New From The Life Of The Earth - Alternative View

New From The Life Of The Earth - Alternative View
New From The Life Of The Earth - Alternative View

Video: New From The Life Of The Earth - Alternative View

Video: New From The Life Of The Earth - Alternative View
Video: The Whole History of the Earth and Life 【Newest Edition】 2024, October

We still do not know enough about the structure of the human body, and we know almost nothing about the internal structure of the Earth.

Modern European materialistic science proceeds from the fact that there is a high-temperature plasma inside the Earth, in which there can be no biological life. However, the results of studies of the internal structure of the planet through sounding by seismic waves are known from encyclopedic sources. It was revealed that the Earth's crust has three layers: sedimentary, granite and lower basaltic. When seismic waves pass to the center of the planet, the velocity of longitudinal waves in the area of the supposed core drops sharply from 13.6 to 8.0 km / s, which indicates a sharp difference in the properties of substances. Transverse waves were not found to pass through the core.

By drilling a superdeep well (12,230 m) on the Kola Peninsula, scientists of the USSR found that from a depth of 11 km the temperature of the earth stopped rising. At great depths, there were porous and other layers of rocks that did not fit into the previous ideas about the structure of the crust, and no basaltic rocks were found. Drilling results change our understanding of the structure of the Earth's crust.

Subsequent (already ours) alternative studies have established that the density of matter in the core of the planet is 2.2 g / cm2; The average density of the inner layers of the planet is about 2 g / cm2, in the lower layer of its crust - 6 g / cm2, in the middle layer of the crust - 4.5 g / cm2, in the upper layer - about 3 g / cm2. The temperature in the center of the Earth is in the range of 300-350oС. As it approaches the surface at the equator and the poles, it decreases to temperatures known to us. The existing formations of ice and cold zones on the planet are artificial formations, through the technical solutions of the Builders of the Space Civilization, in order to provide the necessary temperature regime for underground settlements.

Studies of recent decades indicate that the Earth (like other planets) has a bone-cartilaginous skeleton, biological organs, circulatory, lymphatic, nervous systems and sensory organs.

The bone skeleton of the planet (and other biological objects) is the main energy channel for the flow of vital energy, its distribution and transformation in the body from one vibration frequency to another. It is curious that bones also have an energy-informational memory, which is confirmed by the relics of saints and great leaders of all religions (Buddha, Christ. Mohammed, etc.).

There are 4 main energy centers inside the Earth, which are located in a chain along the inner side of the spine between its core and the material brain under the Northern Ocean.

The Earth is a rational-thinking creature with the substances of the Soul and the energy brain in the region of the northern halo (aurora borealis) of the planet. The Earth and every living biological object also has a Spirit inside. Some strong clairvoyants see a glow similar to the sun in the center of the earth. In reality, such a glow does not have a high temperature and can be a luminous protective field of the Spirit and the growing fruit (new Moon).

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Through energy flows inside the Earth, all fluids move, including blood, lymph, secretions of glands (sebaceous, sweat, etc.).

The mystery of the nature of oil formation belongs to the modern secrets of the earth.

Based on the postulate about the structure of the Universe "what is above is so below, what is below is so above", it can be assumed that the living Earth also has various types of glands, including sebaceous and sweat. The sebaceous glands secrete their secretions as oil to lubricate and nourish the planet's multilayered crust. Sweat glands in the form of salty-mineralized moisture carry slags upstairs and promote energy exchange with the environment.

Our research revealed that the sebaceous glands are located in the middle part of the basalt layer, and the sweat glands are in the middle part of the granite layer. At the same time, the secret (liquid - oil) of the sebaceous glands rises along vertical channels up to the border with the sedimentary layer, and then upward along the energy flows of this layer.

The secret of sweat glands is mineralized moisture ("sweat") that rises through vertical channels to the middle of the sedimentary layer, then spreads in an orderly way along energy flows in the layers of rocks.

The task of the sebaceous and sweat glands is to provide the earth's crust with nutrients, giving it vitality and elasticity (see Fig. 1).

According to the cosmogonic concepts and views of researchers studying the Universe and the structure of the Earth, our planet is a living female organism. For a long time she has been carrying another child inside herself - the Moon, which after a while should leave the womb of the parent and become her companion. The modern moon will go to other orbits.

The modern fruit inside the Earth is still constantly growing in size, increasing the size of our planet by analogy with other biological species of people and animals.

Knowing the anatomical structure of the Earth (see the article "Skeletal system of the living thinking Earth"), it is possible to determine the territories of the planet's surface where its crust will be stretched over the growing fetus. Naturally, in these areas earthquakes, tsunamis will occur, the rise of lands - in some places and subsidence - in others. It is curious that with the birth of the next child - the Moon, water from the surface of the Earth will evaporate (see the article “On the Birth and Life of the Earth”).

Territories of increased stretching of the crust of our planet are located in the Pacific Ocean - from the Indian Ocean to the American continent (see Fig. 2). These territories are already rich in natural disasters today.

Humanity should know and remember that the Earth is a living and intelligent organism, and peoples and other biological species on its body are temporary guests - "parasites". A person from childhood is also accompanied by various parasites (microbes, lice, worms, midges, mosquitoes, etc.), forcing him to fight them with various pestilence methods.

Sometimes the activity of human civilizations hurts the Earth by creating mines, mines, quarries; drilling wells for pumping oil, gas, water, poisoning nature, etc. In this case, the Cosmic Commonwealth of various planets helps the Earth in the fight against its parasites, arranging epidemics, worldwide floods, purification by fire and other pestilences on it.

We need modern true knowledge about the structure of outer space and the Earth on which we live, without substituting symbolic hypotheses for the sake of political and religious dogmas.

A number of mysterious natural phenomena also include streams of water that rise from the depths of the Earth. A little-known global network of these updrafts is formed within the crustal sedimentary layer, spanning the entire planet. Since ancient times, it was believed that these flows are associated with the results of vital activity flowing inside the body of the Earth.

Ascending streams of waters of different composition often carry valuable minerals to the tops of mountains, ridges and heights (land, seas, oceans), and also feed the sources of rivers, waterfalls, seas. More than two thousand years ago in China, networks of updrafts were identified and used to create new sources of rivers, for mining, for religious purposes and for construction.

People of modern civilization need to know and take into account the development process and the state of the Earth, so as not to enter into a struggle with it and nature.

Koltsov I. E.