despite wearing size 50. Chloe does not eat lettuce leaves, does not adhere to diets, eats whatever she wants, she is optimistic and healthy: “I wanted to break the stereotypes - for the title of beauty queen it is not necessary to be a skinny blonde with anorexia. And please, I did it!"

Will the women of the world finally understand that a healthy lifestyle is more important than the notorious 90-60-90, or will they still dance to the tune of the conspirators, losing health and money?

Let each of you, lovely ladies, answer this question herself.

Secrets of the 20th century June 2010