NASA Insiders: There Are "stargates" On Earth For Time Travel - Alternative View

NASA Insiders: There Are "stargates" On Earth For Time Travel - Alternative View
NASA Insiders: There Are "stargates" On Earth For Time Travel - Alternative View

Video: NASA Insiders: There Are "stargates" On Earth For Time Travel - Alternative View

Video: NASA Insiders: There Are
Video: "We built a gateway to a star 1,470 lightyears from Earth. We should never have went in" Creepypasta 2024, October

NASA insiders said that Earth has had technology for moving in space and time since about 2015.

Energy or "star portals" do exist. They make it possible to travel to distant outer space, experts said.

It is worth noting that science fiction writers mentioned travel to other worlds in their works. With their help, supposedly, you can get to anywhere in the world or the universe.

Photo: - wakeupmrfreeman / CC BY-NC 2.0
Photo: - wakeupmrfreeman / CC BY-NC 2.0

Photo: - wakeupmrfreeman / CC BY-NC 2.0

Ufologists are sure that aliens from other dimensions penetrate the Earth through the "stargate". Some experts believe that such opportunities have long been subservient to humans. In particular, insiders from the US space agency believe that the Russians have long been able to cross time-space portals and visit Saturn. Alternative experiments suggest that ancient civilizations could control time. They discovered new worlds while traveling in space.

Author: Agata Andrianova
