And Again About The Purpose Of The Pyramids - Alternative View

And Again About The Purpose Of The Pyramids - Alternative View
And Again About The Purpose Of The Pyramids - Alternative View

Video: And Again About The Purpose Of The Pyramids - Alternative View

Video: And Again About The Purpose Of The Pyramids - Alternative View
Video: "Aliens built the pyramids" and other absurdities of pseudo-archaeology | Sarah Kurnick 2024, October

Pyramids are found on almost all continents. Perhaps, only in Antarctica and Australia they are not, and even then it is difficult to say for sure. The official point of view regarding the use of pyramids is that the pyramids are huge tombs of the reigning nobility. But what a discrepancy arises in this case: the number of all sorts of pharaohs, kings and other rulers far exceeds the number of pyramids found.

For example, in Teotihuacan (ancient Mexico) there are only three pyramids, and the number of rulers ruling here was probably more than three. Only in Egypt is there a correspondence between one and the other. But on the other hand, in Egypt there is another mystery associated with the pyramids: there is too much discrepancy between the construction technology of buildings that have survived to this day and those that have not survived. There are seven pyramids of Egypt, which are composed of massive stone blocks without a bonding solution between them, and only these pyramids have survived to this day: these are the three most famous pyramids of Giza (Cheops, Khaphren and Mycerinus), the pyramid in Medumna, two pyramids of Cheops' father, Pharaoh Sneferu (Red and Broken) and the pyramid in Abu Roash almost taken away for the construction of modern buildings.

All other pyramids were built of clay bricks on a binder solution and were almost completely destroyed over the past millennia. As for the step pyramid of Djoser, it is basically built of the same massive stone blocks as the seven pyramids listed above, but on the outside it is lined with clay bricks with a binder mortar. Therefore, it seems that Djoser used some ancient structure for his burial structure, but restored it as the technology of that time allowed (that is, rather primitive).

So, what were the pyramids used for at that time far from us? It is quite possible that these wonders of the world were not built for one purpose, but with several, maybe even many. In this article I will talk about only one purpose of building and using the pyramids, without touching on others, but the goals are extremely important even for our era, and even for that distant time, even more so: this goal is power. But first, you need to delve a little into quantum physics.

There is such a concept in quantum physics: physical vacuum, which was earlier called ether. Scientists have long come to the conclusion that the physical vacuum is not emptiness, but a very complex structure that forms the space of the Universe and has some energy, but it is not fixed by our senses and therefore seems to us to be emptiness. According to generally accepted concepts, the physical vacuum (or ether) resembles boiling foam: every moment, under the influence of virtual gamma quanta, particle + antiparticle pairs are knocked out of it, which then annihilate (that is, they go back to the physical vacuum) and give virtual gamma quanta, and they knock out new pairs of particle + antiparticle from the vacuum, and so on ad infinitum.

Thus, we can conditionally assume that the ether quantum consists of particles and antiparticles interconnected, that is, of dipoles of opposite charges. And such a dipole has an interesting property: in an inhomogeneous electric or magnetic field, the dipole always moves in the direction of maximum strength. If now we form the required inhomogeneous electric field in space, opposite charges entering the ether quanta will slightly disperse to the sides and the quantum will turn into a dipole, and under the influence of the field inhomogeneity it will begin to move. In other words, a stream of ether will appear like a stream of air or water. Moreover, such a flow interacts not with the material objects themselves, but with fields (gravitational and electromagnetic) and interacts only with uneven motion. And in the case of uniform movement, it passes through a material object as through a void without any interaction. And now you can return to the pyramids.

The pyramid blocks were made mostly of limestone, but some of the blocks were made of granite. In addition, all pyramids, without exception, were erected on a rocky foundation, which also contained granite. This mineral is composed of quartz, mica and feldspar. And quartz has such a feature: if a thin quartz plate is compressed, opposite charges will appear on its opposite faces, that is, an electric field will appear in the plate (this effect is called the piezoelectric effect, and the electricity it creates is piezoelectricity).

Thus, the pyramid, with its pressure on the base, forms an electric field at the base due to the piezoelectric effect. And the triangular shape of the pyramid leads to the fact that the field under the pyramid becomes highly heterogeneous with maximum intensity just below the apex. And as a result, ether streams are formed at the base, directed horizontally from all directions to the point of maximum field strength. At this point, separate streams collide with each other, turn 90 degrees and then fly vertically through the body of the pyramid, going out from its top.

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This fact of the appearance of some energy flows over the pyramids is well known to our military. For the first time they encountered this phenomenon during the next Arab-Israeli war, when our pilots accidentally found themselves over the pyramids. At that moment, all the electronic equipment in the planes failed and the pilots only miraculously managed to land the flabby cars. But for the Israelis, it ended much worse. Two of their planes, once over the pyramids of Giza, completely lost control and crashed into the sands. The pilots were killed. By the way, in Egypt itself it is strictly forbidden to fly over the pyramids.

Similar energy formations are also recorded by military radars above the pyramid, already built in our time by Muscovite Alexander Golod not far from Ostashkovo (this is the very source of the Volga from Seliger). This effect of the pyramids on airplanes flying by can be explained quite simply: the ether stream formed by the pyramid affects any material body and pulls it along, including it pulls electrons in the wires of the equipment, that is, it induces parasitic currents in electronics and it stops working. And here we come to the most interesting thing: what happens if such a stream of ether is passed through a person?

No matter how skeptics, atheists and materialists are up against me now, I have repeatedly made sure from my own experience and example that a person has a soul (energy-informational field, energy matrix, mental substance, etc.). And it completely obeys the laws of physics. In particular, the ether flow can affect it in the event of its uneven movement. And inside the pyramids, such a flow moves precisely unevenly (accelerated) simply due to the constant decrease in the flow section of the pyramid body with height. When a person falls asleep inside the pyramid, the connection between his soul and physical body weakens so much that the influence exerted by the etheric stream becomes sufficient to push the soul out of the body.

In other words, a person is freed from the shackles of the physical body and in this state acquires the most unique abilities: he can fly, pass through any walls and ceilings, establish telepathic contact with any person he needs and (most importantly) receive vast information on the most important issues and problems of the universe … This statement of mine will seem incredible to many, but the facts speak about it. At one time, Napoleon, being in Egypt with a military expedition, decided to spend the night in the pyramid. And the next morning he came out shocked to the core, but until his death he did not tell anyone what exactly happened to him in the pyramid. Already in our time, the famous esotericist Drunvalo Melchizedek in the book "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" described his experience of leaving the body,when he got permission from the Egyptian government to spend one night in the pyramid. American Boris Rasen, the producer of documentaries about Egyptian secrets, wrote about this in his memoirs.

But the fact that such abilities of telepathy, telekinesis and rapid flight arise in the state of a free astral body (as the soul is called in esotericism), I know from my own example. Of course, I do not have pyramids in my apartment, or even in the city where I live. And I enter the astral plane in a different way, purely psychological, that is, through working with my own psyche. But when I find myself out of my body, at this moment, with one effort of thought, I can break very strong objects, connect telepathically to my neighbors and in the blink of an eye fly thousands of kilometers (I have already had all this more than once).

But the most important thing is that I begin to receive the most extensive information about the most global issues, that is, I receive knowledge. And any knowledge, if desired, can be transformed into power (is this expression “Knowledge is power” familiar?). It is for this purpose, as I think, that the pyramids were built in the old days: in order to free themselves from the shackles of the physical body through them, to acquire powerful abilities and knowledge, which can then be transformed into power. That is, the pyramids turn out to be instruments of knowledge and power. And power is very expensive and for the sake of it the ancient priests were not sorry to spend tens of thousands of hours of labor and human lives.

Those Egyptian pyramids of stone blocks that have survived to this day were built precisely for this purpose and long before the beginning of classical history. What kind of civilization they were built - I do not know. But then the strongest catastrophe on Earth happened. The reigning elite was destroyed by the cataclysm and only a few ordinary citizens remained, who, thousands of years later, gave rise to our round of history, but at the same time did not know anything about the purpose of the pyramids.

In their memory, only vague memories remained that the pyramids are somehow connected with the other world (and the astral world is the other world, where we will all go after the death of the physical body). In other words, the classical Egyptians began to perceive the pyramids as tombs. And they began to bury their pharaohs in them, building them like pyramids of clay bricks on a binder solution. But these remakes due to low technology did not stand the test of time and have survived to this day in the form of diffuse clay hills. And the pharaohs Cheops, Khefren, Mikerin, Sneferu and Djoser simply used the old buildings as their tombs, giving them their names (a kind of plagiarism of antiquity).

I. Prokhorov
