Secret Tablets Of Georgia. The Message Of The World's Elites, Conspiracy Or Deception - Alternative View

Secret Tablets Of Georgia. The Message Of The World's Elites, Conspiracy Or Deception - Alternative View
Secret Tablets Of Georgia. The Message Of The World's Elites, Conspiracy Or Deception - Alternative View

Video: Secret Tablets Of Georgia. The Message Of The World's Elites, Conspiracy Or Deception - Alternative View

Video: Secret Tablets Of Georgia. The Message Of The World's Elites, Conspiracy Or Deception - Alternative View
Video: An American Stonehenge: The Mysterious Georgia Guidestones 2024, July

The tablets located in Georgia are sometimes compared to the English Stonehenge. But why?

These tablets, or as they are called in another way menhirs, carry a lot of meaning, and many are trying to unravel it. Let's start with the mysteries that surround this monument, it was built relatively recently at the end of the twentieth century and what is curious by the order of an anonymous author, that is, the name of the customer is unknown, as well as the data on how the tablets were built and how they were installed are covered in secret.


All the plates are written 10 commandments in 8 major languages of the world, including Russian, English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Hindi, Swahili, Hebrew.

Several years ago, on the slab where the English and Spanish languages were cut, a cube with the numbers "20" and "14" was inserted into it.


Also, thanks to the hole in the horizontal stone, it is possible to determine the time when it is 12 noon. And another hole in these tablets points to the North Star. There are suggestions that these menhirs were created to preserve people as a biological species.

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At the same time, they are replete with a number of hooligan inscriptions in different languages, which carry a clearly negative message in relation to the creators of the tablets. Rumor has it that the structures are necessary to preserve the world's population.

But what do the tablets mean, what do these numbers mean, do the commandments have any secret meaning, are there riddles in the holes? Many decipher the numbers "20" and "14" like 2014, or many multiply the numbers among themselves and get 280, and this figure is considered an important day of the year, which is October 8th.

But the most basic point of view is that these tablets are a secret message of the world's elites who are worried about the overpopulation of the planet and increasing problems. At the same time, the question arises, who is included in these elites and secret societies? Those who secretly rule the world?