People Were Created By The "race Of Creators", Not God. We Are Not Alone In The Universe - Alternative View

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People Were Created By The "race Of Creators", Not God. We Are Not Alone In The Universe - Alternative View
People Were Created By The "race Of Creators", Not God. We Are Not Alone In The Universe - Alternative View

After reading this article, many especially religious people will consider me a heretic, and if we lived in the Middle Ages, then I would have been waiting for the "Holy Inquisition", a fire and other attributes that are attached to dissidents and those who want to learn the secrets of the universe and the Universe.

Yes, and in our time there are a lot of those who live by old stereotypes and do not want to push the boundaries of reason in order to find out the truth and are confident in their uniqueness among the billions of stars and planets that are in billions of galaxies. They believe in their truth and I will not blame them for this, because much of what is in their thoughts is stereotype and herd thinking, and anyone else who thinks differently would have been called a heretic and an outcast earlier and would have been hunted for him.

It is possible that already at this moment you will close the article and forever forget that you can think differently and learn about the Universe from different angles, and not get hung up on the scriptures, studying other texts that are full on the Web. So, let's take the path of revelations.

Many earthly myths point to the Gods who came from heaven and were engaged in teaching people, giving them writing, technology and instructing them on the right path. These creatures were described as approximately the same in many myths and legends. It is clear that different peoples on Earth did not contact each other as they do now, and therefore could not agree on what to depict on the walls of their temples, what statuettes to sculpt and what legends to tell the younger generation around the fire. So how then did tribes all over the Earth know about the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations?

How did they draw so accurately the spaceships and flying saucers that many of us now see in science fiction films and real life? Astronauts, ancient nuclear reactors, where all these technologies, which are considered to be modern, come from. Many of the legends say that the Creators created a colony of people on Earth. The creators were called differently and among them there are Atlanteans and Elohim.

Many ancient texts and epics tell about the Gods who came down from heaven and about the weapons that they possessed. A lot of such information can be found in the ancient Indian epic called Mahabharata, which contains descriptions of flying ships, weapons of the Creators, Vimans and other technologies that do not fit into the concept of most people. How could such a thing exist in antiquity?

The Creators had weapons that in many ways resemble modern ones and it is quite possible that in our time they were created either from ancient texts, or from direct contact with the Creators. This information is not disclosed at every corner and is available only to a narrow circle of people. Conspiracy theory can be called so.

If you expand the boundaries of your mind and perception, and also want to know the truth, then think about the construction of Stonehenge, the Egyptian pyramids and other colossal objects that raise a lot of questions in modern society. Could they have been built by antediluvian people with antediluvian technologies?

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Why did the race of the Creators choose the Earth to create a colony of people?

Extraterrestrial civilizations are constantly looking for habitable planets. Now humanity is just learning these technologies and begins to look for planets similar to the earth, and many other races in the Universe have been doing this for thousands and thousands of years. It is possible that people in the near future will colonize suitable planets and create their own colony of creatures who will worship us as Gods and talk about their creators in some space blog.

Sounds fantastic? I don’t think so. With the tremendous pace of technology and discovery, do you still doubt that humanity will want to play Gods? And cloning, and the creation of artificial intelligence, the creation of cyborgs, the placement of the human mind on the Web? Jokes, games, fun? And these games cost hundreds of billions of dollars!

The creators created people in their own image and likeness. Just like in the Bible, only the Creator is indicated there, and why? Answer this question yourself, otherwise the reasoning will take more than one night. Interestingly, before the arrival of the Creators, other forms of life already existed on Earth, and the first experiments to create people failed in wars with these inhabitants of the Earth. But the Creators did not give up and created a more perfect species that exists to this day and we are their descendants with you.

Races appeared in different parts of the planet and then dispersed throughout the planet. The creators did not abandon us and it is for this reason that there is evidence of the appearance of UFOs and strange creatures that are watching us and practically do not interfere with natural development. Only occasionally do they help and do everything possible so that their creations continue to exist and develop.

On this I do not end the topic of the Creators and will continue to acquaint you with all the unknown. I hope you found it interesting to read and you learned something new and think about it.
