Black Holes - Doors To Other Parts Of The Universe - Alternative View

Black Holes - Doors To Other Parts Of The Universe - Alternative View
Black Holes - Doors To Other Parts Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Black Holes - Doors To Other Parts Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Black Holes - Doors To Other Parts Of The Universe - Alternative View
Video: Черные дыры - от рождения до смерти 2024, July

Beyond the horizon of the black hole lies a zone called the gravitational singularity, where space-time becomes infinite and indefinite. In the new study, scientists, once again, suggest that there is also a "wormhole" beyond the horizon of the black hole.

According to the theory, everything that enters the "wormhole" will be "spaghettized", stretched out like pasta, but will come out of it in a completely normal form. True, on the other side of the universe.

Physicists at the Institute for Corpuscular Physics in Valencia have proposed a new scenario that implies that the singularity is an imperfection in the geometric structure of spacetime.

To test this idea, scientists used geometric structures similar to those of crystals. "Just as crystals have imperfections in their microscopic structure, so the central region of a black hole can be interpreted as an anomaly in space-time, which requires the introduction of new geometric elements for a more complete description," physicists comment on their work, published in the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity. “We investigated all possible options, taking into account the facts observed in nature.”

Analyzing new geometric shapes, the researchers came to the conclusion that the best solution to what form space-time will take is the presence of a “door” to another part of the Universe - such a door will not drive space-time into a dead end, and will not force it to accept the most bizarre shape, but will allow it to evenly "flow out". At the same time, the size of the wormhole, according to scientists' estimates, should probably be smaller than the atomic nucleus.

Therefore, in order to pass through this "eye of a needle" any matter will have to stretch to the limit. It is assumed that at the exit, the matter will return to its previous shape.

The authors of the hypothesis believe that the existence of such a mechanism will not require any additional forces and energies not provided for by the theory of relativity. And they add that it will not work to travel through the Universe using the "wormholes" described by their hypothesis - living beings will not survive the necessary change in shape and size.