The Moon Is An Artificially Constructed Object - Alternative View

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The Moon Is An Artificially Constructed Object - Alternative View
The Moon Is An Artificially Constructed Object - Alternative View

Video: The Moon Is An Artificially Constructed Object - Alternative View

Video: The Moon Is An Artificially Constructed Object - Alternative View
Video: NASA release odd sound recorded in 1969 on dark side of the moon 2024, October

The United States never left footprints on the moon, according to an old conspiracy theory. Recently, a Chinese probe arrived on the surface of a satellite of the Earth and successfully landed on the far side of the Moon. Once again, no signs of the Americans were found, skeptics of the American flight to the moon immediately stated. For many, such a claim does not sound like a revelation, thanks to the crazy theory that the 1969 moon landing was a fake in the spirit of Stanley Kubik (director, screenwriter and acclaimed visual effects master in 1968).


The new mission of the Chinese space program has successfully reached the lunar surface, and, not without controversy, reopens the debate on the old idea; what is the moon? Many people have a more than reasonable doubt that the Moon is not a natural object, but a base for aliens.

While this idea appears to be part of a sci-fi movie script, it has some basis that has been explored by scientists and glossed over by space agencies. Ufology theorists argue that the Moon is composed of anomalies and non-docking, which create an extraordinary mystery of its behavior.

Obviously, for different people, data on the moon will not be equally reliable. However, the abundance of interrelated information gives a general idea of the moon, which can be accepted with a certain degree of confidence.

The moon is hollow inside

The first academic conundrum is undoubtedly that the Moon appears to be in the wrong orbit for its size. The idea comes from the estimated density of the object. Technical reports claim that the Moon is 3.3 g / cm3 and the Earth's 5.5 g / cm3. These astronomical data indicate that the inner regions of the moon are less dense than the outer ones. This raises the inevitable assumptions about a hollow moon.

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Prominent scientist Carl Sagan once stated that "a natural satellite cannot be a hollow object." This means that if the Moon is really hollow inside, then it is not a natural satellite … it is an artificial object.

Perhaps the most compelling evidence for the hollow moon theory comes from the fact that when meteorites hit its surface, it rings like a bell.

For example, when the Apollo crew dropped the lunar module on November 20, 1969 after returning to the ship, the impact of the platform on the surface caused a continuous reverberation of the Moon for more than an hour. The same effect was presented in the third stage of Apollo XIII, which made the moon "sound" for more than three hours.

In the 1960s, Soviet scientists Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov from the USSR Academy of Sciences proposed and even substantiated a theory about the man-made origin of the moon. They closely studied the collected facts of lunar anomalous phenomena and came to the conclusion that the Moon is an artificial, and possibly a hollow planet.

According to the assumption of those years, which is still supported, the Moon was directed towards us from some distant region of the galaxy into a circular orbit around the Earth. It is from here that the extraordinary secrets of lunar anomalies and variations in the age of the moon's dust originate.

The moon is essentially a hollow ball, although it sounds a little crazy like that. At the same time, the lunar crust consists of a solid titanium skeleton. In fact, the lunar crust and rocks contain incredibly high amounts of titanium. According to scientists, the thickness of the titanium layer is about 30 kilometers, and intelligent activity has existed on the moon for ages.


Other experts argue that even large asteroids form shallow craters on the lunar surface; an impact crater with a diameter of 150 km does not exceed a depth of 4 km. In doing so, asteroids / meteorites create a convex floor in the crater, rather than a concave one, as one would expect, and all this supports the idea of a rigid titanium structure.

Extraterrestrial structures on the lunar surface

In 1968, when Apollo VIII entered orbit around the moon, astronauts discovered a colossal object of extraterrestrial origin, which simply disappeared in the next orbital revolution. Of course, photographs of the object were taken, but they were never made available to the public.

Almost all lunar missions have encountered extraterrestrial objects or UFO sightings, not to mention detecting signs of alien origin on the lunar surface. Astronomers have discovered more than a hundred domed buildings, observed more than 800 phenomena of flickering light.

NASA satellites have photographed the lunar surface with pyramidal structures, adding great artifacts to one big mystery of the natural satellite of the Earth.

Several viewers wrote to the media explaining that they saw one of the astronauts pick up what appeared to be a glass bottle, but immediately after that the TV screen went blank. It was the moment of the broadcast of the American lunar landing, when the signal was interrupted for technical reasons.


Other viewers noticed that the astronauts were having extreme difficulty drilling several meters on the moon, and when the drill was raised, metal shavings appeared. Rocks containing bronze, mica, titanium and the elements uranium 236 and neptunium 237, which are not natural elements of nature, have been found on the moon.

Does the lie continue?

For a long time, our natural satellite was considered a very dry place, but this information was refuted by the appearance of clouds on the surface. In one case, a cloud of water vapor covered over 160 square kilometers. These strange clouds appear with the speed of lightning and it is almost impossible to explain their origin.

Scientists have always told us that the Moon was "captured" by the Earth, but this theory has been discredited. As we mentioned, the Moon is the wrong size and in an erroneous orbit. It is too big and too far away to be permanently attached to the Earth by natural reasons.

Moon, control of humanity?

So, we are again convinced that the secrets of the moon are closely related to the observation of signs of extraterrestrial activity. Some people call the Moon an alien space station, or at least consider it a hollow artificial object. But even leaving conspiracy theories aside, many are wondering: why does the moon keep its dark side invisible all the time?

But if you look even further, then in the police records, researchers find an increase in crime during the full moon. According to experts, such data clearly indicate that the nature of the moon has a sinister purpose and plays a serious role in manipulating human evolution.

Connoisseurs ventured to assert that the Moon has energies and coding (frequency structures) that, based on the object, cause unnatural hormonal / menstrual cycles in women. The energy currents call for more children to be produced, thus losing control over when to have children. According to some conspiracy theorists, this is part of an extraterrestrial program to maintain an abundant supply of DNA for their genetic experiments.

The moon really affects not only the tides of the Earth, but also the blood in living organisms. It is obvious to many people that the moon is like an electromagnetic computer that can be intelligently programmed; influence the female cycle and our behavior, transmitted by extraterrestrial signals to control our DNA.