Important New Year's Omens - Alternative View

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Important New Year's Omens - Alternative View
Important New Year's Omens - Alternative View

Video: Important New Year's Omens - Alternative View

Video: Important New Year's Omens - Alternative View
Video: How different cultures celebrate the New Year 2024, October

Of course, not everyone believes in omens, and in New Year's omens as well. However, despite this, some of the signs really work. And if you correctly approach the celebration of the New Year, you can attract money, harmony in relationships, health, and good luck into your life. To believe in omens or not is, of course, your right, but why not try to follow a couple of simple recommendations? What if you are really lucky?

About money

Financial well-being is an important component of a full-fledged life of a modern person, therefore, there are many signs about money nowadays. What should be done in order to always be with the cherished pieces of paper? In order to ensure that banknotes are not transferred in pockets and wallets throughout the whole new year, the first step is to contact all debtors with a request to pay off all debts before the end of the current year. In the most extreme case, this can be done right before the festive feast. It will not hurt to get rid of their own debts by the end of the year. True, those who have loans or a mortgage should not worry - they are not considered debts if the person who issued them makes all payments in a timely manner in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

If you owe nothing to anyone, and no one owes you a dime either, you can specially agree with your relatives about a loan of a symbolic amount, and then pay off each other on New Year's Eve. Such a decision will have a beneficial effect not only on material well-being, but also on well-being!

Eastern New Year's signs are no less interesting: in order for you to be financially successful all year round, you need to put a red canvas bag in the refrigerator for the whole New Year's night, in which an odd number of coins are put in before. By the way, all the coins must be face up. And in your pocket during the New Year's celebration it will not hurt to keep a large bill.

The whole year will pass in abundance even if a man enters the house first after celebrating the New Year, so be careful!

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About luck

In order not to frighten off the fortune, on December 31 or January 1, you should not even try to get rid of the guests earlier than they themselves wish. Better to spend a couple of extra hours at the table than to regret the missed opportunities later.

And if you are lucky enough to meet a beautiful blue-eyed blonde (in this situation it must be a man) or a beautiful white horse on New Year's Eve, then next year you will be lucky in some long-standing and very important matter. The one who, leaving the house for the first time on the first of January, will meet a large dog on his way will also be lucky.

You should definitely celebrate the New Year in a beautiful and truly festive new dress - luck loves beauty, so there can be no talk of any sweaters or sweatshirts!

Do not be upset if you accidentally stepped into the manure or waste products of various street animals - this bodes well for the new year, so just treat this delicate situation with humor and expect something pleasant!

Good luck will smile in the new year and those who last drink their glass right before the chimes, as well as those who congratulate as many people as possible on the holiday.

About food

The more varied and plentiful the festive table will be, the more well-fed the next year will be. There is no need to be ashamed of cooking too many New Year's dishes - rather than fiddling over a whole bowl of familiar Olivier, it is better to make four or five original salads. And the guests will like it, and the benefit for themselves!

About health

So that health does not fail in the new year, before you sit down at the festive table, it will not hurt to take a shower - this will help wash off all the accumulated negative energy from yourself.

About happiness and order

The one who sneezes on December 31 promises to be prosperous and happy all year. Of course, a deliberately caused sneeze will in no way affect life's happiness.

You should not celebrate the New Year in an uncleaned house - this promises a mess in life throughout the year. So just before the holidays it will not be superfluous to clean up properly. But on the first of January, it is important to try not to do any hard or dirty work - if you ignore this recommendation, you can get all sorts of life hardships for a whole year ahead.

About relationships

If you really want to strengthen your relationship with your significant other, welcome the first minutes of the coming New Year with a tender kiss - the explosions of firecrackers and loud exclamations may well wait a few minutes. And do not forget that it is also necessary to make enough noise on New Year's Eve - this will help scare away evil spirits from the home.

About weather

If clear and frosty weather sets in on New Year's Day, the whole year will be prosperous and successful.

Be sure to pay attention to the weather on January 1: if there is a sunny day on this significant date, then the first day of summer will also be sunny.

How will you celebrate the New Year?

This sign is well known to each of us. However, as it turned out, how the whole next year will pass depends not at all on one single night, but on how the first twelve days of the new year will be lived. Moreover, every day is responsible for one month or another. By the way, you can try to turn this sign to your advantage: for example, in order to be guaranteed to go on vacation in August, it will not hurt to have a good rest on January 8th.

How to avoid trouble and what not to be afraid of?

In everyday life, breaking dishes is considered fortunate, but on New Year's Eve, such an opportunity will have a completely opposite effect: it is extremely important to try not to break or break anything during the celebration, otherwise troubles in your personal life are not far off. On the other hand, if you sprinkle salt on the New Year's table, you can expect happy events (again, the exact opposite of the well-known sign that spilling salt on ordinary days is a disaster).

Meeting the New Year in full accordance with the previously drawn up plan will help to avoid various troubles and problems in the new year. Therefore, when planning to celebrate the New Year, it is important to set only realistic and achievable goals.

And even before the chimes start beating, you should definitely ask for forgiveness from everyone you offended, and also throw out all cracked or broken dishes and things that are somehow connected with some unpleasant moments from the apartment without regret. This is necessary so that throughout the next year you are not haunted by various troubles and resentments.

Happy New Year, and may every year bring you only joy, luck and happiness!