Eve Was Created From Adam's DNA ?! - Alternative View

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Eve Was Created From Adam's DNA ?! - Alternative View
Eve Was Created From Adam's DNA ?! - Alternative View

Video: Eve Was Created From Adam's DNA ?! - Alternative View

Video: Eve Was Created From Adam's DNA ?! - Alternative View
Video: Origins: Adam & Eve Genetics 2024, July

Why are there such huge differences between man and ape? If the reason is evolution, according to Darwin, then why and, most importantly, how did a person manage to go through it in some 300 thousand years, and the intellect of the “cousin” - a 400-kilogram gorilla - is in complete stagnation, at least 6 million years old? Why doesn't it evolve? Of the approximately 30 million species that now exist on Earth, animals, plants and bacteria (which have been investigated), absolutely all (!) Have the same genetic code. But only one species - man - has intelligence, self-awareness, speech. Isn't that a mystery?

And finally, our main question at the moment. Why does a woman give birth in pain? After all, the reproduction of one's own kind is a natural process. And no other mammal is so toil!

However, when considering this "simple" question, it in a strange way swells to several interconnected "cases".

Why did the woman have such a share?

The Bible, of course, explains everything: the Creator decided so. As a punishment. But this is from a moral point of view. And with the anatomical? Why does a newborn have to break into the world with such titanic efforts?

Understandably, anyone will say, because a baby's too large head has difficulty passing through the birth canal.

Right. Why is the baby so brainy? Why is his head so disproportionately large?

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Because the skull has to accommodate too large a brain.

Why did the brain “overnight” approximately double in volume (and this happened 300 thousand years ago), but the birth canal did not change?

Because to expand the pelvis, the entire skeleton would have to be radically changed. But then the woman would not be able to walk on her own two feet. She would have to go down on all fours again, that is, go back and down the evolutionary ladder.

Why did our Creator (or Creators) put such a large brain in our skull, if, according to their “program”, we are far from using it completely?

And related questions. Why was a person given about 30-35 thousand genes, if almost 95% of these genes are "ballast", that is, silent? Why was it necessary to create such a reserve - 3 billion chemical "letters" of the genetic "alphabet"? Is it not so that from these "letters" we someday put together new "words" and "sentences"? But when and what? Under what conditions?

As you can see, there are a lot of questions. But that's not all.

The case of stray genes

The human genome, as it turned out, contains 223 genes that do not have the required predecessors at the lower rungs of the evolutionary ladder. That is, these 223 genes are completely absent even in the invertebrate phase of the evolutionary path! They were not there, below, they did not go from step to step, and then again! - and appeared at the very top of the evolutionary ladder.

How could a person acquire so many mysterious genes?

Scientists, once again scratching their heads, thoughtfully said that a person could "import" them from … bacteria. Moreover, not so long ago (in the sense of the evolutionary time scale). And besides, not along the vertical of the "tree of life", as it should be, but horizontally. Sideways, so to speak.

What else can you think of if there is a genetic "gap" below? It turns out that only thanks to the courtesy of the infecting bacteria, a primitive, dull primitive creature became a sane man and acquired such a brain that the poor mother writhes in labor pains every time in order to give this gigantic container of reason a way into the world.

Well, thank the bacteria!

But, one wonders, where did they get these genius genes?

Science is still silent about this …

Genes and bacteria

It would seem, what is there to argue about. Just think, there are 223 genes!

In fact, since each individual gene means the difference between one individual and another, 223 genes mean a huge difference between a whole species - such as ours, from other primates, including chimpanzees. So, sorry, this is by no means a trifle!

An analysis of the function of these genes, published in the journal Nature, shows that they include more than proteins involved in critical physiological and mental functions. They are also responsible for important neurological enzymes that are linked to the mitochondrial apparatus of DNA - the so-called "Eve" DNA, inherited only through the maternal line. This discovery alone raises doubts about "bacterial borrowing".

No, something obviously doesn't fit here!

“This is a leap that does not fit into modern evolutionary theories,” said one of the prominent geneticists Stephen Scherer.

And then: why such confidence that it is we who "got" genes from bacteria? Or maybe they are from us? Reasonable, right? But if a person gave these genes to bacteria, where did he get them from?

A vicious circle, and only …

However, those who have read books by, for example, authors such as Zecharia Sitchin, Alan Alford, Graham Hancock, probably already know the answer. Or, at least, they guess where the exit from the "vicious circle" leads. It leads into space.

Alien Adam

On April 4, 2001, a new article by the American scientist Zecharia Sitchin, "The Case of Adam's Alien Genes", appeared in "Cosmi-Vers".

Sitchin, however, has been talking and writing about this for a long time, but only they did not want to hear him. Now we have to - the "decoded" genome will force. Sitchin published amazing books in which this extraordinary scientist claims that man in his current form was created by genetic engineering. And there is plenty of evidence for that.

In the Old Testament, some, albeit vague, echoes of the version of the visit of the Earth by alien astronauts, whom people took for space gods, have been preserved. It was they, these “gods,” who created man. By the way, note that the Book of Genesis (1:26) says "… let us create man in our image and in our likeness" (and not "mine" !!!). And this is not an accidental slip of the tongue, not a mistake - there really were many of them, heavenly "gods".

It was only later that the Bible was "edited" for monotheism. And in the same place (Genesis 6: 4) mighty giants are described who were born from the connection of the "sons of God" and "daughters of men."

And yet the most ancient of such testimonies are by no means the biblical legends about the origin of Adam. The Bible gives only a very succinct retelling of the much older Sumerian and Akkadian texts, which were once written on clay tablets. In them, the role of the transformer in the genesis of man is assigned to annu-nakam - those who "came from heaven to earth."

Genetic engineering of the Anunnaki

According to Z. Sitchin in his works (for example, in the book "12th Planet" and even more definitely in the book "Genesis Revised and Cosmic Code"), the Anunnaki arrived on Earth about 450 thousand years ago from the planet Nibiru (aka Sitchin has the 12th planet), whose huge elongated orbit within our solar system runs so that Nibiru appears in our part of the sky only once every 3600 years. Once the Anunnaki landed on Earth in search of minerals, and they needed labor. One of the two brothers-leaders, an intelligent organizer and a competent scientist named Enki, suggested not to bring the work force from home, but to slightly improve the Go-minid that existed on Earth at that time, adding some genes of more "advanced" Annunaki to him. And that was done.

Under the leadership of Ninharsag, the chief medical officer of the aliens, the Anunnaki began genetic engineering, adding and variously combining the genes of the Annunaki and the humanoid "raw materials" available on Earth.

After some trial and error (which we'll talk about a little later), a more or less suitable model was finally obtained. It happened about three hundred thousand years ago. This is exactly how people received their unique 223 genes then. From the Anunnaki, not from bacteria. Thanks to this, Adam appeared, and later - Eve. By the way, about Eve.

Not rib, but DNA

Alan F. Alford's book "Gods of the New Millennium" says that according to all Mesopotamian sources, the first man was created precisely as a slave, and his first name in Sumerian texts - "lu-lu" - is translated as "slave", " worker "," servant ". And all these slaves (as, by the way, they are called in the Bible - the servants of God) were supposed to serve the heavenly "gods".

But slaves were "reshaped" more than once. The person turned out to be either too big, sometimes too small, sometimes physically strong and hardy, but not very smart, etc.

More than once, not twice, genetic changes were made in relation to the lifespan of the created creature, and gradually its lifespan was reduced from thousands and then many hundreds of years to the present hundred.

But this later, when a person himself began to multiply and multiply - too actively. And at first, the sexual needs of slaves were not part of the master's plan. However, the aliens eventually got tired of cloning, and Eve was created.

Our common progenitor was made, of course, not from Adam's rib, but from his genetic material - his DNA. This was done by rearranging the 23rd pair of chromosomes, removing from the man not the rib, but the Y chromosome. The female has a chromosome set XX. And this genetic surgery is described, by the way, in great detail (a whole hundred stanzas!) In one ancient source called "Atrahasis". Today it reads as a description not only of genetic regulation, but also of the cloning of the first people ("… seven were born masculine, seven were feminine … They were created in pairs").

Since then, people have acquired the ability to reproduce their own kind. And the three sons of Noah, born at the same time, but by three different women, were also genetically programmed as the ancestors of three races. That is why we all - whites, blacks, yellows - have the same genetic code, although we have been adapted for different terrestrial conditions - both the hot tropics and the permafrost. For what, ask? So that the cosmic "gods" themselves do not do so much dirty work. Or so that in the future we serve as genetic raw material for further stages of hybridization. Which, apparently, is happening now.

In their image and likeness

Now the assumption is that all the stories of the abduktants (people who were allegedly abducted by aliens) are nothing, maybe not stories. Including stories about hybrids created by aliens in underground bases and large spaceship-mothers.

What's so strange about that? If we ourselves appeared as hybrids 300 thousand years ago, then even now we can be used to create new hybrids. Maybe the aliens are just taking care of themselves. Or maybe about us, who knows? It is possible that it is time for us to add another 223 genes. Or 332. You look, we'll become smarter, stop killing each other and ruining our own planet.

Or maybe some genes need to be redrawn in order to finally match the size of the infant's skull and the capabilities of the female skeleton. That is, to stop, in the end, all this torment.

Or "enable" additional abilities - telepathic for example. So that we finally stop lying. In any case, there is room for improvement in human material.

This is how three different lines of our thinking merged into a single logical chain - Sumerian and Biblical "hints", ufological "riddles" and genetic "discrepancies". It seems that there are no inconsistencies here. The creature that the terrestrial primates could give birth to before the arrival of the Anunnaki was a little dull, it was not suitable for performing new tasks - it was very difficult to train it!

Therefore, the brain was urgently "modified", moreover "in the image and likeness" of those who were engaged in these genetic experiments. True, he was not "turned on" at full capacity, but within the required (from the point of view of the Anunnaki) limits: there were too many problems from a too smart slave - he kept striving to pick the forbidden apple from the tree of knowledge and find out what was what. Much calmer if he just obediently works, prays and waits for the gods from heaven …

You will bear children in agony

Yes, the new creation turned out to be not so perfect - vulnerable, painful, arrogant. But there was no time to redo anything (it was time to fly home), so a significant part of the brain had to simply be blocked - until better times.

Well, the skeleton, including the pelvic bones, remained the same. That is, the woman still retained a decent (vertical) posture. But, as told in the Bible, she was explained that multiplying, that is, multiplying, would not be entirely comfortable: "… Multiplying I will multiply your sorrow in your pregnancy; in illness you will give birth to children …" (Genesis 3:16).

And at the same time, we must also say thank you that, although in agony, we are still being given birth, not cloned. The same notorious "gray" aliens have a big, "computer" head, but that is precisely why their women have long lost the ability to give birth: such a head does not go into any gate, so to speak! So our geneticist-designers, who are with Nibiru, treated us like a god.

Because of the "typos" made by the Anunnaki in the search, there are still many genetic mysteries on Earth. One of the intermediate hybrids, for example, may have had an X-X-Y chromosome, and this rare combination is still found today in sterile males.

Another evolutionary mystery is Bigfoot, or Bigfoot. First, the Science magazine, then the London Times newspaper and the Canadian Ottawa Citizen, and then other media reported that British scientists got hold of a piece of orange-yellow wool of this unsociable creature, took and analyzed genetic samples, but could not identify them There is not a single creature on Earth (including humans) that has just such a genetic set!

Questions also arise regarding a type of tall (1.80 m and higher) Caucasian people, rare in Asia, who met there in the distant past. The proof is the so-called. Taklamakan mummies discovered in a remote part of western China.

"Strange" DNA is possessed by African pygmies and some other small aborigines there. They were obviously created, disappointed in too large copies.

In this regard, the giant is surprising, whose fossilized skeleton was found in 1999 in Mongolia, in the Gobi desert. This creature looked like homo sapiens, could speak and, apparently, was more or less intelligent. However, his height seems simply implausible - about 15 meters! British scientist Dr. Towns said then that this creature "evolved outside the laws of our evolution." And he said it right! Here the cosmit geneticists have clearly gone too far.

Because of them, there is no explanation for our 223 "exotic" genes: this is not ours, but "imported". It only remains to add that, according to the seers and the zeta aliens, the next arrival of representatives of the "exporting country" of additional genes (ie, the planet Nibiru) in our part of the Galaxy is expected until about 2013.

Maybe then everything will become clear?..

S. Anina