Secrets Of The Moon. Science And Mysticism - Alternative View

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Secrets Of The Moon. Science And Mysticism - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Moon. Science And Mysticism - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Moon. Science And Mysticism - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Moon. Science And Mysticism - Alternative View
Video: Secrets of the Moon | Episode 01 | By the light of the Moon 2024, October

"Imagination is more important than knowledge"

(Albert Einstein)

The "deceleration" of the Earth by the Moon, which attracts everything that falls into its gravitational field, lasts 4.5 billion years, and the most striking manifestation of this is the ebb and flow of the ocean.


The Earth, "braked" by the Moon, rotates more and more slowly around its axis, slowing down by 0.00164 seconds every day.

What secrets does the Moon keep from humanity? Hundreds of experiments and 6 landings of people on the moon during the American space program "Apollo" (1969-1972) did not give answers to a number of questions about the only satellite of the Earth.

Secrets of the Moon

Promotional video:

* Why did the United States stop funding the project "avatars" on the moon, which involved participation in the expedition to the moon of robots - avatars and the use of "virtual reality suits"?

* Is the Earth satellite of artificial origin?

* Why does the Moon, rotating around its axis, always face the Earth with the same side?

* What laws of the Universe synchronized the rotation of the Moon around the Earth and around its own axis and why?


* Why is the Moon gradually moving away from the Earth - about 4 cm per year? Moreover, its orbit is a slowly unwinding spiral.

* How many years will the Moon leave the Earth?

* How were the "lunar seas" formed - gigantic areas of solid lava, if the Moon, judging by its size, was always a cold body?

* Why are 80 percent of the "lunar seas" on the visible side of the moon?

* Why is the "dark" side of the moon different from the one seen from Earth? On average, the reverse side is 6 km higher, it has a much thicker crust, more craters, and they are wider and deeper.

* How to explain the geographic asymmetry of the lunar surface?

* Why is the thickness of the crust on the far side of the Moon not constant and varies with latitude?

* What's inside the moon? The average density of the Moon is 3.34 g / cm3, while the density of the Earth is 5.51 g / cm3. Perhaps the Moon has no core?


* Is it possible to believe the computer calculations that showed that the soil of the Moon consists of nickel, tungsten, beryllium, and inside there is a hollow space of about 70 million cubic kilometers? Could such an alloy have formed naturally?

* How to explain the shallow depth of meteorite craters? Even craters with a diameter of 150 kilometers do not exceed 4 kilometers deep into the moon.

* What causes flashes, auroras, shadows, nebulae on the Moon?

* Who created the artificial structures, giant mechanisms, towers, tunnels, transparent domes, pyramids found on the images of the lunar surface?

* Why did the "lunar surface experimental complex" left by American astronauts on the Moon to record the magnetic field continue to send information long after a year of operation, while the batteries were designed for a year? Where did the energy for appliances come from?


* Why does the moon "ring" like a bell? Echoes on the Moon were recorded by the crews of the Apollo 12 and 13. Having thrown the lunar module onto the surface of the Moon, they recorded the duration of the Moon's vibration - 3 hours, 20 minutes and the propagation radius - 40 km.

* Whose spaceships did Neil Armstrong see when he descended to the lunar surface? Who, besides earthlings, watched the landing of the first astronauts on the moon?

* Where did the long, cigar-shaped object (from NASA images), lying on the lunar surface, disappear?

* Why is the catalog of materials of NASA lunar expeditions classified and located at the CIA headquarters?

* Is the dark side of the moon a place for aliens to build a secret spaceport - a "staging area" for UFOs?

* Why do some objects on the Moon change their shape, disappear or reappear on the slopes or the bottom of craters? Why is most activity on the visible side of the moon?


What are the luminous spherical objects seen from Earth that fly around the Moon? By the method of photogrammetry, the researchers found that the largest sphere had a diameter of 20 km and a speed of 200 km / h.

* Was the secret Apollo 20 mission carried out in cooperation with the USSR, the purpose of which was to investigate a giant alien spacecraft captured by the Apollo 15 crew?

* Perhaps the Moon is a disabled giant spaceship of an alien civilization, drifting in space in Earth's orbit?

* What are the results of research carried out by Japan, China, India, who sent spacecraft to explore the Moon in 2007-2008?

* Perhaps the Moon is an orbiting space station built by an alien civilization in order to monitor and control processes on Earth?

* Why is the Moon not marked on any ancient map of the starry sky and there is no mention of the Moon in the works of ancient astronomers?

* Why do many chronicles, myths and legends say that the Moon, as a satellite of the Earth, appeared in the sky after the Great Flood - 13 thousand years ago?

* Did the appearance of the moon, which is responsible for the ebb and flow, in the sky caused a global flood on Earth - the Flood?

Moon exploration

Why since the last - the sixth expedition to the moon, since December 1972, for more than 40 years the expeditions of people to the moon have been stopped? Who does not let earthlings go to the moon?

Many experts came to the conclusion that during flights to the moon, astronauts discovered objects of an alien civilization, as a result of which operations were undertaken to hide this information. For this reason, the lunar exploration program was closed.


Researchers from NASA and the University of British Columbia (Canada) have come to the conclusion that several natural satellites once revolved around the Earth. One of the hypotheses connects the emergence of the moon with the collision of the Earth and an object about three billion years ago.

A computer model of this event, obtained by NASA scientists, suggests that not all of the material put into orbit became the Moon. Having reached the so-called Lagrange points, small moons also became satellites of the Earth - for about 100 million years. Scientists call these objects Trojan asteroids (Trojans).

Over time, the gravitational influence of other planets changed the path of the Earth around the Sun, the Lagrange points shifted, and the Trojans left Earth's orbit.


According to the Runic Chronicles in ancient times, Midgard-Earth had three Moons. Small Moon - Lelya, with a period of revolution around the Earth - 7 days, Large Moon - Month, with a period - 29.5 days and Moon Fatt with a period of revolution around the Earth - 13 days.


The Russian Vedas "Songs of the Gamayun Bird" say that the first Great Flood occurred as a result of the destruction of the Moon Lelya - 112 thousand years ago.

13 thousand years ago, in the battle between the people of the "White Race" and the priests of Atlantis, the second moon of Fatt was destroyed, a huge fragment of which crashed into the Earth, changing the tilt of the Earth's axis and generating a giant wave that circled the Earth three times, which led to the death of Atlantis …

And only one Moon remained at the Earth with an orbital period of 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes.


Who created the moon? Who created life on Earth? Alien civilizations? Gods?

In a book titled "The Grand Design," the famous British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking asks the question: Did the universe need a creator?

His answer is an unequivocal no.

Hawking stated, “Since there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself out of nothing. Spontaneous emergence is the reason why there is something and not nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist."

Author: Valentina Zhitanskaya
