Megaliths Of Tiwanaku - Alternative View

Megaliths Of Tiwanaku - Alternative View
Megaliths Of Tiwanaku - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Of Tiwanaku - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Of Tiwanaku - Alternative View
Video: Megaliths And Magnetic Anomalies At Tiwanaku In Bolivia 2024, July

When examining each new megalithic structure, one has to consider the already familiar range of questions:

- its function, - design features, - who built it and when, in what historical conditions, - who and when destroyed, for what reason … and a number of related questions …

I looked closely at this topic for a long time, but somehow I put it off for later. And now I understand that I was simply not ready for it, I simply could not have mastered it then. Well, now, now we need to have the whole big picture before our eyes.

So, Tiwanaku is a Bolivian town 20 km from the southern shore of the unique alpine Lake Titicaca. The area lies in the Andes at an altitude of about 4000 m above sea level. Due to the altitude, the air here is so thin that tourists do not have enough breath, and the high level of ultraviolet rays creates a danger to the eyes and skin of people. It is believed that Tiwanaku was built several thousand years ago, and the Tiwanaku civilization itself arose at the end of the 2nd millennium BC. and, before dying, it existed for ~ 1300 years. The Incas, who came to the abandoned city in the XIV century, were sure that only Viracocha himself could build it. Actually, the Incas gave the majestic city the name by which it is known today: "Tiwanaku" - "dead city".


Promotional video:

In order to have as little distortion of reality as possible, let us turn to a picture seen almost half a thousand years ago by the Spanish chronicler Pedro Cieza de Leon. Traveled through the territory of modern Peru and Bolivia in the period from 1532 to 1550 and saw with their own eyes the then ruins of Tiwanaku.

In the chapter "About the village of Tiaguanaco and about the huge and ancient buildings found in it" you can read:

“Tiaguanako is not a very large settlement, but it is famous for its huge structures, which is undoubtedly a remarkable and worthy thing. Near the main inns, there is a hand-made mound set on large stone platforms. Behind this hill are two stone idols, in a human image and likeness, with excellently finished and elaborated facial features, so much so that it seems as if it was done by the hands of great artists or craftsmen. They are so huge that they seem to be small giants, and it is clear that their appearance and long robes are different from what we see on the local residents of these provinces. They seem to have their ornament on their heads. Next to these statues is another building, which, due to its antiquity and lack of writing, is the reason for what is unknown,what kind of people built such huge platforms and fortifications, and that so much time has passed, since now only a perfectly worked fortress wall is visible, that it would take a lot of time and centuries to build it. Some stones are very badly damaged and destroyed. In this region there are such large and numerous stones that it is admirable to think how, looking at their size, there was enough human strength to bring them to where we see them. Many of these stones are processed in a variety of ways, and some of them are shaped like a human body; they must have been their idols. There are many holes and underground excavations near the fortress build it. Some stones are very badly damaged and destroyed. In this region there are such large and numerous stones that it is admirable to think how, looking at their size, there was enough human strength to bring them to where we see them. Many of these stones are processed in a variety of ways, and some of them are shaped like a human body; they must have been their idols. There are many holes and underground excavations near the fortress build it. Some stones are very badly damaged and destroyed. In this region there are such large and numerous stones that it is admirable to think how, looking at their size, there was enough human strength to bring them to where we see them. Many of these stones are processed in a variety of ways, and some of them are shaped like a human body; they must have been their idols. There are many holes and underground excavations near the fortress wall.they were their idols. There are many holes and underground excavations near the fortress wall.they were their idols. There are many holes and underground excavations near the fortress wall.

Elsewhere, to the west of this structure, there are other important antiquities, because there are many large portals with slanting walls, thresholds and portals, all from one solid piece of stone. What I liked the most as I walked around there, inspecting and writing about it, was that from these huge portals other large stones jutted out over which they were built, some of them 30 feet (9 m) wide. 15 (4.5 m) or more feet in length, and a facade of 6 feet (1.8 m). This and the portal, its jambs and thresholds, were one stone. It is highly revered because of its size. I never found out and did not understand what tools and tools it was processed, because before they were made so perfect, they had to be processed. And it is remarkable to see these structures, because they were not finally completed,because in them besides these portals and other stones of unprecedented size, there is nothing; I also saw several processed and prepared for laying in a structure, from which a little to the side was a small room, where a large idol was placed, which they were to worship. And there is also a rumor that a lot of gold was found next to this idol, and around this temple there were many more large and small carved and processed stones, as already described.and around this temple there were still many large and small carved and worked stones, as already described.and around this temple there were still many large and small carved and worked stones, as already described.

In conclusion, I will tell Tiaguanaco about this, that, in my opinion, this antiquity is the oldest in all of Peru. Since it is believed that before the Incas ruled for many centuries, some of these structures were built, because I have heard Indians assertions that the Incas built their huge structures [in] Cuzco, in the form that they saw the fortress wall or just a wall in this village. It is also said that the first Incas were constantly engaged in the construction of their courtyard and residence in it in this Tiaguanaco. Another unprecedented thing is also noteworthy: in most of this area there are no rocks, no quarries, no stones, from where they could have mined many of those that we see. I asked the locals, in the presence of Juan de Vargas (who owns the encomienda above them), if these structures were built during the time of the Incas,they laughed at this question, claiming the above on this occasion, that before they ruled, buildings were built, but they could not report and confirm who built them; but they heard from their ancestors that what was seen there had arisen already built one night. About this and what they also say about the bearded people seen on the island of Titicaca and similar people who built the Vinache building, I will say that, perhaps, before the reign of the Incas, there must have been another intelligent people in these kingdoms, who came from another unknown land, they built all this, and since there were few of them, and there were so many local residents, they were killed during the wars. "that what was visible there appeared already built one night. About this and what is also said about the bearded people seen on the island of Titicaca and similar people who built the Vinache building, I will say that, perhaps, before the reign of the Incas, there must have been another intelligent people in these kingdoms, who came from another unknown land. they built all this, and since there were few of them, and there were so many local residents, they were killed during the wars. "that what was visible there appeared already built one night. About this and what they also say about the bearded people seen on the island of Titicaca and similar people who built the Vinache building, I will say that, perhaps, before the reign of the Incas, there must have been another intelligent people in these kingdoms, who came from another unknown land. they built all this, and since there were few of them, and there were so many local residents, they were killed during the wars. "and there are so many local residents, they were killed during the wars. "and there are so many local residents, they were killed during the wars."

Much has been written about Tiwanaku since the days of Pedro Cieza de Leon, but, in fact, nothing new has been said. Therefore, the evidence and conclusions of Pedro Cieza de Leon, which served as a starting point for the concepts of other researchers, of course, will be fully used here in this article.

It should also be noted that the ancient city of Tiwanaku and its elements were inscribed in 2000 on the UNESCO World Heritage List as "evidence of the development of the civilization of pre-Columbian America."

Alexander Makhov