Anomalous Zone In Zakharovo - Alternative View

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Anomalous Zone In Zakharovo - Alternative View
Anomalous Zone In Zakharovo - Alternative View

Video: Anomalous Zone In Zakharovo - Alternative View

Video: Anomalous Zone In Zakharovo - Alternative View
Video: The Mysterious Perm Anomalous Zone - රුසියාවේ අද්භූත ත්‍රිකෝණය 2024, October

One has only to approach the old park, preserved around the famous estate that once belonged to Maria Alekseevna Hannibal, the grandmother of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, - as if you “fall out” of today's day: it seems that people are walking around in modern clothes, and you yourself have just from the train, but …

Every now and then there is a mysterious, exciting premonition that now the picture will change, space-time will swing, and from somewhere behind the age-old pine trees he will appear, the boy Sasha, who has been here so incredibly happy for six whole years - up to the departure in 1811 to the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum …

What is it, the magic of Pushkin's personality, his fantastic energy, transforming this island of living history through the centuries? Actually, why not? This, as evidenced by the latest scientific evidence, is also quite possible. And yet, Zakharov has much more secrets than one might imagine at first glance. Who knows if only childhood memories attracted Alexander Sergeevich so much all his life? And was it only the pacifying current of the estate life that gave him a powerful energy boost that has been supporting him for so long?


An interesting fact: today Zakharovo is included in the international (!) List of anomalous zones. Cause? It is believed that two kilometers from this place, in the forest, there is a UFO landing site. Moreover, the objects are supposedly fixed for a long time and regularly, and they differ in various characteristics. However, why "supposedly"?

My friends, who have owned a summer cottage next to Zakharov for almost half a century, have repeatedly described various phenomena such as a multi-colored glow over the local field, bright balls flying over this very pea field, and the like. However, being skeptical by nature, they stubbornly attribute all these observations to the experiments of the military from a nearby closed research institute, which until recently was in charge of the aforementioned "plantations" of peas.

Who knows … Just one night, a couple of years ago, a friend, going out on the site to breathe, saw in the sky … two moons, one of which suddenly began to sharply decrease, flooding the apple orchard with bright light. Without thinking twice, Olga rushed into the shed and locked herself from the inside out of fright. The light soon disappeared, and, making sure that neither ghosts nor aliens were roaming the dacha alleys, she quickly returned to the house. And she later admitted that the sensations were not pleasant, and it was impossible to give intelligible explanations to what happened.


And now about what I saw with my own eyes. I came last summer to visit the above-mentioned friend Olga. I got off the train on the Zakharovo platform at about 11 pm. It was at the end of August, respectively, the darkness was pitch. With two more passengers, who luckily had a pocket flashlight, we somehow made it to the highway.

And I, having called the dacha, honestly admitted that I was unlikely to get there on my own. I was told to wait until they came for me by car, and I, having relaxed, began to enjoy the fresh air and beauty of the suburban starry sky. Particularly good was the low, bright yellow star hanging almost over the very crown of the tree on the opposite side of the road.


“Great, just for the sake of this it was worth coming here in the dark,” I managed to think, when suddenly the star seemed to sway, and then began to move smoothly along the highway. I caught my breath: is it a UFO? I so wanted my acquaintances to see her: then they won’t believe it! Alas, by the time they arrived, the yellow ball (now the object looked exactly like this) swam almost to me, then abruptly changed its trajectory - by 90 degrees - and went beyond the horizon in the direction of the forest.

However, I was destined to see him again, a few hours later: the spherical body followed an almost mirror-like trajectory, emerging from behind the forest, changing course in the highway area and then literally melting into darkness.


Well, what does Pushkin have to do with it, you ask? Perhaps it has nothing to do with it. But among the latest scientific theories of the origin of UFOs, the leader is more and more the one according to which in the overwhelming majority of cases we are dealing not with spaceships from neighboring galaxies and not even with "guests" from other dimensions, but with travelers from the future.

Because today physicists have practically no doubts: time changes, it can be controlled, and therefore the course of history is by no means a one-sided process. If so, the whole idea of the universe changes. And, therefore, we create simultaneously the past, present and future, and in the most inconceivable combinations.

That there is a prehistoric butterfly sticking to the sole of the hero of Ray Bradbury! Maybe at the very moment when you are peacefully drinking tea in front of the TV, your great-great-grandchildren are in a hurry to save you from the mistake that you are just intending to make - because then everything in their life will also change for the better!

Incidentally, this is not so incredible. The famous astrophysicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev experimentally proved that time has physical properties, thanks to which it is directly involved in natural processes. Another conclusion made by the scientist is the possibility of instant communication through time at any distance.

Kozyrev spoke about the "density" of time, which, again, was revealed experimentally. In other words, time is something material (either a special substance, or a property of matter). And it is not immutable, in addition, having studied its properties, you can use this substance for specific - scientific or applied - purposes.


Imagine, this was also in Zakharov. I stood on the shore of the lake, near the gazebo, admired the sunset and the village on the other side, imagining that Pushkin himself had seen almost the same picture. On the clock - 19.00, train at 20.15. Another half hour - and it's time to leave.

"Excuse me, please," a voice suddenly sounded behind me. "Is there a road somewhere?" I shuddered, because I remember well: there was no one nearby. A slender young man in a tight-fitting silver and black robe with a sort of small rucksack on his back greeted me with a slight bow.

"Do you mean the highway?" - I asked. The answer was, to put it mildly, strange: "Any communication, connection with the city." Then I decided to clarify: "How did you get here?" My interlocutor outlined something vague in the air with his hand and quickly turned the conversation around, pointing to the house visible behind the trees: "Is this Pushkin's estate?" - "Yes, that's her." He bowed slightly again: "Thank you, I go there."

I glanced at my watch: "Yes, but the museum is already closed …" - and froze: there was no one near or far away. An incomprehensible haze swayed in the air a little, the hands of the clock firmly froze at 19.00, although it felt like 15 - 20 minutes passed. Suddenly everything went dark. Strange, the sky is cloudless. I looked at my watch again - 19.55! Barely catching the train, I tried to understand what had happened there, in the park, where the strange young man came from and what happened to the clock, but I could not find a reasonable answer to these questions …


By the way, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus Albert-Viktor Iosefovich Veinik argued that "time is a real individual characteristic of any living and inanimate body, like temperature, pressure, electricity." And he added: “Therefore, I think it should be easy to manage. Space is also quite real substance."

I cannot but cite one more quotation (from the article "On the Verge of Possible") that more fully explains the position of this researcher. “I am convinced, and my numerous experiments confirm this,” wrote A.-V. Veinik, - that by using the laws of the invisible world, we can extend the life of a person to many thousands of years - slowing down the passage of time. Or build starships that can fly at a speed of billions of kilometers per second … Having mastered the secrets of time, space and field, I am sure that we will be able to connect to the bank of the Universal Mind accumulated by all existing civilizations.

The most interesting thing is that nature has long been intuitively using the laws of the invisible world. For example, living organisms widely use the chronal field for communication, defense, attack, and regulation of life support processes. For example, measurements show that in a dream, under the influence of a field, the rate of vital activity of all organs and cells slows down sharply.

The same happens during the winter hibernation of animals … All physical, chemical and other processes are accompanied by the radiation of a chronal field, and a weak field of its own sign is beneficial to the body, and that of another's is harmful … It really takes your breath away, isn't it? But we emphasize once again that this is not a fantasy, but the conclusions of an experimental scientist. Yes, perhaps, somewhat controversial, far ahead of the established, traditional scientific views, and nevertheless …


So, if time is a certain substance or material substance, it cannot remain unchanged in any manipulation with it: this is understandable even for a schoolchild. And if UFOs are time travelers, then they interact with this particular substance. And, therefore, where this happens regularly in space, an anomalous zone arises.

Why? The usual course of time is changing! It can accelerate or slow down, it can change the "density" and "composition" - we do not yet know for certain the essence and mechanisms of this process, but it is quite obvious that in such places people feel fundamentally different. How exactly depends again on the specific properties of time inherent in a given segment of space. It is not for nothing that there are places of destruction and power on the planet. Zakharovo is clearly one of the latter. It is enough to spend half an hour here so that the charge of energy will last for several months later.

"The edges of Moscow, the native lands, Where, at the dawn of the blossoming years, I spent gold hours of carelessness, Not knowing sorrow and troubles …" Of course, this is primarily about him, about the village Zakharov, so dear to the poet's heart.

Much later, in 1830, shortly before the wedding with Natalia Goncharova, Alexander Sergeevich again went to Zakharovo. His mother, in a letter addressed to her daughter, remarked: "Imagine, he made a sentimental trip to Zakharovo this summer, went there alone, solely to see the places where he spent several years of his childhood." But should this surprise us today?

Tormented by problems, Pushkin quite obviously needed an energetic "recharge", while a genius personality is always connected with the cosmos, subtle worlds and subconsciously feels where he can find it. And he was eager to come here and literally revived here in spirit … So, it is quite likely that Pushkin's love for Zakharov was by no means explained by nostalgia alone. We are attracted to this amazing place by reverence for Pushkin.

Or maybe not only us? And if time can change, then everything is really possible. For example, a meeting with a little boy who does not yet realize that he will become the first Russian poet. Probably, he still knew some kind of universal secret and Bulat Shalvovich. Just read: “The past cannot be turned back … I go out into the street. And suddenly I notice: a cabman is standing at the very Arbat gates, Alexander Sergeich is walking … Ah, today, probably, something will happen. As you know, nothing is accidental in this world.