Base 211 - Alternative View

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Base 211 - Alternative View
Base 211 - Alternative View

Video: Base 211 - Alternative View

Video: Base 211 - Alternative View
Video: Secret Nazi Arctic Bases 2024, September

The fact that a top-secret SS base is hiding in the depths of Antarctica has been said for so long and so persistently that this version cannot be discounted. At one time, the military intelligence of the USSR took the "rumors" about Base-211 so seriously that it prepared and conducted a reconnaissance operation to the shores of Antarctica. Documents proving this fact were found in Russian military archives by the director of the Russian UFO Station (RUFORS) Nikolai SUBBOTIN

- In the period from October 25 to November 10, 1945, it was planned to send three submarines to the shores of Antarctica to carry out a reconnaissance convoy. On board the ships, in addition to the crew, there were to be three officers of the NKGB of the USSR.

The expedition was led by Admiral of the USSR Navy N. G. Kuznetsov. To establish the truth of the existence of Base-211, the admiral was ordered by a special order dated July 12, 1945. And this happened after June 28, 1945, People's Commissar of the USSR State Security V. N., Merkulov received an unusual report:

“I report that on June 11, 1945, the counterintelligence officers“SMERSH”of the 79th Rifle Corps in the headquarters of the German Navy at the address: Berlin-Tiergarten, Tirpitzsufer 38-42, in the office, they found“maps of the passage of the sea depths”with the stamp:“only for captains of underwater boats of the A-class Sonder-convoy of the Fuhrer "in the amount of 38 pieces under the numbers with the series" 44 "No. from 0188 to 1099, from No. from 0228 to 0239, from No. from 0446 to 0456, No. 0555, 0870, 1489 …

As follows from the translation of the text to the instructions on the map, we are talking about the passage of underwater corridors to enter the "AGARTA" under the ice of Antarctica.

On each of the charts in the graphs, numbers and signs that require decoding by specialists in the field of astronomy and navigation indicate different keys, as it should be assumed, used depending on the season and the location of the moon.

The maps were printed in 1,500 copies in the Dachau concentration camp, 17 km from Munich in the "sonder laboratory" in January 1944, which testifies to the extreme secrecy of the information on the maps and to the fact that all persons involved in their production were destroyed.

Appendix: maps, translation on 38 sheets."

And one more curious document, received by the same Merkulov on September 12, 1945, when Kuznetsov was already in full swing preparing for a reconnaissance expedition, the purpose of which was to find a Nazi refuge hidden in the ice of Antarctica. A certain Abakumov wrote to the People's Commissar for Security: “I am sending a secret notebook with the texts of the outlined orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the German Armed Forces, Adolf Hitler and the Reichsfuehrer SS, on the selection of candidates among the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, naval forces and SS troops to be sent to Antarctica. The notebook with the synopsis of orders belongs to the Wehrmacht Colonel Wilhelm Wolf, whom the SMERSH counterintelligence agencies are currently looking for. The notebook was found among the archival documents of the Wehrmacht High Command in the mountains. Pirna near Dresden."

Promotional video:

Unfortunately, the results of Kuznetsov's expedition are not described in the reports. Whether the admiral found a secret base or the reconnaissance operation failed - no papers on this matter could be found. But at my disposal were Nazi maps of the "passage of the sea depths", studying which, it was impossible not to think - and what exactly did the Nazis find in the under-ice space of Antarctica? For example, on the map of passage of underwater corridors to enter "AGARTU" there is a strange entry in the instructions: "… When passing the path along the surface inside the grotto, both air and underwater objects may appear. It is forbidden to fire at these objects …"

An analysis of the German sailing directions received by me personally revealed a large cavity in which German boats were surfacing before further passing the under-ice tunnels. The dimensions and outlines of this cavity are surprisingly reminiscent of Lake Vostok …