The "navel Of The Earth" Near The Village Of Tryokhostrovskaya Is Considered A Place Of Communication With Space - Alternative View

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The "navel Of The Earth" Near The Village Of Tryokhostrovskaya Is Considered A Place Of Communication With Space - Alternative View
The "navel Of The Earth" Near The Village Of Tryokhostrovskaya Is Considered A Place Of Communication With Space - Alternative View

Video: The "navel Of The Earth" Near The Village Of Tryokhostrovskaya Is Considered A Place Of Communication With Space - Alternative View

Video: The
Video: Flat Earth: The "Global" History Of Communications 2024, October

A huge, convex and like an incorrectly cut navel, a thousand-year circle of fire in the Ilovlinsky district of the Volgograd region is clearly visible in images from space

This is indeed the navel of the Earth - according to the beliefs of the Zoroastrians who once lived here, who worshiped the god of fire Agni, no matter what the locals say about the landing site of "flying saucers" or the mysterious burial of powerful rulers of antiquity, guarded by the terrible curses of sorcerers.


Older than the pyramids

Today, ufologists, cosmoenergy, historians, archaeologists and just curious people from all over the world go to the ancient temple of fire, open to all the winds, near the village of Tryokhostrovskaya. It's no joke - the most ancient construction of fire worshipers on the planet! Bronze Age!

According to some estimates of scientists, the temple of the Zoro-Astrians is more than five thousand years old. According to more conservative estimates - only two and a half thousand. Difficulties with the dating of the construction of the temple of fire are explained by the fact that the excavations have not yet found any fragments of ceramics or bones, which are usually used to determine the age of an ancient structure. Archaeologists had to order a radiocarbon study of coals from ancient fireplaces in laboratories in Russia, Germany and the United States. The results of the analyzes were inconsistent.

Now the red clay and slag, caked for centuries before the state of the stone, are taken away by tourists to their homes. After all, this object of universal significance stands in an open field and is not at all protected. That and look, the entire 200-meter mound of ash will be pulled apart!


At the end of the 19th century, a certain entrepreneur Pyotr Avdeev decided to look for gold in the mound, but, having shoveled a huge amount of land, he was able to take out only a few carts of charcoal.

And in the 1920s, already under Soviet rule, an archaeological expedition from Moscow came here. But the local population considered the excavation of the shrine to be a continuation of the atheist policy of the Reds and began to put sticks in the wheels of archaeologists. So much so that indeed it could be taken for the intervention of dark forces.

At night, the excavated earth in an unknown way returned to the excavation site. They untied, as if by themselves, from the leashes of the horses of the archaeologists and disappeared into the endless steppe. Sheer devilry! The archaeologists had to collect things and get home.

And only a little over ten years ago, the archaeological expedition of the Volgograd Humanitarian University under the leadership of Professor Anatoly Skripkin managed to unravel the mystery of the ancient burial mound.

The Prophet Revered Fire

One of the oldest religions on Earth was created by the prophet Zarathustra at the turn of the 1st and 2nd millennia BC. The Prophet worshiped fire and prayed only with an open flame. That is why his followers are often called fire worshipers, although there are quite a few other deities in Zoroastrianism.


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The fire on the altar gave people strength in the fight against evil. Only the priests, dressed in white robes, white caps, with white masks on their faces, dared to touch the flame. The fire was looked after as a living creature, purifying and renewing it. The sacred flame consisted of 16 different types of fire, including those brought from hearths. Fire from a lightning strike into a tree was considered the most valuable; it was waited for a long time and carefully guarded. Today it is known that Zarathustra was killed by nomads in Bactria, but some modern fire-worshipers claim that he was buried behind Svetly Yar, several kilometers south of Volgograd. There they still perform their secret rituals.

On the Don, in the Volga region and in the Black Sea region, Zoroastrianism existed until the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols. That is, a thick column of smoke rose into the sky over the Don steppe for almost a thousand years, until Islam came to replace Zoroastrianism.

Smoke over the steppe

Volgograd archaeologists have recreated the appearance of the fire temple at Tryokhostrovskaya. The construction of Indo-Iranian fire-worshipers, whose tribes densely inhabited the Don steppes in the Bronze Age, was a hemispherical earth embankment with fragments of limestone, surrounded by a moat two meters deep, twenty-four to thirty-two meters wide and up to two hundred meters in diameter along the outer circle. Its central part towered above the steppe surface by two meters.

In the center of the structure, a large furnace was discovered, arranged in a cunning way. Its bottom and walls are lined with refractory white stone. When the stone container was filled to the brim with firewood, they were set on fire, covered with a layer of crushed limestone on top. Thanks to this, the wood in the stove of the fire worshipers did not burn, but smoldered slowly, exuding thick smoke. Apparently, in the flat as a pancake steppe, this column of smoke was visible for many kilometers around. A kind of lighthouse. But for whom?

The location of the circle of fire was chosen in a steep bend of the Don with some intention at an equal distance from the river: nine kilometers from the north, nine from the east and nine from the south.

The site for the temple was clearly chosen by the priests and consecrated. Giving the sanctuary the shape of a hill is associated with the idea of a world center. The temple of fire was identified with the place of entry into three cosmic kingdoms: heaven, earth and hell. The altar in the temple was considered the navel of the Earth, through which the world order, life and harmony are maintained. And according to the beliefs of the fire-worshipers, the god Agni should have been responsible for this.

The heat in the stove of the fire-worshipers was under a thousand degrees. Many stones in the area of the sanctuary are covered with an alloy crust, like meteorites.

How did you manage to maintain an unquenchable fire for hundreds of years? According to the assumptions of

archaeologists who have recently unearthed the dwellings of the priests, the confidants of the tribe followed the persistence of the smoke, replenishing the supply of firewood in a giant stove. Their settlements were found not far from the temple, in the Khlebnaya and Kachalinskaya ravines. Probably, the honorable work of constantly ensuring that the fire does not go out in the furnace was inherited.

Where mobile phones go off

Near the mound you can feel a special energy. According to cosmoenergy, the Temple of Fire was specially built on the place of power. All cell phones in the vicinity of the sanctuary go off. But the body is suddenly filled with cheerfulness and a surge of strength.

And ufologists and lovers of anomalycin come from all over the country and even from abroad to the neighboring Romanian mountain. They say that it is not recommended to be there for more than twenty minutes. The head begins to hurt brutally. But that doesn't stop the curious. Sometimes, at the top of the Romanian Mountain, you can find a round dance of naked people holding hands and looking into the heavens with hope. It is believed that there, on the Romanian Mountain, there are two streams of energy: one - from the Earth, going up, the other - going to the Earth from space.

However, not everyone can establish a special connection with space. This requires faith, a special spirit and a little luck.
